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UDC 628.16.081.3

SEREDKINA E. V., Kvachan E. P., Nezhura E. A.

Nonchemical underground water treatment
(Case study of the Amur water intake, the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur)


Until the present no economically available and environmentally substantiated process scheme of a land-based underground water conditioning plant in the Far East has existed. High concentrations of iron and manganese at low Eh and pH values predetermined the use of chemical methods of treatment. The comparison of two process flow schemes – chemical and nonchemical (with the use of catalytic filtering media) is presented. It is shown that the use of the technology with three chemicals is not the only possible solution. The use of imported equipment and chemicals makes the operator of the municipal water treatment plant dependent on the pricing policy of the supplier. A process flow scheme of water treatment tested under the real-time conditions of a water intake and approved for the introduction with the use of catalytic filtering media and Russian-made equipment is presented. The main task in developing the process flow scheme of nonchemical water treatment was enhancement of the treatment processes with the aim of reducing capital and operational expenses.

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UDC 628.161.2:546.72/.711

GERASIMOV M. M., SMIRNOV A. D., Davlyaterova R. A., Domnin K. V., Arkhipova Elena, Metelitsa Ekaterina, Smagin V. A., Belyak А. А.

Demanganization of decarbonized ground water of the Tungus basin with the use of catalytic media


A summarized analysis of the ground water demanganization methods is presented. The efficiency of manganese removal by «black sand» filtering is determined; the process parameters for purification of decarbonized ground water of the Tungus basin are specified. The efficiency of air assisted wash for the regeneration of the filter media upon the end of the filter run is evaluated. It was determined that the «black sand» filter media shall be activated with potassium permanganate. The complete process layout of the water demanganization facilities at the Tungus intake of the Khabarovsk city including sludge and filter washings treatment is developed.

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UDC 628.166

Pchel'nikov I. V., Nguen Tkhi Tuan Z’ep

Study of the optimal electrolysis mode while producing sodium hypochlorite from Mediterranean Sea water


The theoretical substantiation, as well as the research results of developing the technology for producing low-concentration sodium hypochlorite by direct electrolysis of Mediterranean water for the biocidal treatment of the cooling circuit of nuclear and thermal power plants are presented. The optimal process parameters have been determined. Methods for preventing the formation of cathode deposits have been studied. It has been established that during the electrolysis of seawater with an anode current density of 1000 A/m2 the maximum concentration of active chlorine 7.9 g/dm3 can be achieved; whereas at 600 A/m2 – up to 6.8 g/dm3 is achieved on iridium-ruthenium-titanium oxide anodes. The current chlorine yield is within 10%. It has been shown that the current chlorine yield and specific power consumption per 1 kg of generated active chlorine reach their optimum values ​​(85–90% and 3–3.5 kWh/kg) at an active chlorine concentration in the electrolysis product of 2 ± 0.2 g/dm3. This determines the process and economic feasibility of producing sodium hypochlorite from sea (ocean) water.

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UDC 628.166:628.1.033 (470.61-25)

FESENKO L. N., Ignatenko S. I., Skryabin A. Yu., Fedotov R. V.

Ensuring of Wastelessness and Ecological Compatibility of Technology of Sodium Hypochlorite at the ChlorefsUnits


The ways of solving the problem of ensuring of wastelessness and ecological compatibility of the technology of large-tonnage production of sodium hypochlorite at electrolysis stations of high-capacity water treatment facilities are considered. It is shown that for conditioning of water used for preparation of salt solutions the method of acid decarbonization is more preferable as excluding the generation of some accompanying waste water. It is considerably cheaper than the cationite softening and makes it possible to use the salt of any quality. The saturators for preparation of saturated salt solution should be equipped with the washing systems similar to high-rate water supply filters with wash water discharge into the system of treatment and its reuse in the scheme of dissolution.

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UDC 628.166:661.833.322.21

Ignatenko S. I.

Equipment manufactured by EKOFES SPE LLC in the field of import phaseout of electrolyzers for the large-scale production of sodium hypochlorite for water disinfection


Traditionally the sanitary and epidemiologic safety of drinking water is ensured by chlorination that continues to be the most widely used method of water disinfection in the world owing to its sanitary-hygienic reliability, prolonged bactericidal action, relative simplicity and economic efficiency. However, while using liquid chlorine, the problem of its transportation through populated areas and storage of multi-tonnage stocks at the water treatment facilities remains apparent. Low-concentration electrolytic sodium hypochlorite produced at the point of consumption by electrolysis of sodium chloride solution is generally recognized as an alternative disinfectant to liquid chlorine. Those who use foreign technologies and electrolyzers become contingent on foreign service and repair, as well as on the supply of imported components and consumables which causes serious financial difficulties. In addition, foreign companies in the production of sodium hypochlorite use deep-softened Na-cationized water and special salt not lower than Extra brand. The successful promotion of high-efficiency domestic electrolyzers in the field of import phaseout became possible only with taking into account the demands of water utilities for the use of the cheapest and available raw materials (table salt not higher than A-number), as well as for the after-sale service by the supplier and the manufacturer warranty to eliminate unforeseen shutdowns of the equipment, emergency failures or consequences of force majeure in the shortest possible time. The established in Russia (EKOFES SPE LLC) production of high-capacity electrolyzers that are not inferior in their technical and economic performance to foreign counterparts will provide for complete abandoning foreign supplies and implementing import phaseout of this type of equipment by a domestic manufacturer.

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UDC 66.021.3:66.069.84
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.07.01

Riabchikov Boris, Larionov S. Iu., Kasatochkin A. S., Gizzatullin Artur, Panteleev Aleksei

Advanced solutions for aeration, deaeration-degassing and decarbonization processes


The processes of saturating water with oxygen and removing highly soluble oxygen and poorly soluble gases, such as carbon dioxide, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, methane, radon are widely used in industry, energetics, municipal and individual water treatment. For these purposes, many designs of devices based on different operating principles are offered. JSC Research and Production Company Mediana-Filter is the only one in the Russian Federation that has developed and successfully used a series of vacuum ejection devices of different capacities for most of these purposes in its projects. A complex of vacuum ejection devices of different unit capacities has been developed – from 1 to 125 m3/h for aeration, deaeration-degassing and decarbonization, i. e., air stripping after heating, removing carbon dioxide generated by reverse osmosis and ion exchange units, removing dissolved gases – hydrogen sulfide, radon and chlorinated organics. It helps to design an effective and economical complex of industrial installations of various purposes and capacities.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.09.01
UDC 628.166.094.3(477.75)

Skryabin A. Yu.

Ecological safety of Crimea: advanced technologies
of water management complexes


The main problems of the Crimean water supply are related to the shortage of drinking water, low technological and sanitary reliability of water treatment systems, the lack of a sufficient number of demineralization, softening and disinfecting water plants in the shoreland and rural areas, and the unsatisfactory state of the water distribution network and treatment facilities. In the circumstances concerned, an urgent task is to provide the population of Crimea with high-quality drinking water when increasing the environmental safety of the operation of engineering and water management complexes, including facilities, plants and installations for the treatment and disinfection of natural and waste water. The aspects and ways of solving the problems of recycling and reusing as a commercial product the concentrate of desalination and water softening plants, as well as electrolysis wastes of sodium hypochlorite production at the water treatment facilities for water disinfection are considered. Environmentally friendly technological solutions for the operation of the plants for chemical softening, reverse osmosis and sodium hypochlorite production from aqueous solutions of common salt are recommended.

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Журнал ВСТ включен в новый перечень ВАК

Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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