

DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.01.03
UDC 628.2:614.71

Ponomarenko A. M., Vlasov Dmitrii, Basov N. S., Novikov S. N., Koudryavtsev N. N., Kostyuchenko S. V.

On the choice of methods for removing malodorous substances from vent emissions of the transportation and wastewater treatment system


Over the past seven years, Mosvodokanal JSC has been actively implementing a program on eliminating the emission of malodorous substances at the wastewater transportation and treatment facilities: wastewater treatment facilities, wastewater pumping stations, etc. As part of the program, the necessary covering of open storage tanks (receiving chambers, discharge canals, grit chambers, primary settling tanks, etc.). Various methods of removing malodorous substances have been approbated including experimental-industrial and pilot tests. Based on the results of the field trials of various installations for removing malodorous substances from air, as well as with account of the technical and economic assessment of the operating costs, Mosvodokanal JSC is introducing sorption systems based on the photosorption-catalytic purification method. The implementation of the program ensured a tenfold reduction in the general background of malodorous substances on the premises of the facilities providing for the elimination of odors in the nearby residential areas of the city.

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