Number 4 / 2019
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UDC 628.16.065.2-926:628.16.094.413.094.3
Pokhil Yu. N., Bagaev Iurii, Mamaev V. V., Novoshintsev V. N., Valuyskikh I. V., Zhagin V. A., Boldyrev Viacheslav Viktorovich, Shokolov A. N., Belousova T. V., Smirnov V. P.
Optimization of flocculation and chlorammoniation processes at the water treatment facilities of the city of Novosibirsk
The results of long-term studies to improve the design and operating parameters of the pumping-filtration stations in Novosibirsk are presented. The schemes of the developed processes and technical means for the enhancement of disinfection and flocculation are given. The results of research on improving the processes of mixing and flocculation to provide for reducing the consumption of coagulant by more than 50% without water quality degradation achieving precipitation of the major sludge amount in the flotation chambers and at the entry of the sedimentation tanks, respectively, reducing the pollution load on filters and water consumption for their backwash. Based on the results of the research on the improvement of the technology of chlorammoniation a predictable and well-controlled process has been developed with a guaranteed decrease in the concentration of chlororganic compounds within the limits of the MPCs as well as the elimination of chloramines with the highest degree of oxidation and nitrification. The process ensures the reduction of secondary water pollution and bacteriological and hydrobiological pollution of the water treatment facilities.
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Key words
disinfection , water treatment , intensification , flocculation , chlorammoniation , mixing , stoichiometric calculation
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UDC 628.161.2/.3
Pokhil Yu. N., Oskolkov N. V., Bogdanov B. A., Mamaev V. V., Artemenok N. D., Borovkov M. L.
Purification of high-color low turbid water in the city of Kuibyshev, Novosibirsk Region
Drinking water has been an essential factor in shaping public health and living standards. Water quality is one of the priorities in the activities of the state sanitary and epidemiological service and municipal authorities. The reasons for the unsatisfactory purification of surface high-color low-turbid water at the water treatment facilities are considered. A new process flow scheme of two-stage water purification at the pumping station site of the city of Kuibyshev, Novosibirsk Region, providing the required quality of water with a design capacity has been developed. A full range of commissioning works was carried out with the determination of the process parameters of the facilities and development of the required documentation (standard operating procedures, flow charts, monitoring instructions, operating instructions). The clear organizational management, involvement of qualified specialists, introduction of effective methods, technologies and chemicals provided for solving the problem of bringing the quality of water purification of the Om River to the requirements of SanPiN «Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality in public drinking water supply systems. Quality control. Hygienic requirements for ensuring the safety of hot water supply systems» in all parameters. The experience of solving the problems of purification of high-color low-turbid water of the Om River in the city of Kuibyshev, Novosibirsk Region is presented.
Key words
reagent , chromaticity , water treatment , horizontal settling tank , chlororganic compounds , surface water supply source , ground water source
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UDC 628.31:502.1
Bagaev Iurii, Gundyreva Tat’iana, Shipulin Roman
Specific features of the transition to the process regulation of public wastewater disposal systems
The results of the analysis of proposed laws and regulations in furtherance of the legislation on process regulation of public wastewater disposal systems are presented. Pros and cons of the new regulation system are considered. The necessity of revising the maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants in effluent discharged into a water body is substantiated. The problem of excessive environmental requirements to effluent discharges that had been in power for many years in the country did not lose relevance in 2019. Permissible concentrations of substances discharged into water bodies remained on average two times tighter than in European countries. The purpose of the work was to substantiate proposals for amending approved and developing regulatory legal acts. To achieve this goal domestic and European legislation related to the process regulation was analyzed and compared. The existing system of dividing water bodies into categories is unnecessarily complicated and has an obvious imbalance (up to 95%) towards fisheries and standards; therefore it is proposed to approve three categories of water bodies to establish standards for the discharge of effluents from public wastewater disposal systems: premium fisheries category, primary fisheries category, public household category with evaluation criteria according to the existing methodology.
Key words
best available techniques , technological rate setting , public wastewater disposal systems , standard for discharge into a water body , water body categories
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UDC 628.166
Pokhil Yu. N., Novoshintsev V. N., Kamaletdinov A. R., Kostyuchenko S. V., Tkachev Andrei, SMIRNOV A. D.
Use of UV-disinfection in water supply and wastewater disposal systems of Novosibirsk
Vodokanal of the city of Novosibirsk has been one of the first water and wastewater utilities in large Russian cities to completely switch to the disinfection of drinking water and wastewater with ultraviolet irradiation. Advanced multi-barrier technologies for the preparation of drinking water (combined use of UV disinfection and chlorination) provided for obtaining safe drinking water of high quality. UV units introduced at the pumping-filtration stations (PFS-1 and PFS-5) of the city provide for the reliable disinfection of filtered purified water up to the requirements of SanPiN, perform a barrier role against pathogenic microorganisms of bacterial, viral and parasitic nature. UV equipment installed at the municipal wastewater treatment facilities with a total capacity of 600 thousand m3/day ensures the required degree of disinfection in accordance with SanPiN (radiation dose not less than 40 mJ/cm2). The UV-disinfection station built on the basis of tray-type vertical type equipment manufactured by «LIT» SPA is installed in three concrete flow channels. To improve the energy efficiency of the UV disinfection station operating under the conditions of uneven incoming wastewater flow during the day a system for the UV irradiation rate control by signals from an external flow meter and a tau meter measuring the UV transmittance was retrofitted. Ultraviolet disinfection of effluent does not affect the Ob River. Used for several years UV disinfection of wastewater and up to now is the best available technology.
Key words
potable water , chlorination , disinfection , ultraviolet , wastewater , best available techniques , multi-barrier technologies
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Научно-практическая конференция «Экологическая безопасность водопользования», посвященная памяти А.Ф.Порядина
Алексей Филиппович Порядин внес большой вклад в развитие жилищно-коммунального хозяйства страны, посвятив всю свою трудовую жизнь водному хозяйству.
Ключевые слова
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UDC 628.315.2
Ambrosova G. T., Timofeev S. L., Rafal’skaia Tat’iana, Mansurov R. Sh., Kruglikova Anastasiia
Impact of natural and climatic factors on the efficiency of open wastewater treatment facilities operation
The problem associated with the impact of natural and climatic factors on the efficiency of wastewater treatment in open treatment facilities is considered. The analysis of methods for calculating the basic units for mechanical treatment (primary settling tanks) and biological treatment (aeration tanks and secondary settling tanks) of municipal wastewater is presented. It is indicated that at the design stage of the complexes it is important to calculate correctly the temperature of the incoming wastewater. The long-term practice of operating municipal wastewater treatment facilities has shown that with a long retention time in open facilities waste liquid can be cooled during the cold period of the year and heat up to about 1.5–6 °C during the warm one. In the first case this negatively affects the processes of sedimentation of suspended solids in settling tanks and oxidation of organic substances in aeration tanks; whereas in the second case this negatively affects the saturation of mixed liquor in aeration tanks with oxygen resulting in a reduced treatment level. The purpose of the work was to develop recommendations that allow at the design stage of wastewater treatment facilities to correctly calculate the temperature of waste liquid in open structures for a certain project that has specific climatic conditions. To achieve this goal the data of laboratory and in-process control of the operating wastewater treatment complexes were analyzed. A theoretical analysis of the currently used methods for designing wastewater treatment facilities has been made; research has been carried out at the operating facilities. Mathematical models widely used in heat engineering have been studied to determine heat losses from the open surface and through enclosing structures as well as the heat input from solar energy and exothermic reactions.
Key words
aeration tank , sewerage treatment facilities , evaporation , primary and secondary settling tanks , wastewater temperature , cooling , evaporation , convection heat exchange
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Pokhil Yu. N.
Striving for development inevitable leads to success
МУП г. Новосибирска «Горводоканал» встречает 90-летие успешной реализацией наиболее эффективных и современных разработок ведущих научно-исследовательских и проектных институтов, сохраняя лучшие организационные подходы предшествующих периодов к технической модернизации систем водоснабжения и водоотведения.
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UDC 628.14:62-531.3
Spirin E. V., Radetskii Mikhail, Lobyntsev S. V., Andriianets Petr
Improving the operation of the Novosibirsk water supply system
In Novosibirsk over the past 20 years a set of measures has been implemented using equipment and technologies that have significantly improved the reliability and efficiency of the water supply system. Networks and facilities of the water supply system designed and built in the 1960–1980-ies have a large reserve for upgrade that will allow significantly improving their efficiency, reducing operating costs and improving the quality of water supply. As a result of the measures taken the company not only provides for the high-level water supply in the context of limited financial resources but also ensures the development of the city.
Key words
water supply system , energy efficiency , frequency converter , pressure reducing valve , most remote point , water consumption monitoring
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UDC 628.35
Matуushenko Evgeny, Gundyreva Tat’iana
Improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment facilities with chemical phosphorus removal from reject water
The problems associated with the eutrophication of water bodies receiving effluents containing phosphorus in residual concentrations are described. The reasons for the most intensive phosphorus release into the intrasite sewage system during sludge processing are given. It has been established that the discharge of this wastewater into the head structures of wastewater treatment facilities leads to an increase in the nutrients loading (nitrogen and phosphorus), suspended solids, COD. The results of experimental studies on the selection of the optimal type and dosage of the chemical for the removal of phosphates from reject water generated during municipal wastewater sludge treatment are given. The purpose of the research is to find ways to remove phosphorus to eliminate the increase in phosphorus concentration in the receiving chamber observed as a result of reject water discharge from the sludge treatment facilities, and to ensure the wastewater treatment of the intrasite sewage system of the treatment facilities with minimal construction and operating costs as well as to produce reusable sludge. A process flow scheme of the nutrients removal from the wastewater of intrasite sewage system of the treatment facilities of Novosibirsk is proposed. The process provides for the sludge that after stabilization and decontamination can be used as organic fertilizer for industrial crops.
Key words
filtrate , wastewater , reagent , phosphorous , filtrate , sewerage treatment facilities , biogenic elements , sludge water , intrasite sewage system