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UDC 628(14+21):66.011

Primin Oleg, Gromov Grigorii

Designing an electronic model of water supply and wastewater disposal systems and model implementation by the example of a Russian city


Basing on the requirements set by the Russian legislation the development of the water industry and municipal utilities infrastructure shall be implemented in accordance with water supply and wastewater disposal plans. In case the city population exceeds 150 thousand inhabitants these plans shall include electronic models of water supply and wastewater disposal systems. The practical experience of «MosvodokanalNIIproject» JSC in the field of designing water supply and wastewater disposal plans for Russian cities shows that designing a proper electronic model requires significant scope of information including topological data for all the existing pipelines, geodesic marks of the pipelines, water consumer and pump characteristics, etc. Full data acquisition and displaying in electronic format can take a lot of time. In case the operator of the water and wastewater systems does not have a detailed electronic model at the first stage usually a decision is made within the frames of water supply and wastewater disposal systems engineering to design an enlarged version that will provide for estimating and analyzing the operation of water mains, main pumping stations and regulation facilities. Further on, based on the model analysis and approbation and on the city Masterplan and urban infrastructure the prospective models are developed. The experts of «MosvodokanalNIIproject» JSC successfully designed electronic models of water supply and wastewater disposal systems of Ufa, Irkutsk, Penza, and Orenburg. The experience of designing an electronic model of water supply and wastewater disposal systems by the example of a Russian city is presented.

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