Tag:water supply system



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UDC 628.1:658.26.004.18

Moiseev A. V., Riffel E. V., Furmanova Yu. I., Syryakov V. V., Mazepo M. V.

Introduction of energy saving measures in Krasnodar Vodokanal


The aspects of efficient energy consumption by water and wastewater utilities are of primary importance. In order to reduce the energy consumption constituent of the production costs certain energy saving measures are introduced aiming to the development and improvement of the process technologies, upgrade of equipment and controls. This approach is provided by the development of market relations, deficiency of energy resources and, consequently, by the energy price increase. The energy consumption pattern of an enterprise is determined by the type of products manufactured or services rendered. The principle procedure of an energy audit of the pumping stations operated by Kransnodar Vodokanal; the basic technical solutions on the water supply upgrade are presented alongside with the comparison of the calculated and actual cost savings resulted from the introduction of the energy saving measures.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.03.10
UDC 628.12

Biriukov V. V., Nagornyi S. L., Chernosvitov M. D., Gladyshev Nikolai

Change in the power consumption and capacity of booster
pumping stations in Samara during their reconstruction


Information on the reconstruction of pumping stations in Samara is presented. The basic methods and means of its phased implementation are described. In order to optimize the operation of the water distribution network and structures, to identify unaccounted-for-losses and water flow rate in the system, to reduce the consumption of electricity by the facilities, a package of measures including the use of IT solutions, software for hydraulic modeling of the water supply system shall be carried out. The values of monthly and annual electricity consumption and water supply for booster pumping stations reconstructed in 2015 and 2018 are given. The decrease in energy consumption for pumping water is determined. The change in water supply by booster pumping stations after reconstruction is estimated. An assumption is made about the reasons for the possible absence of a decrease in water supply during the reconstruction of pumping stations taking into account the pressure stabilization at the outlet.

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UDC 628.17

Naimanov A. Ia., Гутарова М. Ю.

Study of water consumption by the population  of big cities under the conditions of non-round the clock water supply


The study of actual water consumption by the population of a city under the conditions of supplying water to the customers at intervals according to the schedule is presented. Histograms and diagrams of differential and integral distribution of specific water flow rate for buildings equipped with water and wastewater piping and bathrooms with local water heating were plotted. The exponential rule of differential distribution of actual water flow rates per one person per day has been determined that is a distinctive feature of non-round-the-clock water supply because at the continuous supply the differential distribution is subordinate to the normal law. Average weighted and 20-percent recurrence specific water flows were determined; the total reduction of water consumption by the population of a big city at non-round-the-clock water supply was revealed. The comparison with the water consumption by the population of Samara under the conditions of continuous water supply was carried out. The reduction of the specific water consumption at family increase regardless of the availability of public amenities in the apartment building was determined.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.09.01
UDC 628.1(091)

Egorova Yu. A., Strelkova T. A., Nesterenko O. I.

History of the creation and development of the water supply in Samara


The history of the creation and development of the water supply in Samara is presented. It is difficult for a modern resident of a large city to understand now; however, for several centuries Samara has experienced serious problems due to a persistent deficit of water. Numerous water carriers on horse-drawn carriages in barrels and other containers delivered water to the city located between two rivers. Samara was helpless before the fires that regularly flared up in it that resulted in almost entire city burning out. This situation preserved almost until the end of the 19th century. There were attempts, however unsuccessful, to build a water supply system in Samara. In 1881, the Zodchii magazine announced a competition to draw up a technical project for a water supply system for the city of Samara; in June 1883, 11 projects were submitted for the competition. After appropriate reviewing, the first prize of 3000 rubles was awarded to the project by engineer Nikolai Petrovich Zimin, the head of the Moscow water supply system. The construction of the Samara water supply system started immediately after the signing of an agreement with the company «Trading House of Brothers Bromley and Co.» for the execution of works. And already on October 1, 1886, the water supply to the main streets of the city began. Owing to the unique engineering solutions of N. P. Zimin, the first fire-fighting water supply system in Russia, equipped with a state-of-the-art-infrastructure was commissioned in Samara. At that time, only a few cities in Europe had this marvel of engineering. Now the history of the Samara water supply system goes back 135 years. To preserve the history of the creation of the municipal water supply system, «Na Dne» («At the Bottom») museum of the history of the Samara water supply system has been operating since July 13, 2018 at the premises of the municipal water treatment plant. The modern water supply system of the Samara urban district supplies drinking water to more than 1.2 million residents. Development continues.

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UDC 628.14:004.415.53

Primin Oleg, Gromov Grigorii, Stepanov D. L., Kozlova O. V.

Calibration of an electronic model of a water supply system
(through the example of the water distribution network of Salavat city)


In accordance with the RF legislation within the frames of the water supply schemes development for the Russian cities designing an electronic model of a water supply system is envisaged. In order to obtain trustworthy results of modeling the model verification is required that is carried out by the calibration on the basis of operation and statistic data of the water supply system. The action of the electronic model calibration through the example of the Salavat water distribution network is described (Republic of Bashkortostan). The calibration was aiming at maintaining hydraulic head at the nodal points of the design model according to the assumed calculation as well as maintaining water source flows according to the assumed estimation hour. The calibration of the electronic model of the water supply system was carried out by varying the maximum values of steel and cast iron pipeline roughness that corresponded to their maximum working lifespan. The calibration process involved a considerable amount of hydraulic calculations (256). The mean total difference of hydraulic head between the estimated values and actual measurements was 4.03%; the mean total difference of water source flows – 0.31%. With the purpose of the calibration process automation an algorithm based on VBA language with the use of Excel tables and ActiveX library of «ZuLuNetTools» was developed. The developed algorithm of automated calibration of the electronic model is applicable to «ZuLu» Russian software.

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UDC 628.12/.14+628.17

Rakitskii D. S., Egorova Yu. A., Nagornyi S. L., Tabunkov A. S., Polst'ianov V. N., Vorob'ev A. G., Chernosvitov M. D., Shmigol V. V.

Integrated approach to the upgrade  of booster pumping stations in Samara


The applicability of improving the reliability and energy efficiency of the water supply system of Samara is specified. The main me­thods and means of step-by-step implementation of the plan of upgrading booster pumping stations are described. The description of software and hardware system chosen for the implementation of the set task is presented. The data on the reduction of the total power consumption by 37 pumping stations is given. Frequency regulation of the pumping units operation provided for 40% reduction of the power consumption; the introduction of the adaptive regulating algorithm for the stations with parallel operation of several pumping units provided for 27% reduction of power consumption. The estimated reduction of power consumption with replacing pumping units after the introduction of the adaptive regulating algorithms was 18%. 8% reduction of the failure rate in the distribution network owing to the average pressure reduction in the distribution network and due to the improvement of the operational control efficiency by obtaining complete exact information on the process parameters in real-time mode was noted. The system introduction predetermined operating personnel downsizing and simplifying the organizational-technical measures for the maintenance of the pumping stations. The criteria expedient to be used in estimating the operation efficiency of the stations are indicated. The diagrams of the operation parameters of a number of upgraded pumping stations are presented. The recommendations on the further upgrade of the booster pumping stations on the Samara territory are quoted.

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UDC 628.147.2

Karmazinov F. V., PANKOVA G. A., Ipatko M. N., IGNATCHIK V. S., Ignatchik S. Iu., Sarkisov S. V., Putilin P. A.

Methods of optimization  of the zoned water supply system


The method of optimization of water supply systems with account of the expenditures for eliminating failures in the water distribution networks depending on the pipe material, diameter and network operating pressure is presented. Computational simulation of the hyd­raulic operational modes of the water supply system (with the use of the mathematical model) with determining the optimal operating pressure in the dictating point of the network was carried out. The developed method of the water supply system optimization provides for determining the operating expenditures at different pressure values in the distribution networks; determining the cost effective ope­rational mode with account of the investment and operation and maintenance costs; optimizing the electric energy costs with account of the cost of eliminating failures in the water distribution networks that depend also on the design pressure value.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.02.08
UDC 628.144:614.842.62:006.015.7

Primin Oleg

Optimization of the choice of diameters of the pipelines
in the water distribution network considering the fire safety


With the arrangement of combined drinking water and fire water supply systems, the importance of the distribution network increases even more, since additional functions are assigned to provide for the transportation of large amounts of water for firefighting. Meeting the firefighting requirements in conditions of a significant reduction in water consumption in most cities of Russia leads to negative consequences associated with low (0.1–0.3 m/s and less) flow rates and stagnation of water in some sections of the distribution network. Thereby, the organoleptic properties of water may deteriorate expressed in the appearance of flavors, unpleasant odors, increased turbidity and color, etc. In this regard, measures are required to optimize the choice of pipe diameters, to ensure and maintain the required quality of transported water in outdoor urban and distribution networks, and to guarantee meeting the required fire extinguishing standards. The research results and hydraulic calculations for assessing the minimum permissible water flow rates and minimum pipe diameters of submain networks are given taking into account the provision of external and internal firefighting. The tests were carried out in real conditions of the municipal water supply ring main in high- and low-pressure zones.

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UDC 628.

Karmazinov F. V., Probirsky M. D., IGNATCHIK V. S., Ignatchik S. Iu., Kuznetsov P. N.

Optimization of the wastewater disposal system


In the Federal Law of the Russian Federation «On water supply and wastewater disposal» the challenges and principles of the national policy in this field have been defined. One of the challenges is «improving energy efficiency by water conservation». The experience of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» shows that achieving the above-noted challenge apart from installing water meters is possible by zoning the distribution networks and reducing the working pressure in them. However, alongside with the positive situation in water consumption in the water supply system of St. Petersburg two contrary trends have emerged that favour the increase in wastewater disposal amount: increase in wastewater inflow during the rainy season and increase of general coefficients of wastewater disposal irregularity. The contradiction emerged between the safety requirements of the branch law «On water supply and wastewater disposal», the requirements of the law «On environmental protection» related to the accidental wastewater discharge and wastewater treatment level on one side, and the changed operation conditions (increased developed land, off-design rains, increased irregularity coefficients) on the other side. Because of this meeting the requirements of the legislation and government regulations in the process of the operation of the wastewater disposal system of St. Petersburg that was basically designed and built many years ago actually is not possible. Under current conditions when the large-scale upgrade of the wastewater disposal system of the megacity is not possible the optimal resolution of the above-mentioned conflict is establishing the system of the municipal wastewater disposal system control. This will provide for solving a number of optimization tasks with criteria stated in the branch law in the form of indicators of reliability, quality, energy efficiency.

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UDC 621.65:62-531.3:628.1/.2

Davydov A. B., Spirin E. V., Radetskii Mikhail

Optimization of water supply system of the left bank districts of Novosibirsk


For the past 15 years a package of measures has been implemented in the Novosibirsk water supply system with the introduction of advanced equipment and technologies that provided for significant improving the reliability and efficiency of operations. The measures included installing variable-speed drives on pumping units; changing-over the operation of the pumping station to the remote control point operation, introducing pressure control system etc. To ensure the control over the water supply operation the activities on establishing automated pressure control in the water distribution network were initiated. At present 32 pressure control points have been established in the city left bank districts that allow real-time tracking the network operation parameters. All the pumping stations and most important points of the water distribution network were equipped with pressure sensors. The experts of Gorvodokanal of Novosibirsk MUE introduced a software package with the purpose of: monitoring and analyzing water consumption in water supply zones; analyzing the energy efficiency of equipment operation; monitoring and analyzing pressure losses in the water distribution network. The measures on optimizing the water supply system operation implemented in Gorvodokanal confirm that the systems designed and built in 1960–1980-ies have a big potential for upgrade. The upgrade will provide for significant reduction of operating costs and improvement of the water supply quality.

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UDC 628.179.3

Egorova Yu. A., Konevskii E. V., Vas'kovskii A. V., Zaiko V. A.

The experience of using geographical information technologies  and program-calculation complexes in searching unaccounted-for-water losses in the Samara water supply system


The use of geographical information systems and program-calculation complexes for hydraulic simulation of water supply systems provides for minimizing the labor intensity and calculation time, carrying out more complete and high-quality analysis of the results obtained, and applying efficiently in practice of searching unaccounted-for-water losses in the water distribution networks. The elimination of water losses provides for reducing the operating expenses, introducing most economical operation method, improving the operating reliability of each separate element and the entire system. The introduction of ZuluHydro 7.0 geographical information system and hydraulic simulation designed by Polyterm Russian company at the facilities of «Samarskie Kommunal’nye Sistemy» LLC ensured 38% reduction of the delivery water volume into the local zone network, 8 m w. c. reduction of the output pressure at the main pumping station, formation of the algorithm of actions in searching unaccounted-for-water losses (technical and commercial), and its extrapolation on the entire Samara water supply system.

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UDC 628.15:62-531.3.004.18

LEZNOV B. S., Vorobiev S. V.

Assessment of Water Saving When Using the Regulated Electric Drive in Pumping Plants of Water Supply Systems


Methods of the assessment of water saving developed by specialists of the Yagorba Ltd. and the automation laboratory of the NII VODGEO PC are described. The assessment of water saving when using a regulated drive for various variants of pumping plants operation in the water supply systems can be made with the help of these methods. Results of the calculation are close sufficiently to the results of operational supervision on real objects. This procedure can be used for estimation of reduction of wastewater disposal into the sewerage owing to the reduction of non-productive discharges in a water delivery system. The example of calculation of predicted water saving for a pump installation with one and several units is presented.

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UDC 377.3:628.1.2

KINEBAS A. K., Fedotov B. A., Tikhonov P. A., Finogenov M. V., Varlamova E. V.

Raising the Level of Personnel’s Skill of Dispatching Services of the SUE Vodokanal Sankt-Peterburga


Issues of the creation of the system of training and raising the level of operative-dispatching staff’s skill at enterprises of the city water supply and sewerage services are considered. The experience of the SUE Vodokanal Sankt-Peterburga in creation and development of such system on the basis of modern information technologies is described.

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UDC 628.1.2:658.26.004.18

Usachev A. P., Karpov N. V.

Enhancement of Energy Efficiency of Pumping Plants at Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal Systems


One of the ways of enhancement of energy efficiency of pumping plants at water supply and wastewater disposal systems introduced successfully at the Municipal Unitary Enterprise Gorvodokanalof Novosibirsk is considered. The matter is the introduction of high-voltage stations of frequency control of pump units with power voltage of 6–10 kV. Variants of frequency regulation and experience in their introduction at pumping stations are presented. The experience in operation of the stations of frequency control demonstrates their high efficiency not only in power saving but also concerning the rest operational indices including provision of the stable and guaranteed water supply to all consumers in particular.

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UDC 628.14:62-531.3

Spirin E. V., Radetskii Mikhail, Lobyntsev S. V., Andriianets Petr

Improving the operation of the Novosibirsk water supply system


In Novosibirsk over the past 20 years a set of measures has been implemented using equipment and technologies that have significantly improved the reliability and efficiency of the water supply system. Networks and facilities of the water supply system designed and built in the 1960–1980-ies have a large reserve for upgrade that will allow significantly improving their efficiency, reducing operating costs and improving the quality of water supply. As a result of the measures taken the company not only provides for the high-level water supply in the context of limited financial resources but also ensures the development of the city.

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UDC 628.17

Abilov Fazil Adil ogly, Agarzaiev Tural Mazakhir ogly

Losses in the water supply system of Greater Baku and measures on their elimination


The population of Azerbaijan numbers more than 9.5 million people; half of the population is supplied with drinking water from the public water supply system. The water supply of Greater Baku (Baku city, Sumgait city and Apsheron) is carried out from five sources. In some communities water leakages reach 40–50%. Water losses in the distribution networks result in increases in operational expen­ses and reduction of the water network integrity. Water losses in the networks are mainly due to the following: commercial losses – illegal connections; physical losses – leakages; losses at calculations – water meter errors. The results of theoretical studies and practical measures on eliminating leakages in water distribution networks are presented. All the technical data is based on the actual information obtained from the relative water supply system maintenance departments of «Azersu» JSC.

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UDC 628.14:614.842.628

Deryushev L. G., Deryusheva N. L., Frog B. N.

Calculation of the distance between fire hydrants


Water supply system supplies water not only for drinking and household use but also for fire fighting. Water for fire fighting is abstracted from the water distribution network through hydrants with the use of rubber-lined hoses of fire trucks. Fire hydrants are installed on the pipelines of the water distribution network so that to provide for supplying water from more than one point. Herewith sufficient number of fire hydrants in the water distribution network is identified not only by the conditions of fire extinguishing and minimization of material expenditures but also by the technical capacity of the vehicles and equipment. In order to meet these requirements it is reasonable to summarize the data according to the conditions of fire extinction of objects together with the hydropower characteristics of the applied vehicles and equipment. Reference and regulatory documents on fire fighting contain limited and sometimes conflicting information of this kind. It is important to choose and use correctly the regulated parameters of the fire safety system in the process of justification of design choices of water supply systems. There are known cases when design choices of supplying water for fire fighting are approved with low efficiency. The use of substantiated guidance materials can help in improving the efficiency of design choices in the process of developing water supply sources for fire fighting. The proposed method of calculating the distance between fire hydrants in outdoor water supply networks is based on the regulatory requirements to fire fighting in buildings and structures as well as on the general principles of hydraulic calculations of pipelines and power parameters of water supply systems.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.04.07
UDC 628.14:621.646.43

Rozhnov Evgenii

Sustainable use of free head


The linear remoteness of the water facilities in the city of Novokuznetsk reaches 40 km with a difference in elevations of 157 m. The two main water intakes of the city are located at the distance of 20 km from each other, which suggests the availability of zones with different free head. Pressure control and water distribution among the districts was traditionally carried out by throttling shutoff valves, and 119 pumping stations with pumps of 0.75–1250 kW capacity were operating in the initial water supply scheme. Based on the analysis of possible solutions to the problem, proposals were made for the installation of pressure reducing valves, an installation diagram was developed, and the operating modes of the new system were determined. The installation of regulators throughout the city was carried out in two stages. In 2016, as a result of the installation of 7 regulators, 13 booster pumping stations with a total energy consumption of more than 150 kW were phased out; at the second stage in 2017, 12 more regulators were installed and 8 more pumping stations with a total energy consumption of 40 kW were put out of operation; and 5 pumping stations were upgraded with pump replacement for lower capacity. The project payback period was 4 years.

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UDC 628.1:614.842.62

Zaiko V. A., Il'in N. A., Sargsyan A. M.

Water supply systems for firefighting in small communities


The issues of arranging firefighting in small communities that usually lack firefighting water systems and the arrival of firefighting machinery sometime is delayed are discussed. The information on the availability of firefighting water systems in Russian communities and the number of fire accidents against population is presented. It is noted that special attention should be paid to establishing advanced water supply systems in small communities that can be also used for firefighting. A water supply scheme is proposed that provides for domestic water supply and external firefighting from fire hydrants eliminating the use of mobile pumping units. To accomplish this it would be reasonable to use regulating and reserve tanks to store a reserve water stock for firefighting; pumping units with variable speed drives; pipe fittings with electric operators; advanced automation equipment and water supply and distribution control systems. The options of operating modes of such water supply system in normal conditions and in case of fire are presented.

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UDC 628.171

Ivankova T. V.

The current state of water supply in the Republic of Crimea
and possible additional water sources


The state of water availability of the Crimea peninsula in the period 2014–2017 is considered; the water consumption of the population is analyzed. The main problems with the supply of high-quality drinking water to the population are associated with the unsustainable use of water resources, poor water quality in rivers, surface water bodies, discharge of raw or insufficiently treated wastewater, wasteful flow and significant water losses in the water supply system. In 2017, the total water abstraction in the Republic of Crimea amounted to 301.33 million m3: from surface sources – 177.67 million m3, underground – 123.66 million m3. Water supply of cities and rural settlements is provided from surface (water reservoirs) and underground (artesian wells, groundwater intake structures) sources. The consumption of fresh water was 267.67 million m3, the losses during transportation – 12.3 million m3 (4.7%). The most unfavorable regions in terms of sanitary and chemical indicators of drinking water are: the cities of Krasnokopsk, Armiansk, Evpatoria, Dzhankoy, as well as Krasnoperekopsky, Pervomaisky, Leninsky and Saki districts. Methods of supplying fresh water used in arid countries (Israel and UAE) are considered. For the water supply of the Crimean peninsula a set of measures is proposed: step-by-step reconstruction of the water management complex; upgrade and additional construction of local drinking water treatment facilities; replacement of outdated water distribution networks; reconstruction of the existing water reservoirs and the construction of additional bulk reservoirs, storage ponds on the local flow; the introduction of water-saving technologies in industry, utilities and agriculture; the use of drip irrigation systems in agriculture; the use of brackish underground sources; desalination of sea water; promotion of water conservation.

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