Tag:membrane bioreactor



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UDC 628.35

Stepanov S. V., Stepanov A. S., Gabidullina L. A., Dubov O. V.

Biological treatment of oil refinery wastewater  in a biosorption membrane reactor


The basic process and kinetic regularities of biomembrane and biosorption membrane treatment of fuel and lube refinery wastewater are presented. The enhancement of denitrification process is suggested by reducing the dissolved oxygen concentration in the circula­ting flow of activated sludge by vacuum treatment. Summarizing the results of operating a pilot vacuumizing unit the more efficient use of biosorption membrane technology compared to the biomembrane method is shown. Single dosing of 1 g of powdered activated carbon per 1 liter of mixed liquor provided for reducing the mean monthly concentration of pollutants in permeate: in COD – from 68 to 49 mg/l; in BODfull – from 6 to 3.5 mg/l; in oil products – from 0.65 to 0.21 mg/l. The kinetic constants of the processes of eliminating the basic pollutants in membrane and biosorption membrane reactors were determined. It was stated that the specific oxidation rate in biosorption membrane reactors exceeded the similar indicators of membrane bioreactors only for easily sorbed substances – oil products and organic pollutants evaluated in BODfull. Vacuum treatment of circulating activated sludge during 5 minutes at minus 90 kPa pressure in a membrane bioreactor provided for 2-fold reduction of the dissolved oxygen concentration, improvement of the sedimentation properties of activated sludge (compared to the flow scheme without vacuum treatment) and the dissolved oxygen concentration less than 0.5 mg/l in the anoxic zone of the membrane bioreactor.

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UDC 628.31:661.5

MOROZOVA K. M., Stepanov S. V., Stepanov A. S., Sokolova T. V., Solkina O. S., Zhukova M. A.

Biological treatment of dairy industry wastewater in a membrane bioreactor
(part 2)


The technology of biological treatment of dairy wastewater is described that provides for meeting the standard maximum permissible concentrations for fishery water bodies. The results of the experimental studies in a pilot membrane bioreactor with real wastewater of «Pestravskii» butter factory are presented. The main process and kinetic parameters of the biological wastewater treatment processes have been obtained that are needed for designing a membrane bioreactor with nitrification-denitrification that provides for meeting the standard maximum permissible concentrations for fishery water bodies or requirements to the effluents discharged into a public sewer. The maximum specific rate of diary wastewater pollutants oxidation Vmax at 7 g/l activated sludge concentration and 20 °С temperature is 40 mg/(g·h), Michaelis constant Km – 15 mg/l, inhibition coefficient of metabolism products  – 0.54 l/g, temperature constant X for aerobic heterotrophic conversion – 0.079 deg–1. Compared to the traditional treatment facilities the use of biomembrane techno­logy at the wastewater biological treatment stage provides for 1.4–1.5 reducing the treatment time, reactor volume and footprint owing to the increase of the oxidation capacity of the aeration units by increasing the activated sludge concentration to 10 g/l; and ensuring almost complete removal of suspended solids by eliminating the tertiary treatment stage. Possible elimination of chemical flotation stage before biological treatment is shown that provides for reducing the expenditures for expensive chemicals and streamlining the process flow scheme.

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UDC 628.31:661.5

Stepanov S. V., Solkina O. S., MOROZOVA K. M., Stepanov A. S., Zhukova M. A.

The effect of membrane chemical washing on biological treatment processes


The results of research studies in the field of biomembrane treatment of dairy wastewater are presented. The experimental studies were carried out during four months. As a model effluent milk solution was used with addition of nutrients in the form of mineral salts – potassium monophosphate, ammonium chloride and sodium nitrate in ratios corresponding to the concentrations of these substances in original wastewater after physical and chemical treatment. The experiment was aiming at determining the process and kinetic cha­racteristics of biological processes in a membrane bioreactor. The studies of the model wastewater in a pilot bioreactor showed that at 7–9 g/l sludge dosage and 0.36 m3/(m2·day) specific flow rate corresponding to the regular operation mode of flat-frame membranes the operation of the plant without chemical washing was possible for about two months. It was stated that membrane washing with citric acid at 1000 mg/l solution concentration (5–20 mg/l acid concentration in the membrane tank) provided for reducing the rate of biochemical processes with only mixed liquor acidification. The citric acid toxicity did not appear at mixed liquor pH in the range of 6.83–7.17. The study of membrane washing with sodium hypochlorite solution in concentration of 2000 mg/l as NaOCl showed the competitive inhibition of the organics oxidation rate with practically complete inhibition of biochemical processes at the active chlorine concentration in the reactor more than 26.1 mg/l. The time of restoring the original rate of organics oxidation at 6.6 mg/l active chlorine concentration in the reactor was 220 minutes after wastewater supply had been started and permeate had been removed.

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UDC 628.35:62-278

Gubanov L. N., Katraeva I. V., Rosenvinkel K.-Kh., Borkhman A., Kolpakov M. V., Kouzina Yu. S.

The use of ceramic membranes as submersible modules in membrane bioreactors


The results of laboratory testing the use of flat and tubular ceramic membranes as submersible modules in membrane bioreactors are presented. The studies were carried out with the use of flat ceramic membranes manufactured by ItN Nanovation German company and tubular membranes from Russian University of Chemical Engineering named after D. I. Mendeleyev. It was established that for the use in activated sludge media membranes with 200 nm pore size can be recommended; however, the transmembrane pressure shall be higher than –0.3 bar.

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UDC 628.35.002.237

Strelkov A. K., Shuvalov M. V., Astrakhantsev D. V., Dudarev V. A., Stepanov S. V., Tarakanov D. I.

Conception of Reconstruction of City Sewerage Treatment Facilities of Samara


The results of years of research aimed at improving the quality of wastewater treatment at the city sewerage treatment facilities of Samara are presented. The technology of the Capetown University is the most acceptable for the further reconstruction of facilities due to the low concentration of organic substances in clarified wastewater and a high ratio of biogenic elements concentration to biochemical consumption of oxygen. At present the studies of biomembrane treatment with the use of hollow fibre membranes and equipment of General Electric Co. are planned. For that it is necessary to build a screens building and to place also the unit of UV-disinfection of treated wastewater. The cost of reconstruction of the treatment facilities will be 11,8 milliards of roubles.

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UDC 628.35:648.1

Försterling Ch., Fähnrich A., Crawford Daniel, Kühne Lothar, Barjenbruch Matthias

Wastewater recycling in small laundries using MBR-technology


The operation of laundries in Germany is characterized by high water and energy consumption. The business competition, increase of energy cost and active legislative requirements provide for growing demand for wastewater reuse systems (for process water treatment, heat and chemical recovery). In relation to the washing technology the level of water saving is rather high. However, the consumption of fresh water cannot be reduced unless the technologies of wastewater treatment and reuse have been integrated into the existing system. There are few if any examples of using wastewater reuse technologies for small laundries with a capacity of less than 500 kg/day; whe­reas the available water recycle systems are not efficient enough. A membrane bioreactor with flat submerged ultrafiltration membranes was installed at one of such laundries. The operation of the bioreactor provided for 93% COD reduction, and 90% water return. The quality of permeate was very high (it did not contain suspended solids or microbes) and met the requirements to the reuse in washing process. The cost analysis showed that the use of available permeate heat instead of electrical energy improved the economic efficiency of the laundry operation.

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UDC 628.35:62-278

Stepanov S. V., Stepanov A. S., Stashok Yu. E., Blinkova L. A.

Modular membrane bioreactors


The advantages of membrane bioreactors over traditional wastewater biological treatment facilities are shown; the perspective areas of their use are presented. The basic principles of designing membrane bioreactors are given. The engineering designs and specific features of low capacity membrane bioreactors with submerged hollow fiber membranes are considered.

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UDC 628.35:66.081.63

Kalachev D. A.

New age of membrane technologies: HUBER VRM unit


The information on the developments of HUBER Company in the field of wastewater and sludge treatment with the use of advanced technologies is presented. The company experts have been developing various system options: from mechanical treatment to hi-tech membrane biological reactors. The use of membrane bioreactor provides for reducing the volume of aeration tanks, since it ensures operating biological treatment stage with activated sludge concentration up to 8 g/l (or to 12 g/l in the MBR filtration chamber); abandoning secondary settling tanks, tertiary treatment and disinfection stages (if needed) resulting in the reclamation of additional space. Beside strict requirements to the efficiency of treatment it is important to note the reduction of operation expenditures, for energy in particular. HUBER Company has developed a reliable and energy efficient solution – HUBER VRM membrane unit. The basic innovative solution in the designed membrane filtration unit is a unique AirBoost system.

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UDC 628.35:66.081.63

Murashev S. V., Solov'eva E. V., Shilova N. K.

The experience of wastewater treatment technology approbation  on the basis of a membrane bioreactor


The results of testing two low-capacity pilot plants for wastewater treatment with the use of different process flow schemes: with a membrane bioreactor (MBR) and a secondary settling tank are presented. MBR technology provides for combining micro- and ultrafiltration with aerobic biological treatment of wastewater. On the basis of the obtained experimental data it is shown that the plant with the membrane bioreactor provides for higher treatment performances, chemical-free advanced phosphorus removal, sustained quality of discharged effluent and high efficiency of removing substances resistant to oxidation. The main drawback of the MBR technology is the need for regeneration of membranes with high efficiency that additionally complicates the process control. The data on the membrane throughput capacity varying depending on the bioreactor running time and efficiency of chemical regeneration of membranes is presented.

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УДК 628.35:66.081.63

Ivanova O. V.

Опыт внедрения современных технологий на основе ультрафильтрационных мембран


Рассказано об опыте внедрения технологий биологической очистки хозяйственно-бытовых и промышленных сточных вод с использованием мембранного биореактора. Технология на основе погружных ультрафильтрационных мембранных модулей обеспечивает достижение жестких нормативных требований к приему очищенной воды в водоемы питьевого и культурно-бытового водопользования и рыбохозяйственного назначения. Применение ультрафильтрационных мембран способствует увеличению концентрации активного ила в аэротенке для глубокой очистки обрабатываемых сточных вод. Промышленный сток проходит механическую очистку на шнековой решетке, далее очищается физико-химическим способом в реагентном флотаторе, затем смешивается с хозяйственно-бытовым стоком и поступает в мембранный биореактор. Применение мембранного биореактора позволяет сократить площади, занимаемые очистными сооружениями. Сброс очищенного стока осуществляется в водоем рыбохозяйственного назначения.

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UDC 628.3

Romashko A. V.

The experience of implementing comprehensive solutions in industrial wastewater treatment


The practical experience of the implementation of local treatment facilities of industrial enterprises on a turnkey basis: dairy plants, poultry farms, enterprises for the production of soft drinks, chemical industries, etc. is summarized. The differences in the implemented schemes of local wastewater treatment in different industries are described, process indicators of the operation of the treatment facilities are presented. The use of mathematical modeling of biological treatment facilities (classical scheme, membrane bioreactor, etc.) provides for a high degree of convergence of the calculated design values ​​and indicators obtained during commissioning. The automation system developed by the Russian engineers provides for arranging the unattended operation of the treatment facilities, improving the reliability of the facilities, and reducing the operating and maintenance costs. MY DAF, MY MBR and MY BION comprehensive solutions used in the implementation of the treatment facilities from design to commissioning, guarantee the achievement of the required effluent quality before discharging into a municipal sewer or a water body. 30 years of experience of MY PROJECT JSC in the implementation of integrated projects of wastewater treatment facilities gives a guarantee of successful implementation of projects in the future.

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UDC 628.3:665.5

Stepanov S. V., Strelkov A. K., Stashok Yu. E., Doubman I. S., Belyakov A. V.

The experience of designing oil refinery wastewater treatment facilities


The experience of developing design and working documentation of the new construction and reconstruction of wastewater treatment facilities for four oil refineries is presented. A structural scheme of biological wastewater treatment with nitrification-denitrification on the basis of a membrane bioreactor is suggested. Design solutions of regulating air supply to the aeration tanks that allow improving power efficiency are considered.

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UDC 628.35:661.5

Stepanov S. V.

Specific features of designing oil refinery wastewater biological treatment facilities


Oil refinery wastewater is characterized by the presence of organics resistant to oxidation and practically total absence of phosphorus. The procedure of designing oil-containing wastewater biological treatment with nitrification-denitrification is used both for aeration tanks and membrane bioreactors. Designing is carried out with the use of kinetic relationships for all the regulated pollutants. During the experiments kinetic constants and coefficients of nitrification and denitrification processes, oxidation of organic substances (as BOD and COD), oil products, phenols and synthetic surfactants for waste­water of a number of oil refineries were obtained. Calculations algorithm includes the following stages: determining initial data – pollutant concentrations and wastewater flow rates; choosing the process flow scheme of the treatment facilities; calculating specific rate of biological treatment process on the basis of kinetic constants and coefficients; calculating activated sludge growth, nitrogen and phosphorus losses in the process of assimilation; estimating the retention time for oxidation of separate ingredients of pollutants and denitrification; determining the maximum aerobic process time in respect to the limiting component and treatment level in respect to other ingredients; calculating the required air consumption; checking the necessity of dosing phosphorus compounds for nutrient makeup. To improve the denitrification efficiency the configuration of the facilities was enlarged with a mixed liquor deaerator. The process design of a membrane bioreactor differs from the design of aeration tanks with nitrification-denitrification by correction of specific oxidation rate with account of the obtained kinetic constants and coefficient of inhibition with metabolism products at higher concentrations of activated sludge in the bioreactor. The experimental results allowed supplementing the procedure of designing wastewater biological treatment facilities with nitrification-denitrification developed by NII VODGEO.

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UDC 628.16/.31

Kofman V. Ya.

Removing compounds showing hormonal activity from water and wastewater (review)


Various natural and nonnatural substances have been present in the environment. They can affect the normal hormonal activity in animals and humans. This class of substances is defined as «compounds with hormonal activity». The classification of compounds with hormonal activity is given. The methods of removing these compounds from water and wastewater, i.e. bioaugmentation, membrane technologies, adsorption, oxidation processes etc. are presented.

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UDC 628.35:62-278:725.42

Kharkina O. V., Strelkov A. K., Stepanov S. V., Stashok Yu. E., Sven Baumgarten, Josef Sheren

Treatment of Syzran oil refinery industrial wastewater in membrane bioreactor


The results of investigating biomembrane technology of Syzran oil refinery industrial wastewater treatment are presented. The kinetic parameters of nitrification-denitrification processes are determined. It was demonstrated that biomembrane technology provided for the intensification of these processes alongside with meeting the requirements set to the effluent quality in relation to nitrogen compounds whether with or without addition of biodegradable substrate. The experimental data proved the possibility of either using the effluent for industrial closed-loop water system makeup after partial desalination or (and) discharging it into surface water bodies after polishing with sorption.

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UDC 628.35

Rublevskaya O. N., Lominoga O. A., Keish V. S., Protasovskii E. M.

The project of wastewater treatment facilities for Molodezhnoe Settlement of the Kurort District of Saint-Petersburg


The project of the wastewater treatment facilities for Molodezhnoe Settlement of the Kurort District of Saint-Petersburg is presented. The wastewater treatment facilities include: the main pumping station, a combined mechanical wastewater treatment unit, an equalizing tank, a bioreactor (aeration tank operating the technology of nitri-denitrification) for enhanced nitrogen removal, a membrane bioreactor, an effluent UV-disinfection plant, a screw press for excess activated sludge dewatering. Separation of activated sludge and effluent is provided by three blocks each containing 8 membrane filtration modules each with a capacity of 104 m3/day. In the given project the membrane bioreactor acts as a secondary settling tank and tertiary treatment facilities. To provide for enhanced phosphorus removal aluminium sulphate is dosed at the biological treatment stage. Disinfected effluent is discharged through the outfall into the Gulf of Finland. Dewatered excess activated sludge is transported by trucks to the sludge incineration plant of the Northern Wastewater Treatment Plant. Gas emissions generated in the process of wastewater treatment are cleaned in a sorption-plasmacatalytic unit and a biofilter. The technology designed in the project provides for enhanced treatment of wastewater and gas emissions resulting in the significant improvement of the environment in the Kurort District of Saint-Petersburg.

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UDC 628.35:66.081.63

Stepanov S. V.

Calculation of membrane surface in membrane bioreactors


On the basis of the foreign publications analysis membrane bioreactors and membranes used in them are considered. In pressure units with a remote membrane assembly the specific flow through the membrane (at 20°C) is 80–200 l/(h∙m2) at 20–500 kPa transmembrane pressure; whereas in the units with submerged membranes – 8–30 l/(h∙m2) at 10–60 kPa vacuum. The specific power consumption in bioreactors with pressure membranes is within the limits of 1.5–4 kW·h/m3; with submerged membranes – 0.5–0.7 kW·h/m3. The results of analyzing the equipment market showed that submerged membrane elements and modules have been used in 97–99% biomembrane units. The comparison of submerged membranes shows that modules made of hollow fiber membranes have higher specific surface (300–600 m2/m3) compared to flat ones (50–150 m2/m3). Hollow fiber membranes are characterized by lower cost, higher resistance to fouling and backwashing. Flat membranes have higher mechanical toughness and can be more easily replaced. The operation of membrane batch bioreactors, the use of osmotic membrane bioreactor and nanofiltration processes in biomembrane technology are described. The technique of calculating submerged hollow fiber membrane surface with account of various allowed specific flows depending upon the durability of the design flows, time lost for backwashing and «relaxation», reflux from membrane backwashing is presented. At determining the number of the operating in parallel process lines one should take into account possible shutdown of one membrane tank for chemical washing or repair.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.12.04
UDC 628.35

Stepanov S. V., Avdeenkov Pavel, Ponomarenko Ol’ga, MOROZOVA K. M.

Results of studying biological treatment of wastewater of an egg processing enterprise in a pilot membrane bioreactor


The results of studies on the biological treatment of wastewater of an enterprise for advanced processing of chicken eggs in a pilot membrane bioreactor (MBR) with preliminary denitrification are presented. It is shown that the key indicator of pollution the treatment facilities shall be calculated on is BODtotal. At loads on the ash-free basis of activated sludge according to BODtotal from 0.06 to 0.125g/(g·day) for raw wastewater and from 0.04 to 0.12g/(g·day) for wastewater after preliminary coagulation and settling, BODtotal of permeate was 8–12 mg/l, and the concentrations of ammonium and nitrite met the MPC for fishery water bodies. The minimum recirculation that provided for the concentration of nitrate nitrogen in the effluent at the MPC level, turned out to be eight-fold for raw wastewater and six-fold for the pre-coagulated one. The inert part of COD was about 90 mg/l. On the basis of the executed studies the kinetic constants of the oxidation of organic substances required for the calculation of industrial biological treatment facilities were determined: ρ´max for BODtotal – 29.9 and 30.4 mg/(g·h), Km for BODtotal – 34.7 and 25.2 mg/l for raw wastewater and wastewater after preliminary physical and chemical treatment, respectively. The total volumes of bioreactors with a capacity of 600m3/day, operating with an activated sludge dose of 8 g/l according to the MBR technology with preliminary denitrification, while providing for the treatment level of BODtot of 12 mg/l and removing nitrogen compounds to the MPC for fishery water bodies, amounted to 3716 and 1643m3 for raw wastewater and wastewater after preliminary physical and chemical treatment, respectively.

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UDC 628.38:338.001.36

Tsarenko D. A., Romashko A. V., Smirnov Aleksandr Vladimirovich

The cost of the life cycle as a criterion of choosing a filtration package for membrane bioreactors


The method of evaluating the cost of the life cycle of the filtration package of membrane bioreactors for biological wastewater treatment is presented. The key parameters of choosing MBR-technology, the example of calculating the cost of the equipment life cycle are given. The allocation of the guarantee commitments between the customer and the supplier is shown. The presented method of evaluating the attraction of using membrane bioreactors on the basis of the analysis of the life cycle of the filtration package provides for the accurate computation of the capital and operational expenditures of the membrane filtration units at the wastewater treatment facilities of various capacities to justify the choice of the filtration package supplier. The conditions for the optimal allocation of risks between the membrane manufacturer and the customer are formulated.

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Журнал ВСТ включен в новый перечень ВАК

Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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