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UDC 628.162.1


Reagent-Free Deferrization Plants of the Hyxo Closed Company and Experience of Their Operation


There is a brief analysis of ground water deferrization techniques used for domestic and technical water supply. Reagent-free flow charts of artesian water deferrization with EUROWATER equipment realized at regional Vodokanals are presented.

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UDC 628.161.2:546.72/.711

Govorova Zh. M., Govorov O. B.

Studies and experience of introducing the technology of ground water de-ironing and softening in the Moscow Area


The analysis of physical and chemical parameters of ground water quality from the wells of water intake facilities No. 4 and 5 in Zhukovskii town, Moscow Area, was carried out. Based on the results the priority pollutants – iron compounds, hardness salts, dissolved gases (carbon dioxide and hydrogen suphide) were identified. The technology of ground water conditioning with the use of bioreactors with jet vacuum ejection, subsequent filtration in moving bed filters and chemical water softening in a vortex reactor was substantiated. Under the conditions of an operating water intake field trials were carried out in a plant that comprised the models of bioreactor, degasifier, moving bed filter and vortex reactor. The process parameters of the main facilities operation that ensured the sustainable standard quality of the water after purification were specified. It was found that after bioreactor and filter charging water de-ironing alongside with the removal of dissolved gases was taking place. The efficiency of purification at the first stage is 88.9%, after filtration the concentration of iron in water does not exceed 0.3 mg/l. The required dosage (3.4 mg-eq/l) and concentration of sodium hydroxide solution (4%) that ensured the required level of preliminary de-ironed water softening were determined. The data on the implementation of the efficient technology of ground water conditioning at design stage and at the stage of reconstruction and upgrade of water pumping station No. 5 in Zhukovskii town are set.

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UDC 628.16

KINEBAS A. K., Feofanov Yu. A.

Modernization of the Zelenogorsk Water Supply Station is a Stage of Realization of the Regional Program Pure Water


The following works have been done within the limits of modernization of the Zelenogorsk water supply station (St. Petersburg): reloading of high-rate filters with installation of the new drainage system TRITON improvement of water aeration system (enrichment with oxygen in a pan aerator), and automation of technological process. The technique of water treatment for manganese at the second stage of the process with the use of catalytic oxidation in pressure filters containing the three-layered quartz sand, pyrolusite, and anthracite media has been introduced. The quality of water treated at the Zelenogorsk water supply station after its modernization meets the requirements of the Russian and European standards at all points.

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UDC 628.161.2:614.777:546.47/.49

Larionov S. Iu., Panteleev Aleksei, Riabchikov Boris, Shilov Mikhail, Kasatochkin A. S.

Removal of natural radionuclides from underground water sources


Natural radionuclides are present in underground water sources of some Russian regions in the concentrations exceeding the maximum permissible level for drinking water. Natural water radioactivity is caused by the presence of uranium 238U and thorium 232Th isotope decay products including radium and radon. For the purification of radium containing water lime softening, sorption on special adsorbents (e. g. zeolites), ion exchange softening and active aluminium oxide or active alumina, manganese containing media are used. The given methods of treatment are described in a number of publications that state the possible use of reverse osmosis or nanofiltration, however, lack the information on their application. Membrane technologies in combination with the traditional methods allow designing the flow scheme of radionuclides removal from underground water. During the tests on producing water of the required quality for an open-cycle heat supply system no radionuclides accumulation was observed. For the operation period (1.5 month) of the ultrafiltration plant during the interval between backwash cycles the radiation background straight at the membrane increased insignificantly; whereas, after the backwash it returned to the initial level. Backwash number was more than 100 providing for the statistically valid data. The reverse osmosis plant was operating with ultrafiltration permeate. The total radionuclides in the parent solution was about 1.4 Bq/l, in reverse osmosis filtrate – 0.005 Bq/l, i. e. much lower than the maximum permissible level. In reverse osmosis concentrate this value does not exceed 1 Bq; therefore, it can be discharged into the open hydraulic networks in compliance with the established standards. No activity accumulation on the reverse osmosis membranes was observed.

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UDC 628.112

Larionov S. Iu., Panteleev Aleksei, Riabchikov Boris, Shilov Mikhail, Kasatochkin A. S.

Cleaning up underground water from chlororganic compounds


Chlororganic compounds present in underground water are technogenic pollution products. The water in a number of deep wells that supply Podolsk and Troitsk cities in the Moscow Area with water is characterized by elevated concentrations of volatile chlororganic compounds (carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethylene and tetrachlorethylene). To provide for water purification according to the drinking water standards a number of technologies is suggested: surface aeration, ozonation, activated carbon treatment, sorption on activated carbon, membrane filtration. The technology of removing volatile chlororganic compounds from water was tested in an experimental plant including primary aeration of raw water in a vacuum-ejection unit with subsequent filtration in filters with granulated activated carbon, and salt composition correction with nanofiltration. The operation of a unit with primary ozonation of water before supply to the carbon filter was tested. It was shown that aeration provided for 50–80% removal of volatile chlororganic compounds which could significantly improve the operating life of a carbon filter. After treatment with activated carbon the concentration of all chlororganic compounds was lower compared to the regulations. Since water ozonation involves high ozone consumption ozone dosage higher than 100 mg/l is required to ensure the reduction of trichloroethylene and tetrachlorethylene concentrations to the standard value. Tetrachlorethylene is oxidized heavier than other compounds (the regulatory concentration is not reached). Nanofiltration with «Nano NF 4040» membrane manufactured by «RM Nanotech» domestic producer provides for water purification according to Sanitary Regulations and Norms without using any other technologies. However, nanofiltration involves primary water treatment – de-ironing and mechanical filtration.

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UDC 628.54

Shchetinin A. I., Kolesnik Yu. V., Ulchenko V. M., Kostin Yu. V., Esin M. A., Agafonkin V. V., Tomilov S. M., Maznyak Z. A.

Wastewater Treatment at Meat-Processing Enterprises


Issues of the wastewater treatment at meat-processing enterprises are described. The plan of the KonkordiyaLtd.’s wastewater treatment has been developed. For preliminary treatment, local treatment facilities which include a drum grate with an inclined dewatering screw, equalizing tank and physicochemical treatment unit on the basis of a reagent pressure flotation plant have been dsigned and constructed. Household sewage is supplied to an inlet distribution chamber, then to interlocked fine treatment grates and aerated horizontal sand-grease catchers. The mixture of household sewage treated mechanically and industrial wastewater treated locally is supplied to aeration tanks for biological treatment with removal of biogenic elements and then for aftertreatment and disinfection. Dewatering of all types of sludge is carried out at Ecopolymerbelt filter-presses using flocculants. Commissioning of local and wastewater biological treatment facilities as well as equipment for dewatering of sludge at belt filter-presses has been executed. The high wastewater treatment quality and sludge dewatering level have been achieved.

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UDC 628.161

Moiseev A. V., Troshkova E. A.

Industrial-scale tests of an injection aeration system at the Velizhan water deironing plant in Tyumen


Tsurumi submersible jet injectors were suggested for the installation in the channels of the rapid filters of the first process line at the Velizhan water deironing plant operated by Tyumen Vodokanal JSC; for the second process line it was recommended to dismantle the polyethylene pipe aeration system in the deaerator-degasifier and to replace the air blower with advanced economically efficient submersible impeller aerators. The engineering solutions were proved by the industrial-scale tests carried out on-site. The results of the water quality analyses before and after retrofitting the advanced aeration system are presented. The approximate evaluation of the power efficiency and cost saving when using submersible impeller and jet aerators is given.

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UDC 697.941:62.784.432:628.353
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.07.02

Savochkin Andrei, Larionov S. Iu., Riabchikov Boris, Shilov Mikhail, Kasatochkin A. S.

Developing a complex technology for removing aromatic hydrocarbons from industrial wastewater and air


The issues of the treatment of industrial wastewater of a petrochemical plant at the biological treatment facilities are considered. The results of studies and pilot tests at a real-world object with a complex technology of removing aromatic hydrocarbons from industrial wastewater and waste air generated during wastewater treatment are presented. A fine-bubble aeration method with an efficiency of pollution removal 85–95% was proposed for wastewater treatment. The process of disposing of air generated during wastewater treatment in a biofilter is described in detail. It is shown that the most important condition of the efficient biological air cleaning is the stabilization of the chemical composition of wastewater; therefore, the relative measures have been proposed for the implementation of the process. It is stated that while observing the given condition, the efficiency of air cleaning in the biofilter can reach minimum 90% at the specific capacity up to 100 m3/(m2·h).

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УДК 628.356

Berezin S. E., Ovseichuk B. V., Ustiuzhanin A. V.

Air flow control in wastewater treatment


Energy consumption for the treatment and transportation of 1 m3 drinking water and wastewater in Russia is several times higher compared to the developed countries; whereas the capital investments are several times lower. This fact determines the advisability of investing into water and wastewater projects with the highest energy saving potential. This potential can be realized through the control of energy intensive units in line with diurnal and seasonal changes in water consumption and amount of wastewater removed. Up to 50% of electrical energy consumed by wastewater management is accounted for air blowers. Adjusting their operation can reduce energy consumption by 35%. Air flow control is an economically efficient measure both in the terms of energy consumption and return on investments in wastewater management. Three main methods of air supply for aeration are considered: throttling with a baffler at the suction nozzle of the air blower; adjusting the shaft speed with a variable-speed drive; adjusting the angle of the air flow attack before and after the impeller with the help of turning vanes installed inside the air blower. For comparison, e. g. in Germany, controlled air blowers are used at 390 wastewater treatment facilities in 145 cities. But in Russia from 297 cities with more than 50 thousand population they are used only at 15–20 wastewater treatment facilities. Instead, low efficient adjustment of sewage pumps in RF is used more often than in energy efficient countries. From global best practices the use of controlled air blowers instead of regular ones was paid off during 2–4 years at numerous facilities.

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UDC 628.31.004.69

Streltsov S. A., Belov N. A., Klimova L. A., Pshenko N. L.

Reconstruction of the Novo-Kur’ianovo wastewater treatment facilities


The Kur’ianovo wastewater treatment facilities are the European biggest municipal wastewater treatment complex. Being an advanced project for its time (1970-ies) by the XXI century the Kur’ianovo wastewater treatment facilities turned to be obsolescent and needed upgrading. In 2010 the project of upgrading the first and second blocks of the Novo-Kur’ianovo wastewater treatment facilities was launched. The specific features of the design solutions of recovering the capacity of the engineering structures of buildings and facilities of the wastewater treatment plant, of retrofitting nutrients removal process are considered alongside with the aspects of reducing malodorous emissions from the open surfaces of the facilities. Special attention in the project is paid to the selection of process equipment – advanced sludge scrapers, sludge pumps, turboblowers and aeration systems were installed. For the first time floating covers of the primary settling tanks were applied.

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UDC 66.021.3:66.069.84
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.07.01

Riabchikov Boris, Larionov S. Iu., Kasatochkin A. S., Gizzatullin Artur, Panteleev Aleksei

Advanced solutions for aeration, deaeration-degassing and decarbonization processes


The processes of saturating water with oxygen and removing highly soluble oxygen and poorly soluble gases, such as carbon dioxide, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, methane, radon are widely used in industry, energetics, municipal and individual water treatment. For these purposes, many designs of devices based on different operating principles are offered. JSC Research and Production Company Mediana-Filter is the only one in the Russian Federation that has developed and successfully used a series of vacuum ejection devices of different capacities for most of these purposes in its projects. A complex of vacuum ejection devices of different unit capacities has been developed – from 1 to 125 m3/h for aeration, deaeration-degassing and decarbonization, i. e., air stripping after heating, removing carbon dioxide generated by reverse osmosis and ion exchange units, removing dissolved gases – hydrogen sulfide, radon and chlorinated organics. It helps to design an effective and economical complex of industrial installations of various purposes and capacities.

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UDC 628.161

Portnova T. M., Keish V. S., Protasovskii E. M.

Construction of water treatment facilities in Diuny
and Molodezhnoe settlements of the Kurort District of Saint-Petersburg


In accordance with «The scheme of water supply and wastewater disposal of Saint-Petersburg for the period up to 2025 including the prospects up to 2030» SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» started building two water treatment plants in Diuny and Molodezhnoe settlements of the kurort District of Saint-Petersburg upon the project of «Lengiproinzhproekt» Institute. Underground water deposits of the «Solnechnoe – Diuny» and «Molodezhnoe» intermorainic aquifer located in the south-western part of the Karelian Isthmus were used as a water source. Underground water is characterized by the high concentrations of iron (up to 5 mg/l, manganese (up to 1 mg/l), and barium (up to 1.5 mg/l). As for the rest parameters artesian water meets the standards. Underground water is fresh, sodium bicarbonate by chemical composition with 0.06–0.27 g/l mineralization and less than 3 mg-eq/l hardness. The technology of removing iron, manganese and bromine from water in two-stage rapid filters with the use of catalytic oxidation in pressure filters of the second stage containing crushed pyrolusite media was introduced. The facilities designed and built according to the mentioned technology showed high process efficiency. As a result of the water treatment plants construction in Diuny and Molodezhnoe settlements the concentrations of iron, manganese and barium in the water supplied to the public water supply system meet the standards. The quality of drinking water meets not only Russian but also European standards.

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UDC 628.35:661.5

Lominoga O. A., Agapov D. V., Bol'shakov N. Yu.

The technology of biological wastewater treatment with nitrification-denitrification at the Zelenogorsk wastewater treatment facilities


The results of introducing the technology of biological wastewater treatment with the use of nitrification-denitrification processes in the «aeration tank-secondary settling tank» system at the Zelenogorsk wastewater treatment facilities are presented. It is shown that the use of nitrification-denitrification enhance significantly the efficiency of nitrogen removal. The findings allow recommending the suggested technical solution for the introduction at other municipal wastewater treatment facilities.

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UDC 621.61.003.13

Berezin S. E.

Air blower control as an effectual measure of improving the power efficiency of wastewater utilities

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UDC 628.35 (211)

Kounakhovich A. A.

Domestic wastewater advanced treatment unit for the use in the settlements of the northern climatic region


The experts from «Engineering Equipment Trading House» developed and mastered manufacturing of the treatment facilities for domestic wastewater and industrial wastes close by composition to domestic wastewater for the camps in the northern construction climatic region. Tver-C units for advanced treatment of domestic wastewater provide for the comprehensive solution to ensure efficient operation of the treatment facilities in rigorous climate northern areas.

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УДК 628.1/.2:658.26.004.18

LEZNOV B. S., Vorobiev S. V., Iskhakov Yu. B., Tchebanov V. B., Koptev V. S.

Power audit of water and wastewater utilities


The aspects of investigating power efficiency (power audit) of the water and wastewater utilities are considered and basic guidelines on the auditing procedure are given. Power audit shall include thorough investigation of the basic water treatment and conveying technologies. Power audit shall be carried out by professional companies experienced in working at water and wastewater utilities, and applying relevant technologies. Herein it is reasonable to use a target power auditing program as well as a special power certificate that reflect technologic features that determine the utility power consumption.

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