Tag:specific water consumption



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UDC 628.5.504.06

Zacharias Berndt

Hamburg – St. Petersburg: cooperation in water sector


The information on the cooperation between municipal water utilities – Hamburg Wasser and State Unitary Enterprise «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» is presented. St. Petersburg is an economic, research and cultural centre, major transport hub and big sea port of the North-Western region of Russia. The city produces a substantial impact on the environment and water quality of the Baltic Sea. Hamburg is the second big German city and one of the biggest European ports. Hamburg and St. Petersburg since long have been bound by trading relations that provided for establishing the first German-Russian commonwealth of twinned cities. At present this background forms the framework for the cooperation of Hamburg Wasser and Vodokanal of St. Petersburg, the companies that provide for drinking water supply, wastewater disposal and wastewater sludge utilization. In this respect mutual exchange of experience in the field of operation upgrade and optimization, improvement of operation and power efficiency of the public water supply and wastewater networks and facilities as well as in the field of improving the existing regulatory framework is of high value. The requirements to the protection of the water bodies are extremely high for both companies, therefore both in Hamburg and St. Petersburg large-scale wastewater collection systems are under construction. All the Hamburg Wasser water and wastewater treatment facilities are fully independent of external power supply. At present in Vodokanal of St. Petersburg energy optimization of the pumping stations and upgrade of the wastewater treatment facilities operation are carried out.

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UDC 628.1.033

Demin A. P.

Changes in the Russian domestic water supply in XXI century


The data on the provision of the public water services to the housing facilities of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation, on the share of leakages and unaccounted-for-losses in the total water amount supplied to the distribution networks (2001–2011) is presented. Regions with low access of the population to the public water supply and high levels of leakages are identified, e. g. the South and North Caucasian federal districts (around 35%). It is shown that depreciation of the water distribution network (50–70%) results in the increase of water leakages. It was found that underground water use decreased in all the Russian federal districts and now amounts in average to 45% of the total water supply; whereas the share of underground water in the domestic water supply balance stands approximately at the same level. The data on the dynamics of the water pass through pretreatment facilities is presented. The reasons of the significant reduction of specific domestic water consumption throughout the federal districts and regions of Russia for 11 years of the XXI century are stated. The improvement of the domestic water supply sources in most federal regions is noted. The information on the number of polluted underground water areas is presented. The fundamental RF laws and regulations in the field of water and wastewater management passed lately are cited. High priority measures to supply good quality drinking water to the Russian population are suggested, i. e.: developing standardization in the field of water conservation; ensuring the balance between affordability of high quality public services for customers and adequate financing.

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UDC 628.218

Chupin R. V.

Indicative and adaptive management of the water supply
and wastewater disposal system development


The transition to market relations determined a new for Russia concept of public utilities management. This concept can be presented as two stages. The first stage is the elaboration of water supply and wastewater disposal development schemes; the second stage is the implementation of the scheme on the basis of investment programs of the public utilities complex. The investment programs provide for the financial support of the development and upgrade of water supply and wastewater disposal systems by means of the investment component in the tariff, connection charge for newly built capital construction projects and target financing of separate state and municipal programs, loans and credits. The important indicators of water supply and wastewater disposal systems are as follows: specific water consumption per capita per day; water leaks per one kilometer of the pipeline; power consumption per one cubic meter of supplied or consumed water; integrity, safety, seismic resistance etc. Indicator management is the development and implementation of measures directed for improving or reaching certain values of these indicators. On the basis of the indicative planning theory a method of elaborating development options, their estimation, selection of the preferred option under the conditions of the uncertainty of the specific water consumption, cost indicators and limitations on the investments into the construction and upgrade of water supply and wastewater disposal systems is proposed.

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UDC 628.17

Naimanov A. Ia., Гутарова М. Ю.

Study of water consumption by the population  of big cities under the conditions of non-round the clock water supply


The study of actual water consumption by the population of a city under the conditions of supplying water to the customers at intervals according to the schedule is presented. Histograms and diagrams of differential and integral distribution of specific water flow rate for buildings equipped with water and wastewater piping and bathrooms with local water heating were plotted. The exponential rule of differential distribution of actual water flow rates per one person per day has been determined that is a distinctive feature of non-round-the-clock water supply because at the continuous supply the differential distribution is subordinate to the normal law. Average weighted and 20-percent recurrence specific water flows were determined; the total reduction of water consumption by the population of a big city at non-round-the-clock water supply was revealed. The comparison with the water consumption by the population of Samara under the conditions of continuous water supply was carried out. The reduction of the specific water consumption at family increase regardless of the availability of public amenities in the apartment building was determined.

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UDC 628.218

Chupin R. V., Primin Oleg

Substantiation of the wastewater disposal system parameters
in the context of projected water consumption and wastewater discharge uncertainty


Lately in Russian cities the reduction of the total and per capita water consumption has been observed. However the active «Water supply. Outdoor networks and structures. Revised edition of SNiP 2.04.02-84» SP 31.13330.2012 design and construction specifications do not take into account this fact and, consequently, the presented values of the specific water consumption do not keep to the current level of plumbing and water consumption patterns that cannot be uniform for all the cities and communities in Russia. The use of regulatory values of rated loadings set in these design and construction specifications in designing water and wastewater systems can result in project cost increase and significant operation expenses. Accordingly they have to be corrected with account of the assessment and prediction of the actual specific consumption values in separate cities and communities. This in return requires relevant studies and update of the specific water consumption regulatory values for designing and updating the developing water supply and wastewater disposal systems. The method of substantiating the parameters of the sewers under design in the context of projected water consumption and wastewater discharge uncertainty is described. The method based on the fuzzy sets theory and methodology of decision making in the context of the baseline information uncertainty provides for handling alternative values of water consumption and making decisions on the ground of the minimum investment risks.

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UDC 628.171.033

Shmigol V. V., Chernosvitov M. D., Kukolkin V. N., Polst'ianov V. N.

The prospects of improving the energy efficiency of boosting pumping stations


«Samarskie kommunal’nye sistemy» LLC has been providing cold water supply, wastewater collection and treatment on the territory of the Samara urban district. One of the main tasks of the enterprise is improving the energy efficiency of boosting pumping stations. For this purpose a comprehensive approach to the selection of the number and trademark of pumping units as well as to the practicability of installing variable-speed drives is required. In contrast to the projected pumping stations with calculating the duty cycle of the pumps, with the existing stations solving the problem of minimi­zing wasteful energy losses requires studying the established water consumption pattern; determining the required pressure at the pumping station outlet and available pressure in the municipal distribution network. The problem of maintaining optimal pressure at the boosting pumping station outlet shall be considered: constant maximum design pressure; changed as per schedule; depending on the flow rate. Arranging a complete water audit, identifying illegal water consumers and optimizing the operation of block pumping stations with the use of variable-speed drives will provide for the significant reduction of water and energy consumption. The comparison of the dynamics and specific water consumption in separate residential buildings with the operation of the block boosting stations supplying water to separate residential buildings and blocks and with the existing regulation is presented. The diagrams of the specific water consumption patterns and variations in water consumption within 24 hours are given. The conclusions related to the prospects of improving the energy efficiency of the boosting pumping stations operated by «Samarskie kommunal’nye sistemy» LLC are drawn.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.11.02
UDC 628.171.001.24

Chupin R. V., Morozova Svetlana, Chupin V. R.

Designing water supply and wastewater disposal systems in conditions of fuzzy values of prospective water consumption and population base


Designing municipal water supply and wastewater disposal systems is associated with overcoming various uncertainties of an economic, technical, natural and anthropogenic nature. The most significant of these are the design loads in terms of water consumption and wastewater disposal, as well as the population base that will use these utilities in future years. For this reason, CP 31.13330.2021 recommends not specific values, however, a range of values for specific water consumption, for example, 165–180 l/(day·person). Which one shall be taken into account is the problem. At the same time, designers must understand that the risks that arise in case of overestimation or underestimation of design loads are very high, since in both cases reconstruction will be required involving huge financial investments. A new approach is proposed to substantiate the parameters of water supply and wastewater disposal systems based on a fuzzy representation of the prospective population base and specific water consumption. This approach is based on the study of the area of uncertainty by dividing it into intervals with weighted membership functions, as well as on the application of decision theory methods based on the financial risk matrix. Herewith, the risks are estimated through the life cycle cost under various project implementation scenarios. The developed approach is recommended to be used while substantiating the parameters of prospective water supply and wastewater disposal schemes.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.04.01
UDC 628.1

Demin A. P.

The current situation with supplying the population of the Crimean Peninsula with clean drinking water


The work object was studying the issues of supplying the population of Crimea with clean drinking water after the reunification with the Russian Federation. The studies used statistical materials from Rosvodresursy, Rospotrebnadzor, Krymstat, the Ministry of Ecology and the Ministry of Resorts of the Republic of Crimea. The data on the dynamics of water consumption for drinking and household needs in the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol is given. An increase in the number of public water supply sources not equipped with a sanitary protection zone is shown. The share of the urban housing stock equipped with running water significantly exceeds the share of the rural housing stock. The growing deterioration of the water supply network is the main reason for the increase of water leaks. In 2014–2020, leaks in the Crimean water supply network increased from 63.2 to 96.8 million m3, or by 53%, and on a per 1 km basis of networks – from 4.7 to 7.4 thousand m3 (57%). There is a decrease in the average daily water consumption per person in the territory of the peninsula and in the main resorts of Crimea. The share of the population and the number of municipalities supplied with imported water is increasing. The deterioration of water quality in the sources of drinking water supply, including in municipalities, is shown. A decrease in the share of the population supplied with safe drinking water was revealed in the Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol. Some proposals for the sustainable water use in the conditions of the growing shortage are given.

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