Tag:outdoor networks



UDC 628(14+21):66.011
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.08.04

Gromov Grigorii, Novikov Kirill

On possible combining the concepts of BIM and GIS while developing schematics of external water supply and sewer networks


At the moment, the concepts of «scheme of water supply and wastewater disposal of a settlement» and «project documentation» are fixed in the Russian legislation. Based on the activities provided in the scheme, project documentation for each of them is further developed. At the same time, the development of an electronic model of the water supply and wastewater disposal scheme, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 5, 2013 No. 782, is carried out using software based on a geographic information system (GIS); whereas the design documentation for a capital construction object should be developed on the basis of an information model in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 331 dated March 5, 2021. The information model is developed with the help of the software using BIM modeling. The analysis shows that for the moment the software that would fully combine these two concepts – GIS and BIM is not available. Interim results of the implementation of the software package in «Mosvodokanal» JSC are presented with the analysis of possible combining the concepts of BIM and GIS to obtain more accurate and complete information about the facility being implemented.

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UDC 628.14:614.842.628

Deryushev L. G., Deryusheva N. L., Frog B. N.

Calculation of the distance between fire hydrants


Water supply system supplies water not only for drinking and household use but also for fire fighting. Water for fire fighting is abstracted from the water distribution network through hydrants with the use of rubber-lined hoses of fire trucks. Fire hydrants are installed on the pipelines of the water distribution network so that to provide for supplying water from more than one point. Herewith sufficient number of fire hydrants in the water distribution network is identified not only by the conditions of fire extinguishing and minimization of material expenditures but also by the technical capacity of the vehicles and equipment. In order to meet these requirements it is reasonable to summarize the data according to the conditions of fire extinction of objects together with the hydropower characteristics of the applied vehicles and equipment. Reference and regulatory documents on fire fighting contain limited and sometimes conflicting information of this kind. It is important to choose and use correctly the regulated parameters of the fire safety system in the process of justification of design choices of water supply systems. There are known cases when design choices of supplying water for fire fighting are approved with low efficiency. The use of substantiated guidance materials can help in improving the efficiency of design choices in the process of developing water supply sources for fire fighting. The proposed method of calculating the distance between fire hydrants in outdoor water supply networks is based on the regulatory requirements to fire fighting in buildings and structures as well as on the general principles of hydraulic calculations of pipelines and power parameters of water supply systems.

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