Number 4 / 2018
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Аналитическому центру «РОСА» – 25 лет
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UDC 663.64
Chesnokova S. M., Podolets A. A., Savel'ev O. V.
Estimation of macro- and micro composition of bottled water and tap water in the city of Vladimir
The assortment of bottled water sold in the distributive network of Vladimir was studied. It was stated that most of the trademarks were artificial water prepared from tap water by desalination and subsequent mineralization. The specifications for these water trademarks begin from 0131. The specifications for water from natural sources begin from 9185. The analysis of the macro-and micro composition of the bottled water and tap water samples in the city of Vladimir carried out with the use of «Kapel’104T» capillary electrophoresis system is presented alongside with the estimation of their physiologic usefulness in relation to the concentrations of the most important macro-and micro elements meeting the regulations (Sanitary Rules and Regulations The method of biotesting with the use of Daphnia magna Sr. provided for determining the trademarks of bottled water that contained preserving agents dangerous for children’s health (silver salts and antibiotics).
Key words
biotesting , bottled water , tap water , macro-and microelements , the physiological usefulness , health hazard
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UDC 628.161.2:66.081
Chernyshev P. I., Kruchinina N. E., Panfilov V. A., Kuzin E. N.
The use of ATM-1 adsorbent-cationite in the processes of removing metals from natural and waste water
The relevancy of the task of searching and obtaining new sorbents based on cheap and high production volume raw materials to be used in water and wastewater treatment is noted. The prospects of obtaining sorbent based on «Ogneupory» JSC refractory processing wastes – synthetic brucite is substantiated. The physical and chemical properties of ATM-1 mixed mineral product are given as well as the static and calculated dynamic capacitance of ATM-1 ion-exchange sorbent samples in relation to ions of some heavy metals – iron, copper, nickel, cadmium, chromium (VI), tungsten (VI). The results of the consolidated pilot studies of the material as filter media in the process of iron removal and demanganation of natural water are presented alongside with the results of the laboratory studies of plating waste treatment. The laboratory studies carried out under static conditions showed the efficiency of reducing the concentration of heavy metal concentrations in the samples of wash water of electroplating industry if treated with ATM-1 sorbent. It is assumed that the removal of cadmium, copper, nickel, zinc, iron, manganese ions is caused by both ion exchange phenomena and chemisorption. The results of the undertaken studies speak for the high sorption capacitance of ATM-1 sorbent samples in relation to heavy metal ions. The use of brucite wastes is one of the methods of removing metal ions from water and wastewater. It is noted that obtaining commercial ATM-1 will help to solve the problem of refractory processing wastes utilization and reduce the cost of the product.
Key words
natural and waste water , ion exchange , heavy metals , water treatment , sorbent , brucite
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UDC 628.144
Luk’ianchuk Maksim, Hyamyalyainen M. M., Smirnova S. V., JUDIN M. Iu.
Hydraulic model use-case in the operation of a water and wastewater services utility
Hydraulic models are used at the water and wastewater services utilities for addressing different tasks related to improving the operation of water distribution networks. Practitioners have been continuously looking for possible ways of using the models for daily needs of the utilities and their technical execution with the use of software. The advanced software includes an adequate number of functions that ensure completing routine tasks of water distribution network operation, management and development. An example of modeling a fault pipeline section shutoff with sequential valve shifting is presented; a method of basic data generation and presentation of the modeling results is shown. In the viewed example during the routine work execution the hydraulic head is slightly changed. During the pipeline section cutoff pressure monitoring in the control points of the pressure zone and additionally in the sections where pressure reduction is expected based on the results of modeling is carried out. In appropriate cases pressure reduction in the network can be balanced by increasing the output pressure of the pumping station. Changing flow directions will influence to a small extent separate network sections that could be additionally flushed before the cutoff. Following the pipeline cutoff procedure together with the recommendations based on the results of hydraulic modeling provides for eliminating the disruption of water supply to the customers.
Key words
water supply , water supply network , hydraulic design , simulation , hydraulic model
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UDC 628.32/34
Galkin Iurii
Process system of industrial runoff treatment
Based on the principle of dynamic control «ECO-PROJECT» Research and Development Company» LLC developed a process system of «dynamic control unit – «EP OF» settling tank-flocculator. The system is to be used as a basis in designing industrial runoff treatment facilities operating in complex environment – at continuous industrial wastewater inflow and unsteady values of flow, component concentrations and temperature. The facilities based on this system are highly efficient in eliminating a wide range of pollutants in phase dispersed state; use simplified water and waste treatment technology; have a flexible and compact component structure and high technical and economic characteristics. The designed process system is used in design, construction and operation of the treatment facilities in big cities, at the machine building plants, iron and steel plants and other industrial enterprises. In the process of developing «EP OF» settling tank-flocculators laboratory, pilot and full-scale tests were carried out; the negative experience and best practices of operating different modifications of the device were analyzed; the design and operating parameters were optimized by computer modeling with the use of FlowVision software. The devices have different designs related to the specific technical processes where they are used.
Key words
treatment facilities , industrial-rain Sewerage , the principle of dynamic regulation , system "dynamic regulation station – sedimentation tank-flocculation "OF EP»
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UDC 628.312:628.336.3
Variushina G. P., Primin Oleg
The experience of operating surface runoff treatment facilities and the guidelines for the improvement of sludge treatment technology
The data on the mechanical and physical properties of surface runoff sludge generated on the lands allotted for settlement and highways is presented. The observations of the processes of natural sludge drying on the sand sludge dewatering beds at the treatment facilities show that the sludge is characterized by low dewatering properties (more than 89–94%), and this fact stipulates the demand for the improvement of the sludge treatment technology. As a result of the chemical and analytical studies of the surface runoff sludge composition it was stated that the sludge from industrial sites located in the residential districts and industrial areas, from residential constructions on the lands allocated for settlement with parklands as well as from the recreation areas with nature-sanctuaries could be attributed to class IV of hazard (low-hazard). Sludge from the territory of the Moscow Ring Road, gasoline stations, and parking lots at the shopping malls could be attributed to class III of hazard (moderately hazardous). The results of the laboratory studies showed that the use of high molecular polyelectrolytes provided for sludge thickening and efficient dewatering by centrifuging to 74–82% moisture content. The design data on the sludge specific volume (98–99% moisture content) generated in storage tanks is presented as well as the data on the specific volume of dewatered sludge (89–94 % moisture content) generated annually on 1 ha catchment area for different types of catchment areas. It is recommended during the design process not to remove water charged sludge with a moisture content of 98–99% by trucks (sludge pumps) as an expensive and ineffective method, but to dewater sludge directly at the treatment facilities with the use of stationary or mobile mechanical equipment (vacuum-filters, filter-presses, centrifuges, geotubes).
Key words
treatment facilities , sludge , surface runoff , drainage area , the dewatering apparatus
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UDC 628.112.24:621.65.05
Galiullin M. F., Maksimov A. A., Rodin N. V., Bychkov D. A., Gerasimov D. S., Ionov A. N.
Introducing degassing systems to improve the operation efficiency of water pumping stations in Tumen
Second elevation pumping stations are an integral part of the water treatment facilities and supply drinking water to the municipal water distribution network. Water is pumped out of the service reservoirs. As a rule they are buried reinforced-concrete facilities. To provide for the sustainable operation of the «service reservoir-pump» system the competent management of the water levels in the reservoirs is an essential condition during pump operating at any water supply range. Affected by the objective and judgmental factors the operation of this part of the process scheme can be either insufficiently reliable to ensure continuous water supply to the city, or insufficiently efficient for the water treatment process in relation to the energy consumption. The similar situation can be observed in Tumen; to different extents it is related to two water intakes – Metelevskii and Velizhanskii. Possibly this problem is not exceptional for Tumen; it may be observed in other cities. Based on the Tumen experience it is shown that changing the operation mode of the pumping station supplying water to the city provides for reducing the energy consumption by 5.6% and the number of emergency team visits to the wells. The results of the conducted measures assume further improvement of the reliability and efficiency of the water distribution network operation. Furthermore, it is essential to develop an algorithm of the optimal operation of the first elevation pumping station (with pump replacement) and treatment facilities, and to computerize the process.
Key words
clean water tank , water abstraction facilities , second lift pump station , vacuum system , vacuum pump , optimization of the operation of the pumping stations
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UDC 628.147.22
Glazkov D. V., Маслов Е. Б.
Method of formation of centrifugal cement-sand coating in steel water pipes
The results of the experimental studies of determining the optimal composition of cement-sand coating and the procedure of its formation on the interior face of water pipes are presented. The internal cohesion of cement-sand mixture depending on its water content was studied; based on the research results the water-cement ratio and the optimal speed of pipe spinning in the process of coating formation were selected. Different cement-containing compositions resistant to dulling and ensuring adequate protective anticorrosive coating were tested. The process operations of the centrifugal coating formation based on the mixtures with flexible consistency are proposed; the method implementation is theoretically substantiated. The executed studies showed that introducing complexed mineral-chemical additive (in the amount of approximately 3% of the cement mass) into cement-sand mixture provided for improving significantly the operational properties of the coating, almost doubling the strength and waterproofing capacity, and reducing the water demand of the mixture. This additive is not toxic; it does not change the toxico-hygienic characteristics of the final product; and the mortar stone does not release substances hazardous to health.
Key words
cement-sand coating , protection of steel pipes against corrosion , internal adhesion of cement mixtures , centrifugal coating molding , composition of cement-sand composition
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UDC 628.112.24:622.245.71
Opryshko B. A., Shvetsov V. A., Liakh A. P., Belavina O. A.
A new design of an observation blowing well head
A new design of a blowing well head of underground water deposits is proposed. It is demonstrated that retrofitting the well head provides for the elimination of underground water spills from emergency wells; prevention of bog soils genesis, soil degradation and desertification on vast areas. The use of the well head ensures continuous hydrogeologic monitoring with the use of submersible stand-off sensors and recorders in blowing wells in different climate conditions on unguarded territories.
Key words
the field of groundwater , observation well , hydrogeological monitoring , headwall , casing