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UDC 696.11

Butko D. A., Danekiants A. G., Mel’nikov I. S.

Choosing the optimal water supply schematic for a high-rise building


The task of enhanced studying scientific substantiation of the selection of a water supply system schematic with the development of criterial indicators (parameters) of optimization is formulated. The analysis of the state of real estate construction market provided for making a substantiated choice of a model building for which seven different versions of water supply schematic were designed and hydraulic and technical and economic calculations were made. The core indicators of reliability were calculated with the use of three methods. The significance coefficients are proposed that determine the degree of impact of a single assembly failure on the general system robustness. The regularities of the fitting failure-free operation probability changing with increasing the number of storeys in a building were determined. An algorithm of choosing an applicable water supply schematic was drawn up that was based on the question-answer method and took into account the basic data on the number of storeys, pressure limitations, building design features, redundancy possibility and (or) necessity as well as additional equipment installation. The optimization parameters were determined: material characteristics, reliability and energy consumption. To solve the formulated task a uniform integral equation of reliability-economic index is proposed. The coefficients and all relevant numerical values assumed depending on the schematic under considera­tion are cited. Inserting basic data into the equation provides for the coordinates for definition domain development. Each schematic in view of its specificity has a definite range of values (definition domain).

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