Tag:environmental legislation



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UDC 614.777:504.062

Terent'ev V. I., Lopatin S. A.

Some aspects of the regulatory support of arranging sanitary protection zones of drinking water sources


A brief analysis of the statutory and regulatory enactments setting the basic requirements to the arrangement of sanitary protection zones of water sources is presented. Despite the fact that the regulation of water relations is an element of the national policy some regulatory voids exist that account for the low legal status of water bodies used for public water supply. Because of the lack of an integrated regulatory framework of water resources management in the national business policy an efficient system of surface and underground water protection from different kinds of pollution has not been developed. Water factor in many cases produces not positive but negative impact on the human organism. A law making initiative has been formulated on the basis of the legal possibility of improving the status of sanitary protection zones of water sources by extending the list of nature conservation areas and including sanitary protection zones. Extending the list of projects that require continuous monitoring of their sanitary and environmental condition is suggested by inclu­ding aquifer basins and catchments areas of surface water bodies. Within these areas business and other types of activities shall be limited to the level specified for the sanitary protection zones of water sources. By the example of the Leningrad Region an information chain has been formulated that shall be functioning in favor of the water resources protection that are used for public water supply. Targeting at the development of the draft of the directly effective Federal Law «On the protection of water sources» will provide for enlarging the power of the government authorities of the constituent entities, local authorities; improving essentially the social significance of water sources; redirecting the purpose of the regulatory legal act to ensuring more favorable impact of the water factor on the human health.

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UDC 628.21:504.054

Vereshchagina Lidiia, SHVETSOV V. N.

New approaches to the regulation of effluent discharge to water bodies


The list of the regulatory legal acts – federal laws, RF government decrees and executive orders is presented as well as the decrees of the RF Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment enacted for the past years. The purpose of the enactment is the reform of the environmental legislation in the field of the governmental regulation of the impact the economic activity produces on water bodies; the regulation consists in transferring from the existing principles of regulating pollutants discharge based on the water quality standards for water bodies of commercial fishing importance to the regulation based on the best available techniques. Special attention is paid to Decree of the RF Government of September 13, 2016 No. 913 and Decree of the RF Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of November 15, 2016 No. 598 on the introduction of amendments to «Methods of developing the standards of permissible discharges of substances and microorganisms into water bodies for water users» (2007). The informative technical guidebook ITS 10-2015 «Wastewater treatment in the public wastewater disposal systems of communities, municipal districts» is considered. The need in reviewing the provisions of section 9 of the technical guide «Recommendations for designing the systems of collection, removal and treatment of the runoff from residential areas, industrial sites; and determining the conditions for effluent discharge into the water bodies» (2015) developed by the experts of «NII VODGEO» JSC is substantiated.

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UDC 628.

Vereshchagina Lidiia, MENSHUTIN Yu. A., SHVETSOV V. N.

The experience of using «Recommendations on designing the systems of collection, disposal and treatment of surface runoff from territories allotted for settlement and industrial sites, and on determining the conditions of its discharge into water bodies»


The experience of using «Recommendations on designing the systems of collection, disposal and treatment of surface runoff from territories allotted for settlement and industrial sites, and on determining the conditions of its discharge into water bodies» developed at NII VODGEO Federal State Unitary Enterprise in substitution of previous «Temporary re­commendations on designing facilities for processing surface runoff from industrial sites and determining the conditions of its discharge into water bodies» is considered. The high demand for the developed document by the experts in the process of designing and approving project documents on construction and upgrade of engineering structures of storm sewers is noted. The use of advanced methods of calculating surface runoff amount and flow rate provides for minimizing the capacity of the treatment facilities at guaranteed meeting the requirements of the regulations on the conditions of disposal and quality of surface runoff effluents. The list of priority water quality parameters to be guided when choosing a treatment process flow scheme is presented. The basic technical solutions of surface runoff collection, disposal and treatment are formulated. The principle of wastewater flow separation and accumulation is suggested together with the technologies of its engineering implementation that provide for reasonably reducing the investments for the construction of treatment facilities under the existing environmental legislation and design regulatory framework. The need for updating the section on the recommendations on determining the conditions of surface runoff disposal into water bodies that was developed following the amendments to the RF Water Code and enactment of the new regulatory and procedural documents related to developing the regulations on permissible impact on water bodies and permissible discharges for water uses is noted.

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UDC 628.311

Vereshchagina Lidiia

Calculating the capacity of surface runoff treatment facilities  in the context of the environmental legislation reform


The regulatory documents – federal laws, RF Government Decrees and Environmental Protection Department orders are presented that were brought into force with the purpose of reforming the environmental legislation with regard to the protection of water bodies from wastewater pollution. Their great importance for water users is noted because the adopted regulatory documents determine the relationships between water and wastewater utilities and the customers of the public wastewater disposal systems; regulate the procedure of determining the permissible concentrations of pollutants discharged by water and wastewater utilities into water bodies, the procedure of determining on their basis the permissible pollutant concentrations discharged by the customers; and confirm the basic principles of estimating and charging for the negative impact on the environment including violation of the permissible discharge standards. Special attention is paid to RF Ministry of Natural Resources order No. 339 of July 29, 2014 related to making amendments to «The methods of developing the standards of permissible pollutant and microorganisms discharges to water bodies for water users» (2007). New «Guidelines for designing the systems of collection, removal and treatment of surface runoff from habitable territories, industrial sites, and determining the conditions of its discharge into water bodies» developed by «NII VODGEO»» OJSC in 2014 as a Supplement to Building Code SP 32.13330.2012. «Sewer system. Public utilities. Revised edition of SNiP 2.04.03-85» are discussed. The specific features of calculating the standards for permissible discharges of pollutants applied to the outlets of surface effluents ge­nerated on habitable territories and industrial sites are noted. The improved methods of calculating daily melt water amounts removed for treatment and the capacity of the treatment facilities are presented.

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