06 2021

Number 6 / 2021

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Ishkhanian Konstantin

Чистая вода – чистый город


Государственное унитарное предприятие по эксплуатации московских водоотводящих систем «Мосводосток» осуществляет водоотведение и очистку дождевых и талых вод с городских территорий.




DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.06.01
UDC 628.161.2:926.214:

Alekseev S. E., Korsa-Vavilova E. V., Shmelev A. Ia.

Estimation of the effectiveness of ozone use in the purification of heavily contaminated water supply sources


Sources of drinking water supply (the Velikaia, Volga, Vychegda, Kotorosl’, Limenda, Solda, Severnaia Dvina, Tom’ and Tura rivers) are characterized by increased concentrations of organic compounds of natural and anthropogenic origin. The traditional technology of two-stage water clarification by coagulation in terms of the efficiency, in this case, is not applicable to the quality of the source water; as a result, by some indicators, drinking water periodically does not meet the current standard requirements. It is especially difficult to ensure the permissible maximum concentrations of organic substances in drinking water, as well as of compounds of iron, manganese and residual aluminum. To provide for the purification of such water, additional oxidation and sorption methods have been studied. The research results showed that preliminary ozonation of river water and (or) post-ozonation of water after filtration at a water treatment plant provide for increasing the efficiency of purification in terms of color, turbidity, removal of iron and manganese compounds; for reducing the concentration of residual aluminum, and improving the organoleptic characteristics. Sorption with ozonation significantly improves the quality of treated water and allows to ensure the permissible level of organic pollutants in drinking water.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.06.02
UDC 628.164

Kasatochkin A. S., Larionov S. Iu., Panteleev Aleksei, Riabchikov Boris, Shilov Mikhail

Development of a dynamic water softening system – DSS


Underground water sources with a high concentration of hardness salts are often used for drinking water supply. The known methods of softening result in the formation of a significant amount of liquid and solid waste – saline wastewater or sludge that cannot be subject to utilization. Chemical softening of drinking water in clarifiers is rarely used due to the difficulty of preparing chemicals, maintaining the required and constant water temperature, to the complexity of installations and their maintenance. Since the 1990s, the technology of chemical softening in intensified reactors (vortex and in a blanket) has been widely used in drinking water supply. Such apparatuses have been widely used in Europe and the USA. Currently, Mediana-Filter Research and Production Company, JSC has been working on the development and study of this reactor type. They have a high specific capacity – 50–100 m3/(m2·h) and are much easier to maintain compared to clarifiers. The capacity of such equipment reaches thousands of cubic meters per hour. Their main advantage is the absence of liquid discharges, generation of solid waste, which can be subject to utilization, as well as an almost 100% yield of
clean water.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.06.03
UDC 614.777:628.1.033

Boronina L. V.

Sanitary and epidemiological situation in the Lower Volga Region: problems and solutions


Almost along the entire length from Tver to Astrakhan, the Volga River has been a depleted water reservoir in terms of its qualitative composition. In the Lower Volga basin the resource of ecologically clean water is less than 3% of the total surface water resources of the Astrakhan Region. In this regard, drinking water quality problems in the Astrakhan Region have been caused by natural water pollution, poor water treatment at the waterworks, secondary pollution in the distribution networks. The ecological state of the Lower Volga has been analyzed, and its impact on the quality of drinking water supply has been estimated. The technologies of water purification used in the Astrakhan Region for water supply were designed and implemented in the 1960s–70s; they were not designed for the pollution load in terms of the quality and quantity significantly different from the current situation. An analysis of the operation of water intake and water treatment facilities was carried out that showed their extremely unsatisfactory technical condition and obsolescence. The ways of solving the problems of improving the quality of drinking water supply with account of the current critical ecological situation in the Lower Volga Region and world experience, are proposed.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.06.04
UDC 628.35:665.666.6

Kevbrina M. V., Gavrilin A. M., Pronin A. А.

Introduction of advanced technologies during the construction and upgrade of the wastewater treatment facilities operated by Mosvodokanal JSC


The experience of introducing advanced technologies for wastewater treatment at the wastewater treatment facilities in Moscow is considered; process flow schemes for the structures of different capacities are described. Since the late 1990s, the Engineering and Technology Center of Mosvodokanal JSC has been working on the development and introduction of advanced wastewater treatment technologies with the removal of nutrients. Since the composition of wastewater differs at different treatment facilities, it is not possible to “transfer” foreign technologies without correction and adaptation; moreover, sometimes the development of technology “from square one” is required. For more than 20 years, a stepwise introduction of advanced technologies has been carried out at the Moscow treatment facilities of South Butovo and Zelenograd, at the nutrients removal block at the Lyuberetskie wastewater treatment facilities, at the new block of the Kurianovskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities. At present, the reconstruction of the Lyuberetskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities (old and new blocks) is underway, the reconstruction of the old part of the Kurianovskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities is planned, the treatment facilities of the Troitsk and Novomoskovsk administrative districts in Moscow have been under upgrade. The experience of Mosvodokanal JSC was used in the development of an ITS 10-2015 reference book of the best available technologies. A variety of process solutions provides for ensuring the standard quality of effluent for the conditions of different facilities.

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Pavel Yakel

Проблемы перекачивания стоков: ожидания заказчиков и реальность


В сфере водоснабжения и водоотведения достаточно широко распространено мнение, что если на канализационной насосной станции засоряется насос, то в этом виноваты безответственные жители, которые бросают в канализацию мусор, или это происходит из-за недостаточной предварительной механической очистки стоков на входе в КНС. Мы же считаем, что бессмысленно ждать, пока сточные воды станут «проще» для насосов. Современная техника должна справляться с теми задачами, которые перед ней ставит заказчик. А если канализационный насос не качает или засоряется, значит, он просто не подходит для данных условий эксплуатации.




DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.06.05
УДК 628.16.081.32

Ahmed Sameh Abdelfattah Araby, Gogina Elena

Phenol adsorption on industrial activated carbon: evaluation of efficiency


The adsorption of phenol on activated carbon is considered one of the most efficient wastewater treatment systems. In this regard, the effectiveness of two Russian manufactured industrial activated carbon types in removing phenol from wastewater has been studied. The samples included powdered activated carbon (made from birch charcoal) and crushed activated carbon (made from coconut shells). The study was carried out under the conditions of pH variation and the effect of contact time and different initial concentrations of phenol on the adsorption process. The study was further expanded to clarify the adsorption kinetics and the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm model. The results showed that activated carbon retained the maximum adsorption capacity over a wide pH range of 2 to 9. This fact proves the usability of coal for removing phenol from various wastewater types. The adsorption mechanism using both activated carbon samples followed the pseudo-second order and corresponded to the Langmuir isotherm model. The maximum adsorption capacity was 185.19 and 172.41 mg/g for powdered and crushed coal, respectively, suggesting a high efficiency of phenol removal from wastewater.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.06.06
UDC 621.65:628.112.24

Fisenko V. N.

Energy audit of pumps in industrial and municipal systems and labeling of the operational efficiency: systematic approach
(part 1)


On the basis of a systematic approach, uniform criteria have been developed for estimating the energy efficiency of pumps in real industrial (municipal) systems from the standpoint of environmentally friendly operation in a low-carbon economy. At the same time, the integrated approach of pump manufacturers in tests and designers of real systems with pumps in the process of research and optimization calculations was taken into account. An example is given of estimating the eco-friendly energy efficient operation of a variable-load pump in a municipal system with a time dependent static head component. An example of a typical report of an energy survey is presented based on: the estimation developed for pumps by energy labelling classes for operating conditions in the system, with arbitrary load profiles; a computable structure of the pump design cycle modes with determining the ratio of energy-efficient and energy-consuming operation modes, excess demand energy and taking into account the negative impact on the environment in the form of greenhouse gas emissions in CO2-equivalent. An approach to improving the incentive mechanism for pump operators for the implementation of energy service contracts to reduce the energy intensity of industrial and communal technological processes is considered.

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Журнал ВСТ включен в новый перечень ВАК

Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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