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UDC 628.24

Zhmakov G. N.

Designing pressure and vacuum public sewers


In Russia until recently only gravity sewers have been used for public sewers. With advent of sparsely populated territories of low-rise development the gravity sewers become unreliable and require high operational expenditures; therefore, pressure and vacuum public sewers are used with increasing frequencies. Because of the high flow rate and turbulence the threat of blockage of these pipelines is low. In vacuum sewers wastewater is aerated; therefore no corrosion occurs. Comparing to the expenditures for a free slope sewer the construction the costs saving in case of a vacuum sewer amounts up to 50%. Pressure sewer includes receiving tanks, mini sewage pumping stations, air-blowing (compressor) stations, pressure pipelines with valves and fittings. Vacuum sewer includes curtilage chambers, collecting pipelines and a vacuum station combined with a sewage pumping station. The formulas for pump capacity calculations are presented. The examples of lay out solutions are given.

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  2. Voronov Iu. V., Alekseev E. V., Salomeev V. P., Pugachev E. A. Vodootvedenie [Wastewater management. Moscow, 2007, 415 p.].
  3. Arsov R., Draganov D., Igneva-Danova T., Borisov B. R”kovodstvo za proektirane na kanalizatsionni mrezhi i soo­ruzheniia [Guidelines for designing sewers and wastewater facilities. Sofia, Tekhnika Publ., 2015, 432 p.].
  4. Zhmakov G. N. [Designing pressure sewers]. Book of reports of XI Scientific and Technical Conference «Readings from Iakovlev». Moscow, ASV Publ., 2016, pp. 55–60. (In Russian).

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