Tag:frequency-regulated electric drive



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UDC 628.14:62-531.3

Galiullin M. F., Rodin N. V., Bychkov D. A., Gerasimov D. S.

Automation of water supply in the Tumen distribution network


In 2016 the system of automated control of the second-lift water pumping stations of the Metelevskii and Velizhanskii water intakes was put into industrial operation. For the first time the functions of maintaining the standard operating pressure and supply of the required water amount from the second-lift pumping stations to the municipal water distribution network were automated. Introducing the complex of controlling the operation of the second-lift pumping stations on the basis of the data on the pressure in the dictating points of the network in real time mode provided for qualitatively improving the operation efficiency of the distribution network. The introduction of the automated process control system in the water supply allowed reducing pressure fluctuation in the municipal distribution network. The result was the reduction of the failure rate. Automatic maintaining the operation mode of the municipal distribution network provided for eliminating the excess pressure at the pumping stations that were unavoidable in the manual control mode. According to the expert estimates the potential of pressure reduction in the collection pipelines of the second-lift pumping stations of the Metelevskii and Velizhanskii water intakes is 10–15%. The reduction of the energy consumption with the use of a variable speed drive will be equal to the pressure reduction.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.03.10
UDC 628.12

Biriukov V. V., Nagornyi S. L., Chernosvitov M. D., Gladyshev Nikolai

Change in the power consumption and capacity of booster
pumping stations in Samara during their reconstruction


Information on the reconstruction of pumping stations in Samara is presented. The basic methods and means of its phased implementation are described. In order to optimize the operation of the water distribution network and structures, to identify unaccounted-for-losses and water flow rate in the system, to reduce the consumption of electricity by the facilities, a package of measures including the use of IT solutions, software for hydraulic modeling of the water supply system shall be carried out. The values of monthly and annual electricity consumption and water supply for booster pumping stations reconstructed in 2015 and 2018 are given. The decrease in energy consumption for pumping water is determined. The change in water supply by booster pumping stations after reconstruction is estimated. An assumption is made about the reasons for the possible absence of a decrease in water supply during the reconstruction of pumping stations taking into account the pressure stabilization at the outlet.

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UDC 628.32/.356.085

Linev S. P., Grigorieva E. V., Minakova N. S., Voskoboynikova V. E.

The Lipetsk Aeration Station at the Service of Ecological Safety of Region


The plan of development of the biological treatment facilities of the city of Lipetsk using the modern technologies and equipment for waste water treatment is presented. The experience of attraction of investments under conditions of limited budget financing is considered. A full complex of actions on reconstruction of treatment facilities will make it possible to ensure high-quality treatment of the city’s waste water in accordance with the requirements for discharge into fisheries water bodies, which will improve the sanitary-epidemiological conditions of the Voronezh River.

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UDC 628.292.004.69

Nikitin A. M., Karabanov Yu. Z., Girikov A. O.

Modernization of Sewerage Pumping Stations


The experience in reconstruction and complex modernization of the sewerage pumping stations with replacement of outdated equipment and pump units, introduction of the automated systems of control of technological processes and application of energy saving technologies is summarized. The successful realization of a great number of innovative technological decisions made it possible to improve the level of organization and control of operation of the whole complex of pumping stations, to ensure the optimal conditions of their operation excluding emergency situations thereby, to reduce operating costs, to increase the service life of pump units and auxiliary equipment, to improve the reliability of their work and ecological safety.

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UDC 628.14:62-531.3

Rakitskii D. S., Nagornyi S. L., Bykova P. G., Erchev V. N., Ageev M. K.

The experience of introducing variable-frequency electric drives of pumping units


Regulating the rotation speed of pumping unit rotors at the pumping stations of the second and third lift of the Samara pumping-filtration station has been suggested, tried and tested. The introduction of frequency regulation mode of the pumping units operation with the use of variable-frequency electric drives provided for 29.52% reduction of the failure rate of the water mains and distribution networks compared to 2013 and 25.58% reduction compared to 2014; 23% reduction of the power consumption by the pumping units of the second lift pumping station; 15.4% reduction by the pumping units of the third lift pumping station supplying water to the customers. At that the reliability of the water supply system in whole improves owing to the reduction of the network failure rate alongside with the quality of services provided by «Samarskie Kommunal’nye Sistemy» LLC.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.04.08
UDC  628.1/.2:621.65:62-531.3

Rybel’ Sergei, Kuninin Vladimir, Gerasimov Semen, Bakushin Andrei

The experience of using variable speed drives at the facilities
of «Vodokanal» LLC


The experience of using variable speed drives at the pumping stations operated by Vodokanal LLC in Novokuznetsk is presented. The advantages and disadvantages of this technical device are specified. It is demonstrated that currently, the use of variable speed drives provides for reducing the energy consumption by more than 20%, reducing the repair and maintenance costs; for improving the service life of electric motors; for reducing inrush current, water leaks and the load on the pumping equipment and pipeline valving. The use of variable speed drives has paid off even in case where adjusting the parameters to ensure the technology (velocity, performance, etc.); bringing the equipment parameters to the required values without replacing it (in order to increase the equipment load to the nominal value for the subsequent period); compensating for daily irregularities in water consumption are required.

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УДК 621.65:62–531.3:628.1/.2

Nikitin A. M., Balygin A. V., Shustova G. I., Iakovlev I. M.

Особенности частотного регулирования параллельно работающих насосов


Рассматривается один из вариантов энергоэффективной работы насосных агрегатов на насосных станциях водоснабжения и водоотведения при изменении час­тоты вращения рабочего колеса насоса с помощью частотно-регулируемых электроприводов, наиболее широко применяемых в современных условиях. Час­тотно-регулируемый электропривод устанавливается один на группу рабочих агрегатов или на каждый насос. Установка частотно-регулируемого электропривода на каждый рабочий агрегат является, на первый взгляд, довольно дорогостоящим мероприятием, поэтому чаще всего устанавливают один электропривод на группу (2–3 шт.) насосов. Однако при этом могут возникать кавитационные процессы, повышаться динамические нагрузки на подшипники и валы насосов, уменьшаться коэффициент полезного действия, и в конечном счете снижаться энергоэффективность работы насосов. По данным теоретического и практического обоснования, при установке частотно-регулируемых электроприводов на каждый рабочий насосный агрегат указанные выше недостатки сглаживаются, а энергоэффективность повышается.

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УДК 628.356

Berezin S. E., Ovseichuk B. V., Ustiuzhanin A. V.

Air flow control in wastewater treatment


Energy consumption for the treatment and transportation of 1 m3 drinking water and wastewater in Russia is several times higher compared to the developed countries; whereas the capital investments are several times lower. This fact determines the advisability of investing into water and wastewater projects with the highest energy saving potential. This potential can be realized through the control of energy intensive units in line with diurnal and seasonal changes in water consumption and amount of wastewater removed. Up to 50% of electrical energy consumed by wastewater management is accounted for air blowers. Adjusting their operation can reduce energy consumption by 35%. Air flow control is an economically efficient measure both in the terms of energy consumption and return on investments in wastewater management. Three main methods of air supply for aeration are considered: throttling with a baffler at the suction nozzle of the air blower; adjusting the shaft speed with a variable-speed drive; adjusting the angle of the air flow attack before and after the impeller with the help of turning vanes installed inside the air blower. For comparison, e. g. in Germany, controlled air blowers are used at 390 wastewater treatment facilities in 145 cities. But in Russia from 297 cities with more than 50 thousand population they are used only at 15–20 wastewater treatment facilities. Instead, low efficient adjustment of sewage pumps in RF is used more often than in energy efficient countries. From global best practices the use of controlled air blowers instead of regular ones was paid off during 2–4 years at numerous facilities.

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Журнал ВСТ включен в новый перечень ВАК

Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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