

bbk 000000

UDC 628.161

Portnova T. M., Keish V. S., Protasovskii E. M.

Construction of water treatment facilities in Diuny
and Molodezhnoe settlements of the Kurort District of Saint-Petersburg


In accordance with «The scheme of water supply and wastewater disposal of Saint-Petersburg for the period up to 2025 including the prospects up to 2030» SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» started building two water treatment plants in Diuny and Molodezhnoe settlements of the kurort District of Saint-Petersburg upon the project of «Lengiproinzhproekt» Institute. Underground water deposits of the «Solnechnoe – Diuny» and «Molodezhnoe» intermorainic aquifer located in the south-western part of the Karelian Isthmus were used as a water source. Underground water is characterized by the high concentrations of iron (up to 5 mg/l, manganese (up to 1 mg/l), and barium (up to 1.5 mg/l). As for the rest parameters artesian water meets the standards. Underground water is fresh, sodium bicarbonate by chemical composition with 0.06–0.27 g/l mineralization and less than 3 mg-eq/l hardness. The technology of removing iron, manganese and bromine from water in two-stage rapid filters with the use of catalytic oxidation in pressure filters of the second stage containing crushed pyrolusite media was introduced. The facilities designed and built according to the mentioned technology showed high process efficiency. As a result of the water treatment plants construction in Diuny and Molodezhnoe settlements the concentrations of iron, manganese and barium in the water supplied to the public water supply system meet the standards. The quality of drinking water meets not only Russian but also European standards.

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  3. Zolotova E. F., Ass G. Iu. Ochistka vody ot zheleza, margantsa, ftora i serovodoroda [Removal of iron, manganese, fluorine and hydrogen sulfide from water. Moscow, Stroiizdat Publ., 1975, 176 p.].

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