Tag:centralized control



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UDC 628.1/.2:65.012.45

Obuzdin S. Iu., Alekseev A. V., Novitskii N. N.

Automation of the operation modes and centralized control
of the water supply systems at «Vodokanal» MUE of Irkutsk
on the basis of electronic models


The principles of adopting technologic solutions of the control of the public utilities development and functioning under the conditions of their territorial, structural and timed disunity at the water supply and wastewater disposal enterprises are considered. A possible way of solving these problems based on the use of end-to-end simulation and designing the enterprise consolidated information area with the help of «ANGARA» Information Computer Environment is proposed. The brief description and main functions of «ANGARA» are presented. «ANGARA» ICE was designed at the laboratory of pipeline and hydraulic systems of Melentiev Energy Systems Institute for the automation of the processes of developing, supporting and using electronic models of pipelines of arbitrary type and with different levels of complexity in solving application tasks of studying, designing and operating them. The information-computer complex possesses the essential set of graphical, information and analytical functions required for the development, correction and analysis of pipeline system schemes of different type. Using the example of automation of designing the operation modes and centralized control of the water supply systems at «Vodokanal» MUE of Irkutsk the possibility of using the obtained results in solving new tasks that involve dynamic models of load flow is considered.

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