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UDC 628.212.2/.316

Prodous O. A., Mikhailov A. V.

The experience of using peat filtration for surface runoff treatment


The 20-year experience of using peat filtration technology for surface runoff treatment has been described. The advantages of the technology are given; the simplicity of operation in a large range of surface wastewater amount is noted. The choice of treatment techno­logy and filtering materials is a rather complicated task, since it requires achieving effective purification at minimum cost and without using extra electricity. The natural origin of peat, its availability, good filtering properties, ease of disposal and low cost determine the prefe­rence of its use in surface runoff treatment technologies. In the period 1994–2018 a group of companies developed a system for passive mechanical treatment of surface runoff using peat filtering materials. At the facilities of the North-West Federal District of the Russian Federation more than 900 systems for the purification of surface runoff of various amounts were introduced including more than 300 on the R-21 Kola highway and large Pulkovo-3 facilities with a capacity of 700 m3/h in St. Petersburg. The absence of the need to use electricity even in minimal amounts has provided for the efficiency of such technologies. The widespread introduction of peat filtration can be attributed to the best available technologies.

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  6. Ochistnye sooruzheniya poverkhnostnogo stoka «Pulkovo-3», GUP «Vodokanal Sankt-Peterburga» [«Pulkovo-3» facilities for surface runoff treatment, SUE «Vodokanal of Saint-Petersburg»]. www.gov.spb.ru (accessed 28.08.2015). (In Russian).

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