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UDC 628.218

Doskina E. P., Moskvicheva A. V., Moskvicheva E. V.

On the application of permissible pollution limit values for effluents discharged into the wastewater disposal system of Volgograd


The RF legislation in force regulates the permissible concentrations of pollutants discharged to the sewers and municipal and communal treatment facilities. For many communities compliance with the calculated values of the permissible concentrations turned to be technically unachievable. The standards in force in Volgograd for effluent pollution concentrations discharged by the users into the municipal sewer were calculated for all the users except the residential sector. This resulted in establishing unreasonably stringent limits to certain pollutants. In order to comply with these requirements every industrial user would have to build separate local treatment facilities which in its turn eliminate the need in the municipal treatment facilities. The analysis of the limit values of pollutants discharged into the Volgograd wastewater disposal system from 1997 to 2011 was carried out. The limit values adopted in 2011 and in force at present have been too low compared to the actual quality of domestic sewage; this can produce a disturbing effect on the performance of the biological treatment facilities and result in the pollution of the water bodies. The system of regulating the quality of effluents discharged by the users is considered. The causes of unreasonably stringent permissible pollution concentrations set by calculations; and the duality of the requirements set to the effluent quality are presented. The conclusion of the necessary revision of the regulated limit values with account of the legislation in force and operation of the treatment facilities in accordance with the regulations is made.

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UDC 628.515(282.247.21)

Alekseev M. I., Tsvetkova L. I., Neverova-Dziopak E. V., Makarova S. V.

The concept of regulatory support of the environmental safety of surface waters (pilot scheme)


The concept of regional environmental standards for pollutant concentration in water bodies is presented. The substantiation of a statistical model for calculating regional environmentally admissible pollutant concentrations in the Neva Bay and in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland is given. The comparison of estimated values of environmentally admissible concentrations with the relevant hygienic and fisheries maximum permissible concentrations showed that they could be more stringent (for phosphorus, ammonia ions, nitrates), less stringent (for BOD5) or coincide with maximum permissible concentration (for nitrites, mercury). The suggested draft calculation procedure of the regional environmental standards got an approval of the Federal Environmental Inspection. The given procedure can be used for water bodies with low mineralization.

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UDC 628.162:620.3

Kofman V. Ya.

Nanoparticles of metallic iron for ground water treatment (review of foreign publications)


The international experience in using the technology of ground water treatment with the help of nanoparticles of metallic iron is presented. The technology of injecting nanoparticles provides for their transfer through intake wells practically to any point at any depth of the ground water basin. Limitations are imposed exclusively by economic factors. The well number and placing are determined by geologic and geochemical characteristics of the polluted area subject to investigation. Prior to the implementation of a project studies shall be carried out to specify the required composition and concentration of iron particle suspension, injection equipment, well placing and depth, working pressure and consumption of the suspended matter, duration of treatment.

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UDC 349.6:628.1/.3

Sapozhnikova V. A.

About the Necessity of Legislation Enhancement in Order to Stimulate the Formation and Development of Environmental Services Sector for Water and Wastewater Treatment in Russia


The intensive development of the global market of environmental services, water supply and wastewater treatment services constitute a considerable proportion, is one of macroeconomic tendencies. Foreign experts note the underdevelopment of this sector in Russia. The issues of functioning and prospects of development of the environmental services sector for water supply and wastewater treatment in Russia with due regard for legal and organizational aspects are considered. Key obstacles to the development of ecological industry and innovations (imperfection of the legislation and institutional environment, the scantiness of investment activity of private investors) are identified. Suggestions about the need to take legislative, administrative and organizational measures to stimulate the development of the environmental services sector for water supply and wastewater treatment are made.

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UDC 556.551:504.5

Mediankina M. V., Sokolova S. A., Oganesova E. V., Trigub A. G., Dmitrieva E. S.

On the problem of establishing the standards of the water quality in fishery waters


Current problems of establishing pollution limits for fishery waters have been considered. The core objectives of regulating the quality of water bodies in the Russian Federation are highlighted. A detailed comparative description of sanitary-hygienic (MPCsan) and fishery waters (MPCfishery) water quality standards is presented; the similarities and differences in establishing the given standards are shown. In the process of developing fishery and sanitary-hygienic standards the following issues are considered: the threshold concentration (the lowest concentration that produces an adverse effect both on the quality of habitat of an organism and on the organism itself); the lowest no observed adverse effect concentration (the lowest concentration that does not affect the habitat and organism throughout the life). The experimental validation of MPCfishery is an overall system of comprehensive (toxicological, hydrochemical, organoleptic etc.) tests of the chemical agent using the representatives of all aquatic organisms groups (from bacteria to fish) including producers, consumers, decomposers and various life-forms of aquatic organisms (plankton, nekton, benthos). The MPC value of a pollutant is the lowest no observed adverse effect concentration for one of the trophic level links (plankton, nekton, benthos organisms, fish as well as hydrochemical and organoleptic water quality parameters can be limiting links). MPCssan ensure water quality safe for human life and activities, MPCsfishery are the only environmental requirements that ensure the conservation of ecosystems of fishery waters. The expediency, need and demand for establishing regional regulations in the light of the actual situation in certain water bodies has been considered separately.

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UDC 628.31

Pokhil Yu. N., Pupyrev E. I., Bagaev Iurii, Bivalkevich A. I.

The specific features of introducing the principle of best available technologies in municipal wastewater treatment


The aspects of implementing the principle of best available technologies in municipal wastewater treatment are considered. The analysis of the techniques of determining the permissible concentrations of pollutants discharged into the water bodies is presented. The classification of typical technologies of municipal wastewater treatment is given. Based on the summary data on the best available technologies the levels of basic pollutants removal from municipal wastewater are presented. The priority of introducing process-oriented regulatory actions for public utilities in 2012 is pointed out. The quality parameters of effluents discharged into the water bodies with account of their condition are suggested as technically achievable and sufficient for being observed environmental standards.

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Danilovich Dmitrii, Dovlatova E. V.

Proposals on amendments to legal framework on regulating effluent discharges by Vodokanals and their customers


The issues of regulating effluent discharges in view of Federal Law № 416-FZ «On water supply and wastewater disposal» coming into force in 2013 and expected accepting of amendments to Federal Law № 7-FZ «On environmental protection» (PFZ № 584587-5) are considered. Essential revision of Chapter 5 of Law № 416-FZ on the environmental issues is proposed alongside with developing for Vodokanals and their customers a new system of regulation and charging on the basis of PFZ № 584587-5 principles and provisions.

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UDC 628.3.504.05.69(083.75)

Danilovich Dmitrii, Dovlatova E. V.

Suggestions to a New Law in Draft Regulating Ecological Aspects of Settlements’ Water Disposal


The system of setting of output rates for discharge of wastewater treated and payments for discharge of pollutants from treatment facilities of settlements operating now in the Russian Federation is in need of radical reformation. After the example of EC it is proposed to develop and adopt a separate law about municipal wastewater based on a step-by-step achievement of indexes using the best accessible techniques. The discharge of wastewater from potentially dangerous industrial enterprises, into municipal sewerage systems including, must be regulated separately on the basis of the system of complex permissions.

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UDC 628.311

Vereshchagina Lidiia

Calculating the capacity of surface runoff treatment facilities  in the context of the environmental legislation reform


The regulatory documents – federal laws, RF Government Decrees and Environmental Protection Department orders are presented that were brought into force with the purpose of reforming the environmental legislation with regard to the protection of water bodies from wastewater pollution. Their great importance for water users is noted because the adopted regulatory documents determine the relationships between water and wastewater utilities and the customers of the public wastewater disposal systems; regulate the procedure of determining the permissible concentrations of pollutants discharged by water and wastewater utilities into water bodies, the procedure of determining on their basis the permissible pollutant concentrations discharged by the customers; and confirm the basic principles of estimating and charging for the negative impact on the environment including violation of the permissible discharge standards. Special attention is paid to RF Ministry of Natural Resources order No. 339 of July 29, 2014 related to making amendments to «The methods of developing the standards of permissible pollutant and microorganisms discharges to water bodies for water users» (2007). New «Guidelines for designing the systems of collection, removal and treatment of surface runoff from habitable territories, industrial sites, and determining the conditions of its discharge into water bodies» developed by «NII VODGEO»» OJSC in 2014 as a Supplement to Building Code SP 32.13330.2012. «Sewer system. Public utilities. Revised edition of SNiP 2.04.03-85» are discussed. The specific features of calculating the standards for permissible discharges of pollutants applied to the outlets of surface effluents ge­nerated on habitable territories and industrial sites are noted. The improved methods of calculating daily melt water amounts removed for treatment and the capacity of the treatment facilities are presented.

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UDC 628.15:504.054

Bagaev Iurii, Shipulin Roman, Gundyreva Tat’iana

Reforming the system of wastewater discharge regulation –
an absolute necessity


The existing system of regulating wastewater discharges has a number of essential faults and requires revision. It is wise to compile the list of regulated pollutants on principle of ensuring the standard water quality of the water body at the monitoring section downstream of the discharge outlet. It is suggested to limit this list by excluding substances with the concentrations less than 0.3 MPC. The optimal alternative is differentiating microbiological parameters of the discharge by the type and ecological state of the receiving waters. Provision 6.1 of Appendix 1 «Methods of determining maximum permissible discharge of substances and microorganisms into water bodies for water users» declaring that discharging substances not included into the approved list is prohibited shall be excluded. The attempts to establish maximum stringent discharge standards according to the existing regulation system result in ineffective investing big financial means in advanced effluent treatment. By analogy with foreign countries it would be reasonable to introduce regulation on technological principle with due account for the ecological state of receiving waters. The recommended technological standards for municipal effluent discharges as applied to three categories of water bodies are presented: water courses with intensive water exchange; water reservoirs and low water courses; water courses exposed to eutrophication. Adoption and approval of the suggested technological standards are very important for the water and wastewater utilities.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.06.03
UDC 614.777:628.1.033

Boronina L. V.

Sanitary and epidemiological situation in the Lower Volga Region: problems and solutions


Almost along the entire length from Tver to Astrakhan, the Volga River has been a depleted water reservoir in terms of its qualitative composition. In the Lower Volga basin the resource of ecologically clean water is less than 3% of the total surface water resources of the Astrakhan Region. In this regard, drinking water quality problems in the Astrakhan Region have been caused by natural water pollution, poor water treatment at the waterworks, secondary pollution in the distribution networks. The ecological state of the Lower Volga has been analyzed, and its impact on the quality of drinking water supply has been estimated. The technologies of water purification used in the Astrakhan Region for water supply were designed and implemented in the 1960s–70s; they were not designed for the pollution load in terms of the quality and quantity significantly different from the current situation. An analysis of the operation of water intake and water treatment facilities was carried out that showed their extremely unsatisfactory technical condition and obsolescence. The ways of solving the problems of improving the quality of drinking water supply with account of the current critical ecological situation in the Lower Volga Region and world experience, are proposed.

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UDC 628.161

GERASIMOV M. M., SMIRNOV A. D., Davlyaterova R. A., Peremykina L. A., Smagin V. A.

Advanced water treatment technologies in the city of Tchelyabinsk


The use of advanced technologies in the process of Shershnyovsky storage reservoir water treatment for domestic water supply of Tchelyabinsk and satellite-towns is described. Introducing comprehensive multi-stage water disinfection technology at the Tchelyabinsk water treatment facilities conforms fully to the international advanced trends in water treatment practice.

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UDC 628.33:662.2

Ponomareva O. S., Glushankova I. S., Martynova A. A.

Thermal treatment of wastewater from the production
of high-energy compounds


During production of special-purpose products in technological processes and in the synthesis of components of high-energy compounds wastewater containing pollutants in high concentrations is generated; therefore before discharging into sewer networks it shall be preliminary neutralized. The results of studies on the purification of process effluents generated in the production of components of high-energy compounds contaminated with ethanolamine, ethylene diamine, heavy metal ions (nickel and lead) are presented. The analysis of process effluent treatment methods: ozonation, two-stage purification (chemical, adsorption), thermal neutralization was carried out. As a result of thermodynamic analysis and calculation of the processes of thermal destruction of pollutants in highly concentrated effluents technical solutions have been developed and an installation for the thermal disposal of effluent followed by multi-stage flue gas cleaning has been designed. The calculation of the dispersion of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere during the operation of the installation showed that running the process in a preset mode ensured compliance with the standard sanitary and hygienic requirements.

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