Tag:odor nuisance



bbk 000000

UDC 614.7:613.15

Budarina O. V., Pinigin M. A., Iakovlev N. V.

Living standards in the area close to wastewater treatment facilities – sources of odor nuisance


A review of literature data on the assessment of the impact of atmospheric air pollution on the living standards in the areas close to the enterprises – the sources of odor including wastewater treatment facilities is presented. Numerous studies have shown that perceptible odor in the atmospheric air and irritation caused by it results not only in the deterioration in the quality of life of people, but also in some disorders – somatic (headache, short wind, irritation of the respiratory tract, general malaise, etc.) and emotional (overstrain , fatigability, depression, etc.). At the same time, often the maximum permissible concentrations of certain pollutants are not exceeded which keeps the regulatory authorities from taking appropriate measures in relation to the enterprise. Therefore, in case of numerous complaints from the residents about odors and, as a result, deterioration of health and living standards it is necessary to significantly expand the approaches associated with assessing the impact of emissions from enterprises – sources of odor, primarily wastewater treatment facilities due to their commonness. To this end it is proposed to introduce into the regulation and monitoring practice the criteria compliance with which can ensure the absence of odor nuisance in the atmospheric air. In assessing the potential effects of odors on public health the comprehensive analysis of air pollution using various methods (instrumental and olfactory-odorimetric) and with a simultaneous survey of the population living under the conditions of different exposure levels to odor nuisance is of great importance. Conducting comprehensive and multi-attribute research will significantly improve the level of scientific knowledge in this field and open the door for controlling odor in the atmospheric air, in particular, when planning measures to reduce emissions of odorous substances.

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