Tag:maximum permissible concentration



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UDC 628.169.7:614.77

Khrenov K. E., KOZLOV M. N., GRACHEV V. A., Shchegolkova N. M., Vanyushina A. Ya.

Investigation of properties of new soils produced from water sludge


The properties of soil produced from the sludge generated at the water treatment plants have been investigated. A new method of soil production has been developed. Biotesting with the use of two biotests (Ceriodaphniaand Infusoria) revealed some admissible soil toxicity while water stability was assessed as excellent. The comprehensive physical analysis showed that the addition of water sludge into loam soil enhances active processes of structure formation. The soil is well structured, resistant to unfavorable mechanical, physical and chemical impacts including acid-based solutions. The presented soil is recommended for grassplot formation as well as for biofuel crop cultivation. The grassplots formed with the new type of soil showed rather high resistance to drying up during the extremely hot summer of 2010.

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UDC 504.06:628.5

Ponomareva L. S.

On the Issue of Payment for Pollution of Water Objects


Issues of the definition of payment base and amounts of payment for pollution of water objects from of validity and justice positions are considered. The modified approach to definition of payment base on the basis of comparability and general control over water quality indices is offered. Instead of deciphering of water chemical composition the brief list of compositions and properties characteristics reflecting the negative influence on water objects – mineralization (salt content), transparency and turbidity, eutrophy, oxygen and heat conditions, general radioactivity and toxic effects – is offered. Coefficients of the reduction of chemical indices and formulas of calculation by temperature and toxicity for definition of the value of water resources depletion as a result of pollution limiting or excluding their authorized use for specific purposes are proposed. Feasible methods of the cost estimate of the value of water resources depletion with corrective coefficients defining the degree of resistance of wastewater to biological decomposition in a water object and the degree of danger brought to light on the basis of comparison of the level of water resources depletion by a concrete discharge with a real diluting capability of a concrete water object near the discharge range are presented. It is requested to test the approach proposed and compare the results obtained with amounts of payments collected now.

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UDC 628.3:504.05

Lerner А. D., Inchagov А. D.

On wastewater discharge limitations, maximum permissible concentrations and environmental charges


The justification of the wastewater discharge limitations has an influence on the economic status of the majority of water and wastewater companies and other water users. The inter-relations between the environmental law with regard to the limitation of wastewater discharges into the water bodies, and economic indicators of the water user performance are shown. The influence of a maximum permissible value on the discharge limitations has been evaluated. Some aspects of imposing limitations with regard to the environmental law have been considered. Contradictions between water project defense, development of environmental and water use legal relations within the frames of budget and tariff regulation are defined.

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UDC 628.16(083.75)

Mazaev V. T., Shlepnina T. G.

Assessment of the Sanitary Hazard Degree of Silicon Compounds in Natural and Potable Water


The survey of literature on the role of silicon in the human body, its toxicokinetics is conducted; the critical analysis of scientific substantiation of hygienic standards of maximum concentration of silicon compounds in natural and potable water is made. The attention is paid to the absence of standards concerning the silicon content in water in the foreign standard specifications because of non-actuality of the problem. It is proposed to cancel the standard of limit content of silicon in the domestic normative base in connection with the absence of its proper reasonableness.

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UDC 628.3.504.05.69(083.75)

Danilovich Dmitrii, Dovlatova E. V.

Suggestions to a New Law in Draft Regulating Ecological Aspects of Settlements’ Water Disposal


The system of setting of output rates for discharge of wastewater treated and payments for discharge of pollutants from treatment facilities of settlements operating now in the Russian Federation is in need of radical reformation. After the example of EC it is proposed to develop and adopt a separate law about municipal wastewater based on a step-by-step achievement of indexes using the best accessible techniques. The discharge of wastewater from potentially dangerous industrial enterprises, into municipal sewerage systems including, must be regulated separately on the basis of the system of complex permissions.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.07.03
UDC 556.3+628.16+544.726

Fedorova S. V.

Distribution of lithium in subpermafrost water and its possible use for drinking water supply in Yakutia


В Центральной Якутии использование подмерзлотных вод в хозяйственно-питьевых целях ограничено в связи с повышенным содержанием отдельных элементов, в том числе лития. На основе обобщения химических анализов проб воды из водозаборных скважин дана количественная оценка содержания лития в подземных водах южной части Якутского артезианского бассейна. Максимальная концентрация лития (0,85 мг/л) выявлена в подмерзлотных водах совместного нижнеюрского среднекембрийского водоносного комплекса, в литологическом составе которого присутствуют глинистые породы. Изучен процесс сорбции лития из модельных растворов и натурных подмерзлотных вод сильнокислотной Na-катионитной ионообменной смолой, содержащей активные сульфо­группы. По результатам экспериментальных исследований построены графические кривые извлечения лития, кинетические и динамические зависимости. Гидрохимическая аналитика проб воды выполнялась методом капиллярного электрофореза. В процессе лабораторных экспериментов содержание лития в натурных подмерзлотных водах снизилось с 0,41 до 0,006 мг/л, в модельных растворах – с 0,5 до 0,003 мг/л. Состояние ионообменного равновесия при обмене ионов Li+ на Na+ установилось в течение 15–20 минут после контакта ионообменной смолы с модельным раствором и подмерзлотной водой. Установлено, что степень извлечения лития из природных подмерзлотных вод в статических условиях составляет около 90%, в динамических условиях – 99%. Результаты исследований могут быть использованы при разработке комплексных схем очистки подмерзлотных вод Якутии для питьевого водоснабжения.

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UDC 628.334.2.004.69

Kalinin A. V.

Physico-Chemical Composition of Surface Runoff in the Cities of Tolyatti and Samara


Investigations of physico-chemical composition of surface runoff from urban land show that this runoff is heavily polluted. Average annual concentrations of pollutants in the surface runoff of Tolyatti and Samara are given together with the dynamics of pollution concentration fluctuations in the storm water and melt runoff from the residential territory of Avtozavodsk district in Tolyatti. The environmental requirements set for the water area of the Volga River for many pollutants are even more stringent compared to the standards set for fishery water bodies in EU countries. Municipal enterprises have no economic opportunity to meet these requirements. This fact is responsible for freezing building of new surface runoff treatment facilities.

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UDC 628.316:504.054

Koulakov A. A.

Environmental assessment of a «water body – effluent discharge» scheme


During the studies an approach to the environmental assessment of a «water body-effluent discharge scheme» was developed. Probability of meeting the design performance of biological treatment and environmental requirements at small-scale municipal wastewater treatment facilities was evaluated. Maximum permissible concentration exceeding factor both in effluents and river water before and after discharging by the example of the Vologda Region case study was determined. Relationships between hydraulic and chemical parameters of effluent receiving bodies and discharged effluents were defined.

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