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UDC 628.179.34
Babaev A. V., Stolyarova E. A., Koubenko V. V., Shashkova O. S., Salgalov A. A.
Identification of different water types in case of the municipal distribution network failures
Prompt localization of latent and apparent water losses has been an important task of the «Mosvodokanal» JSC activities. The time needed for eliminating failures in the municipal distribution network depends significantly on the efficient identification of the leakage source and owner of the service lines. The issues of sample identification under different emergency conditions are considered. It is shown that alongside with instrumental methods of water leak detection laboratory analytical methods can also be used. Underground water inflow is a most elementary case of water losses. Taking into account that surface water from the Moskva and Volga rivers serves as a water source of the public water supply the presence of fluorides, low mineral content and the absence of organic pollutants are reliable evidences of the underground origin of the water inflow. At the same time high mineral content, presence of phosphates, ammonia salts, high permanganate values evidence the inflow of polluted wastewater. A reliable proof of leakage water originating from the public water supply is the presence of water purification by-products, chloroorganic compounds in particular. The experimental results showed that the minimum significant chloroform value in real samples of leakage water in the Moscow public water supply was 3 µg/l. This chloroform concentration remains unchanged with time with the disinfection practice adopted at the Moscow water treatment plants: chlorammoniation during both primary and final chlorination. The statistically processed data arrays of special experiments and real samples for a few years indicate that the given concentration of chloroform detected in the sample is a proof of water originating from public water supply systems.
Key words
water supply network , water leaks , fluorides , laboratory control , chlororganic compounds , residual chlorine , sample identification
UDC 628.161 DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.11.02
Egorova Yu. A., Strelkov A. K., Nesterenko O. I., Strelkova T. A., Talovyria Larisa
Measures to supply Samara Urban District with drinking water from surface and underground water sources in accordance with 2.1.3684-21 and 1.2.3685-21 Sanitary Rules and Regulations
In accordance with the Resolution of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated January 28, 2021 No. 3, new sanitary rules and regulations have been approved and in force in the Russian Federation from March 1, 2021, requiring a more stringent approach to the quality of purified water: SanPiN 2.1.3684-21 «Sanitary and epidemiological requirements to the maintenance of the territories of urban and rural communities, to water bodies, drinking water and drinking water supply, atmospheric air, soil, residential premises, operation of industrial and public premises, arrangement and implementation of sanitary and antiepidemic (preventive) measures» and SanPiN 1.2.3685-21 «Hygienic standards and requirements to ensure the safety and (or) harmlessness of environmental factors to humans». In this regard, the specialists of Samara Utility Systems LLC are carrying out a comprehensive upgrade and reconstruction of the water supply and wastewater disposal systems in Samara with the purpose of improving integrally the qualitative and quantitative performance of the systems. Measures have been developed for the reconstruction and modernization of water treatment facilities to provide for the concentration of residual aluminum and chloroform meeting the sanitary standards. The implementation of the activities is planned for the period from 2024 to 2041.
Key words
monitoring , water treatment , potable water quality , manganese , residual aluminium , chlororganic compounds , total iron , sanitary regulations and standards , surface water supply source , underground water sources , total hardness
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UDC 628.166.085
Kostyuchenko S. V., SMIRNOV A. D., Tolstoi M. Iu.
Domestic technologies and equipment for chemical free treatment of water and wastewater of the Siberian cities and industries
The chemicals used in liquid and gaseous media treatment and purification either stay intact in the processed environment or disintegrate and react with the processed environment or admixtures in it and form numerous secondary and often toxic products. In this context chemical free methods of media purification aiming at their environmental safety are of most interest. Chemical free methods of treatment do not result in the formation of such a big amount of secondary products; whereas the efficiency of their use is often higher because they less depend on the type and structure of the targeted substance or admixture as well as on the conditions of use. Ultraviolet irradiation has been the most efficient and widely used method of chemical free disinfection of effluents both in Russia and abroad. The capital expenses for UV-disinfection are significantly reduced since there is no need in constructing contact tanks for chlorination and dechlorination; in addition the absence of chemical consumption eliminates the need in constructing a chemical plant and installing dosing systems. Using the example of the Siberian Region the advantages of using UV-irradiation in wastewater treatment is described.
Key words
ultra-violet irradiation , ecological safety , water disinfection , chlororganic compounds , residual chlorine , dechlorination , chemical free disinfection
bbk 000000
UDC 628.161.2/.3
Pokhil Yu. N., Oskolkov N. V., Bogdanov B. A., Mamaev V. V., Artemenok N. D., Borovkov M. L.
Purification of high-color low turbid water in the city of Kuibyshev, Novosibirsk Region
Drinking water has been an essential factor in shaping public health and living standards. Water quality is one of the priorities in the activities of the state sanitary and epidemiological service and municipal authorities. The reasons for the unsatisfactory purification of surface high-color low-turbid water at the water treatment facilities are considered. A new process flow scheme of two-stage water purification at the pumping station site of the city of Kuibyshev, Novosibirsk Region, providing the required quality of water with a design capacity has been developed. A full range of commissioning works was carried out with the determination of the process parameters of the facilities and development of the required documentation (standard operating procedures, flow charts, monitoring instructions, operating instructions). The clear organizational management, involvement of qualified specialists, introduction of effective methods, technologies and chemicals provided for solving the problem of bringing the quality of water purification of the Om River to the requirements of SanPiN «Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality in public drinking water supply systems. Quality control. Hygienic requirements for ensuring the safety of hot water supply systems» in all parameters. The experience of solving the problems of purification of high-color low-turbid water of the Om River in the city of Kuibyshev, Novosibirsk Region is presented.
Key words
reagent , chromaticity , water treatment , horizontal settling tank , chlororganic compounds , surface water supply source , ground water source
bbk 000000
UDC 628.161.3
Troshkova E. A., Zhukova V. I., Alekseev S. E.
The use of ammonium sulfate in water treatment at the Metelevskii water treatment facilities of Tumen
The purpose of the work was increasing the efficiency of water disinfection technology at the Metelevskii water treatment facilities of Tumen without abandoning liquid chlorine use. The subject of the studies was the process of disinfection of the Tura river water and water after purification at the water intake near Metelevo settlement upstream of Tumen. For water disinfection at the municipal water treatment plants chlorine is used. The Tura river water contains high concentrations of organic and inorganic pollutants that cause high chlorine consumption; depending upon the season chlorine dosage varies from 3.5 to 17 mg/l. Therefore to ensure reliable disinfection of the water the use of high chlorine dosages is required. Besides, the total length of water mains and municipal distribution pipelines exceeds one thousand kilometers; whereas long-term operation caused their poor condition. Another problem arising in the process of river water treatment are specific odors (to 5 points) emerging occasionally in raw water that strengthen during disinfection with chlorine. Beginning from 2004 the specialists of the Metelevskii water treatment facilities have carried out laboratory and preparatory works on disinfecting river water with chlorination and ammoniation; and in accordance with the results – pilot tests. The main technical and technological aspects of using chlorammoniation at the Tumen water treatment facilities are considered. The results confirmed the efficiency of the given method of water disinfection. In addition, the water quality in the municipal distribution network was preserved, whereas the concentration of chlororganic compounds lowered.
Key words
ammonium sulphate , water supply plant , ammonization , chlororganic compounds , drinking water disinfection , chlorine consumption , chlorammoniation
DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.07.01 UDC 628.166.085
Kostyuchenko S. V., Volkov Sergei, Tkachev Andrei, Strelkov A. K., SMIRNOV A. D., Baranov V. L.
Modern trends and peculiarities of UV disinfection usage in water treatment
A brief review of the amendments to SanPiN 1.2.3685-21 in terms of microbiological indicators and concentrations of substances associated with chemical disinfection in water treatment is given. The trends laid down in the new regulatory documents involve the use of the most effective process solutions in the field of water disinfection. A fundamental approach to the arrangement of multibarrier schemes for water disinfection, including the use of ultraviolet irradiation, is described. Examples of the water treatment facilities put into operation in large cities of Russia and overseas using the multibarrier principle of water disinfection using UV irradiation are given. The positive experience of upgrading water disinfection systems in drinking water supply systems of the cities in the Russian Federation and overseas, as well as the global trends and practice acknowledge the possibility of using UV irradiation as the most reliable and safe advanced disinfection technology.
Key words
chlorination , water treatment , chlororganic compounds , UV disinfection , multibarrier treatment technology , chlorine chemicals
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UDC 628.1.033:543.3
Kuznetsov V. N., Zemerova A. N.
Chromatography – one of the advanced methods of the multicomponent analysis of highly volatile compounds in water
Gas chromatography is used in the Central laboratory of Ekaterinburg «Vodokanal» for the control of chloroorganic compounds, phenol and phenol derivants in water. The method is based on the separation of volatile components where inert gas (carrier gas) that flows through the stationary phase with a large surface area is employed as a moving phase. The advantages and disadvantages of the given method as well as the requirements to the carrier gas are presented. In the process of separating complex mixtures comprising components with close chemical and physical properties and mixtures containing many different substances strict requirements to the operation of the chromatographic column are put in the forefront. Packed, capillary and polycapillary columns are used in gas chromatography. Capillary columns without carrier where the stationary phase film is spread on the inner surface of the capillary are meeting all the requirements. This column type provides for the highest separation efficiency compared to the common packed columns. The specific features of the capillary chromatography method provide for the strict requirements to chromatographic detectors designed to detect and measure the number of the components in the moving phase flow at the outlet of the chromatographic column. The data on using different instruments that provide for the accurate results of the analysis within a short time is given.
Key words
laboratory control , chlororganic compounds , gas chromatography , carrier gas , chromatographic column , chromatographic detector