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UDC 628.38:338.001.36

Tsarenko D. A., Romashko A. V., Smirnov Aleksandr Vladimirovich

The cost of the life cycle as a criterion of choosing a filtration package for membrane bioreactors


The method of evaluating the cost of the life cycle of the filtration package of membrane bioreactors for biological wastewater treatment is presented. The key parameters of choosing MBR-technology, the example of calculating the cost of the equipment life cycle are given. The allocation of the guarantee commitments between the customer and the supplier is shown. The presented method of evaluating the attraction of using membrane bioreactors on the basis of the analysis of the life cycle of the filtration package provides for the accurate computation of the capital and operational expenditures of the membrane filtration units at the wastewater treatment facilities of various capacities to justify the choice of the filtration package supplier. The conditions for the optimal allocation of risks between the membrane manufacturer and the customer are formulated.

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