Tag:power consumption



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UDC 628.292.62-192

Il'in Iu. A., IGNATCHIK V. S., Ignatchik S. Iu., Melnik E. A., Probirsky M. D.

Influence of Tear-and-Wear of Vertical Pumps on Reliability, Safety and Power Consumption of Sewerage Pumping Stations


Results of the study of influence of tear-and-wear of vertical pumps on reliability, safety and power consumption of sewerage pumping stations on the example of the Main pumping station of the Central aeration station of St. Petersburg are presented. Principal points of the methods of calculation of reliability of pumping stations operation are expounded. The methodology formalized with the use of programs for a computer can be applied for concrete calculations of reliability of such pumping stations. The safety of a wastewater disposal system, conditions of urban human environment, ground water, water basins, and profitability of the SUE St. Petersburg Vodokanal’s enterprises depend on reliability of operation of stations with a designed discharge rate of up to 1,5 mill. m3/day.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.03.10
UDC 628.12

Biriukov V. V., Nagornyi S. L., Chernosvitov M. D., Gladyshev Nikolai

Change in the power consumption and capacity of booster
pumping stations in Samara during their reconstruction


Information on the reconstruction of pumping stations in Samara is presented. The basic methods and means of its phased implementation are described. In order to optimize the operation of the water distribution network and structures, to identify unaccounted-for-losses and water flow rate in the system, to reduce the consumption of electricity by the facilities, a package of measures including the use of IT solutions, software for hydraulic modeling of the water supply system shall be carried out. The values of monthly and annual electricity consumption and water supply for booster pumping stations reconstructed in 2015 and 2018 are given. The decrease in energy consumption for pumping water is determined. The change in water supply by booster pumping stations after reconstruction is estimated. An assumption is made about the reasons for the possible absence of a decrease in water supply during the reconstruction of pumping stations taking into account the pressure stabilization at the outlet.

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UDC 628.

Ignatchik S. Iu.

Ensuring of Reliability and Power Saving When Designing the Facilities for Wastewater Transporting


Main propositions of methods of the designing of facilities for wastewater transporting, a collector – aeration station system as an example, at increased discharge of wastewater are considered. The consistency of substantiation of the decision ensuring that the system will guarantee reliable transporting and reduction of operation costs is presented. The numerical evaluation is limited with probabilistic [probability of no-failure operation P(t), intensity of failures λ and repairs μ] and parametric [output Q(t) and power consumption W(t)] indices of the system. The methods of calculation developed make it possible to substantiate technical decisions ensuring the reliability and power saving when reconstructing the facilities for wastewater transporting with due regard for requirements for human environment protection.

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bbk 000000

UDC 628.292.004.69

Butko A. V., Posupon'ko S. V.

Optimization of wastewater pumping station operation


The operation of wastewater pumping stations requires attention and understanding of the life cycle of the facilities and equipment. As a rule, the facilities put into operation and designed for the calculated amount of wastewater for a long time cannot reach the rated capacity. This is due to more efficient drinking water consumption by the population, low rate of housing development and sale on the territories served by the wastewater pumping stations, reduction and even termination of wastewater discharge by the industrial enterprises. The method of studying the operation of the wastewater pumping stations, selecting the optimal parameters of the home-made pumping units is presented. The implementation of the optimized work schedule for three units with a rated capacity of 1400, 350 and 320 m3/h provided for reducing the number of turns-on of the pumping units and 23% energy saving. At the same time the changes in the work schedule of the downstream transfer wastewater pumping station and 10–12% reduction in the power consumption were registered. The actual cost payback period was less than one year.

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UDC 628.17.001.4

Naumov A. L., Sud’ina O. S.

Improvement of Energy Efficiency of Pipeline Systems of a Building


Problems of the power saving in construction can be solved by means of reducing heat losses through the enclosing structures, installing heat and water meters, using nontraditional sources of heat supply et al. Issues of energy saving in pipeline engineering systems in the course of designing are not studied enough while a considerable part of power consumption by the systems of engineering support of buildings (up to 80%) falls on the drives of pumps and ventilators of pipeline networks: heating, water supply, ventilation, and air conditioning. Economic indexes are considered as criteria of energy efficiency of pipeline networks. The method of reduced expenditures is used for calculations.

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UDC 628.35:66.081.63

Stepanov S. V.

Calculation of membrane surface in membrane bioreactors


On the basis of the foreign publications analysis membrane bioreactors and membranes used in them are considered. In pressure units with a remote membrane assembly the specific flow through the membrane (at 20°C) is 80–200 l/(h∙m2) at 20–500 kPa transmembrane pressure; whereas in the units with submerged membranes – 8–30 l/(h∙m2) at 10–60 kPa vacuum. The specific power consumption in bioreactors with pressure membranes is within the limits of 1.5–4 kW·h/m3; with submerged membranes – 0.5–0.7 kW·h/m3. The results of analyzing the equipment market showed that submerged membrane elements and modules have been used in 97–99% biomembrane units. The comparison of submerged membranes shows that modules made of hollow fiber membranes have higher specific surface (300–600 m2/m3) compared to flat ones (50–150 m2/m3). Hollow fiber membranes are characterized by lower cost, higher resistance to fouling and backwashing. Flat membranes have higher mechanical toughness and can be more easily replaced. The operation of membrane batch bioreactors, the use of osmotic membrane bioreactor and nanofiltration processes in biomembrane technology are described. The technique of calculating submerged hollow fiber membrane surface with account of various allowed specific flows depending upon the durability of the design flows, time lost for backwashing and «relaxation», reflux from membrane backwashing is presented. At determining the number of the operating in parallel process lines one should take into account possible shutdown of one membrane tank for chemical washing or repair.

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UDC 628.3:658.26.004.18

Tchebanov V. B.

Technical and economic aspects of using variable-speed drive in pump units


The introduction of variable-speed drives is considered as an integral part of the program of reducing pump unit power consumption. Power conservation can be provided both by eliminating pressure excess and by increasing average pump efficiency that can be achieved primarily by pump selection depending on the water and wastewater network operation mode. Pump efficiency depends significantly on the number of operating pumps with variable-speed drives as well as on the algorithms of their interaction with non-controlled pumps. The examples of calculating energy saving and investments for two pump units are presented. The decision on the volume of investments in variable-speed drive retrofit and pump unit upgrade shall be taken on the basis of a business project.

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bbk 000000

UDC 628.

PANKOVA G. A., Il'in Iu. A., IGNATCHIK V. S., Ignatchik S. Iu., Melnik E. A., Probirsky M. D., Karmazinov F. V., Mikhailov D. M.

Technical inspection of sewage pumping stations in Saint-Petersburg


Basic results of technical inspection of the pumping stations delivering wastewater to the treatment facilities are presented. In the process of inspection the following parameters are determined: the impact of physical wear of the pumps on Н–Q, h–Q, P–Q, Wуд–Q characteristics; actual schedule of wastewater inflow; probability and parametric pump reliability factors. The operation of the «feeding sewer – sewage pumping station – pressure sewer» system is analyzed. The investment efficiency of upgrading the engineering aspect of the pumping stations with account of the safety requirements in relation to the environment, reliability and energy saving during the equipment life cycle is estimated.

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UDC 628.3:658.26.004.18

Danilovich Dmitrii

Energy conservation and alternative power sources at the wastewater treatment facilities


Methods of improving power efficiency of the municipal wastewater treatment facilities and heat and electrical power generation with the use of renewable power resource of wastewater. The analysis of power conservation and generation in water supply and wastewater management shows that depending on the technical solutions applied the total balance of power consumption at the water and wastewater facilities can vary from the net electrical energy consumption of 4 MW per 100 000 m3 of wastewater/day to positive balance of 7,5–8 MW (owing to 16 MW power generated including 1 MW of electrical energy). The power consumption of two independent municipal wastewater treatment plants can differ more than 6 times.

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UDC 628.17.001.4

Kosteuk Aleksandr, Tverdokhleb I. B.

Power Saving Operation of Borehole Pumps ЭЦВ


It is told about selection of the most efficient method of regulation of pump units equipped with borehole pumps ЭЦВ. The use of a frequency electric drive, as a rule, is inefficient, because of the large static component and small dynamic component of the total pressure created by pumps. Cascade regulation is recommended for this type of units.

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