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UDC 628.112

Larionov S. Iu., Panteleev Aleksei, Riabchikov Boris, Shilov Mikhail, Kasatochkin A. S.

Cleaning up underground water from chlororganic compounds


Chlororganic compounds present in underground water are technogenic pollution products. The water in a number of deep wells that supply Podolsk and Troitsk cities in the Moscow Area with water is characterized by elevated concentrations of volatile chlororganic compounds (carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethylene and tetrachlorethylene). To provide for water purification according to the drinking water standards a number of technologies is suggested: surface aeration, ozonation, activated carbon treatment, sorption on activated carbon, membrane filtration. The technology of removing volatile chlororganic compounds from water was tested in an experimental plant including primary aeration of raw water in a vacuum-ejection unit with subsequent filtration in filters with granulated activated carbon, and salt composition correction with nanofiltration. The operation of a unit with primary ozonation of water before supply to the carbon filter was tested. It was shown that aeration provided for 50–80% removal of volatile chlororganic compounds which could significantly improve the operating life of a carbon filter. After treatment with activated carbon the concentration of all chlororganic compounds was lower compared to the regulations. Since water ozonation involves high ozone consumption ozone dosage higher than 100 mg/l is required to ensure the reduction of trichloroethylene and tetrachlorethylene concentrations to the standard value. Tetrachlorethylene is oxidized heavier than other compounds (the regulatory concentration is not reached). Nanofiltration with «Nano NF 4040» membrane manufactured by «RM Nanotech» domestic producer provides for water purification according to Sanitary Regulations and Norms without using any other technologies. However, nanofiltration involves primary water treatment – de-ironing and mechanical filtration.

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