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UDC 628.16.027:628.543

Egorova Yu. A., Kichigin V. I., Nesterenko O. I.

Study of the chemical and physical composition of raw water  at the pumping-filtration stations of Samara


The results of the study of physical, chemical and bacteriological composition of the raw water at the pumping-filtration stations in Samara for the period of 2011–2015 are presented. The limits of water quality variation by 53 indicators were determined. It was proved that the actual BOD/COD ratios were significantly lower compared to the critical value 0.5, i. e. the incoming raw water at the pumping-filtration stations in Samara contained mainly resistant to oxidation inorganic matter requiring physical and chemical treatment. It was shown that the microbiological quality of the incoming raw water at PFS-1 was worse compared to the raw water quality at PFS-2. The statistically reliable values of the physical and chemical indicators of the raw water at the water intakes in Samara were determined that provided for establishing an automated data base in «Samarskie Kommunal’nye Sistemy» LLC for predicting the required modes of drinking water purification.

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UDC 628.161.3

Samburski Georgi, Pestov S. M., Plitman S. I., Tulakin A. V., Ampleeva G. P., Tsyplakova G. V., Koshenkov V. N.

On some problems in chemical treatment of drinking water


Stated requirements to the delivery of information on the technology and raw material used in the production of chemicals will provide for minimizing the threat of toxic substances transfer to the treated water. In the process of comparative evaluation of chemicals it is recommended to pay attention to the substantial part of the expert report related to the maximum permissible dosages (concentrations) substantiated with account of the criteria of acceptable health hazard. The requirements of Methodology Guidelines shall be applied to synthetic polyelectrolytes specified not only in the document but also in other hygienic regulations. It is related to the product and its monomers.

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UDC 628.336.42

Rublevskaya O. N., Krasnopeev A. L.

Experience in Introduction of Up-to-Date Technologies and Methods of Wastewater Sludge Treatment


New up-to-date technologies are needed for the solution of problems of utilization of sludge generated in the course of wastewater treatment. In St. Petersburg before the introduction of a burning technology the whole sludge preliminary dewatered at centrifuges was stored at special landfills. During the last fourteen years the whole quantity of sludge from the city’s sewerage treatment facilities is burnt. However the sludge accumulated at landfills during preceding years continues to influence negatively on environment. To eliminate this influence it was decided to process the sludge stored at landfills. With that end in view the advanced technology of sludge geotube dewatering has been chosen. Since the summer of 2009 the industrial application of this technology began at the Northern landfill.

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UDC 628.161.2/.3

Pokhil Yu. N., Oskolkov N. V., Bogdanov B. A., Mamaev V. V., Artemenok N. D., Borovkov M. L.

Purification of high-color low turbid water in the city of Kuibyshev, Novosibirsk Region


Drinking water has been an essential factor in shaping public health and living standards. Water quality is one of the priorities in the activities of the state sanitary and epidemiological service and municipal authorities. The reasons for the unsatisfactory purification of surface high-color low-turbid water at the water treatment facilities are considered. A new process flow scheme of two-stage water purification at the pumping station site of the city of Kuibyshev, Novosibirsk Region, providing the required quality of water with a design capacity has been developed. A full range of commissioning works was carried out with the determination of the process parameters of the facilities and development of the required documentation (standard operating procedures, flow charts, monitoring instructions, operating instructions). The clear organizational management, involvement of qualified specialists, introduction of effective methods, technologies and chemicals provided for solving the problem of bringing the quality of water purification of the Om River to the requirements of SanPiN «Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality in public drinking water supply systems. Quality control. Hygienic requirements for ensuring the safety of hot water supply systems» in all parameters. The experience of solving the problems of purification of high-color low-turbid water of the Om River in the city of Kuibyshev, Novosibirsk Region is presented.

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UDC 628.16.081.32

Shishov S. Yu., Troshkova E. A., Zhukova V. I., SMIRNOV A. D., Davlyaterova R. A., Smagin V. A.

Improving barrier functions of the Metelevskii water treatment facilities of Tumen city


The results of the preliminary tests showed that during the periods of elevated pollution of the water source (the Tura River) with different toxicants, natural and anthropogenic odorants the process flow scheme with the use of specially prepared powdered activated carbon for the conditions of the Metelevskii water intake would be worth considering. The process flow diagram of the pilot test facility was designed that provided for modeling the existing water treatment technology at the Metelevskii water treatment plant. The pilot facilities included chemical treatment units, clarification units, filtration and disinfection units. During water treatment process modeling the chemical dosages used (ammonium sulfate, chlorine, aluminium oxychloride and polyacrylamide) were similar to those at the Metelevskii water treatment plant for the moment the tests were carried out. According to the results of the tests the trademarks of powdered activated carbon used were defined as most efficient for odor and toxicant removal (by example of phenol). Before dosing into the water the sorbents were specially prepared (following the technique of NII VODGEO) to provide for maximum exhibiting sorption properties in relation to the mentioned target components. Special pilot equipment designed at NII VODGEO allowed reproducing all the water treatment modes applied at certain facilities. This modeling provides for adjusting water treatment technology, developing new process solutions, selecting new chemicals and dosages without interrupting the operation of the basic facilities. The results of the tests and pilot investigations with the use of powdered activated carbon at the Metelevskii water treatment facilities to remove anthropogenic toxicants and odors are presented. Powdered carbon trademarks were selected; recommendations for designing powdered activated carbon unit were given.

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UDC 628.3:725.42:631.227.2

Lunin S. V., Prokhorova I. V., Rudakova L. E., Melnik D. V.

Enhancement of Treatment Efficiency of Wastewater of JSC Kaluzhskaya Poultry Factory


Features of the treatment of wastewater of meat-processing industry enterprises are described using the example of JSC Kaluzhskaya Poultry Factory purifying the mix of industrial wastewater of the enterprise and household sewage of the Lev Tolstoy village. An optimal flow chart with adoption of local sewage treatment facilities after the poultry factory’s slaughter floor making it possible to enhance the efficiency of treatment is offered and substantiated. A brief description of the flow chart offered is given.

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UDC 628.35

Matуushenko Evgeny, Gundyreva Tat’iana

Improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment facilities with chemical phosphorus removal from reject water


The problems associated with the eutrophication of water bodies receiving effluents containing phosphorus in residual concentrations are described. The reasons for the most intensive phosphorus release into the intrasite sewage system during sludge processing are given. It has been established that the discharge of this wastewater into the head structures of wastewater treatment facilities leads to an increase in the nutrients loading (nitrogen and phosphorus), suspended solids, COD. The results of experimental studies on the selection of the optimal type and dosage of the chemical for the removal of phosphates from reject water generated during municipal wastewater sludge treatment are given. The purpose of the research is to find ways to remove phosphorus to eliminate the increase in phosphorus concentration in the receiving chamber observed as a result of reject water discharge from the sludge treatment facilities, and to ensure the wastewater treatment of the intrasite sewage system of the treatment facilities with minimal construction and operating costs as well as to produce reusable sludge. A process flow scheme of the nutrients removal from the wastewater of intrasite sewage system of the treatment facilities of Novosibirsk is proposed. The process provides for the sludge that after stabilization and decontamination can be used as organic fertilizer for industrial crops.

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UDC 628.342

Riabchikov Boris

Pulsation mixing apparatus for preparation of chemicals


One of the methods of liquid media mixing and chemical dissolution is pulsation mixing of liquid. This method was used in nuclear industry when absolute safety was required, whereas the presence of a man was eliminated. Pulsation mixing apparatus do not have any moving parts in the reaction zone of the apparatus and can be made of materials resistant to the chemicals used, mechanically undurable. The emergence of a large variety of plastics provides for the significant simplification of manufacturing mixing apparatus. Though they are somewhat behind mechanical mixers in energy consumption nevertheless they provide for more uniform mixing and possible operation after the reactor has been charged with solid chemicals. The mixing intensity can be regulated within a wide range. On the basis of advanced technology manufacturing pulsation mixing apparatus for the preparation of chemicals for water treatment that provide for easy regulating the mixing intensity for fast preparation of different chemical solutions was restored.

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UDC 628.35:661.635

Ambrosova G. T., Funk A. A., Ivanova Sargylana Dmitrievna, Ganzorig Shonkhor

Comparative evaluation of the methods of phosphorus removal from wastewater


The evaluation of the methods of eliminating phosphorus, a most important nutrient that is a limiting element in water body eutrophication, from wastewater is presented. Biological, physical, chemical and combined methods are considered that differ from each other in the method of implementation, construction and operating expenditures. The biological method is based on phosphorus removal through its utilization in biomass synthesis in the biological system. Physical and chemical methods suppose mandatory application of chemicals used for free phosphate-ion binding to low soluble ortho-phosphate. Combined methods suppose dephosphorization at the biological treatment stage with subsequent inclusion of phosphate-ions into crystals at the physical and chemical treatment stage. The examples of practical implementation of the methods are presented; process flow schemes are considered; the process parameters of the treatment facilities are pointed out where the process of phosphorus removal is taking place; the data on the process efficiency is provided; the advantages and drawbacks of the applied methods are reported. The experience of adjustment works is described together with the results of experimental selection of chemicals for phosphorus binding and determination of the optimal point of their addition carried out by the authors in the laboratory, during pilot and full-scale studies.

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UDC 628.164/.167

FESENKO L. N., Ignatenko S. I., Pchel'nikov I. V., Fedotov R. V., Tcherkesov A. Yu.

Technological and design solutions of upgrading the Don River water treatment facilities (the case of water treatment facilities of Khapry farm,  Miasnikovskii district, Rostov Region)


The Don River water is used as a source of the public water supply of Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog, Novocherkassk and other cities. From January till April (during the winter freeze-up) the river water is characterized by increased total hardness (up to 10–12°) as well as by the presence of blue-green and diatom algae in concentrations reaching 100·106 c/l water in summer periods. Mechanical sieve filtration is an advanced technique of microalgae removal. Filters are installed as a rule at the very beginning of the technological process and are designed for removing coarse suspended particles, phyto- and zooplankton. Advanced microfilters are characterized by simple design, high output, compact size and low consumption of wash water; their ope­ration is automated. In view of the high cost of ion exchange and membrane technologies and accompanying generation of considerable amounts of secondary difficult to utilize highly mineralized waste solutions the technology of hardness reduction by caustic soda softening was suggested. The expediency and efficiency of applying this method were experimentally confirmed. In case of the water treatment facilities of Khapry farm in the Rostov Region with the water intake in the lower reach of the Don River the process flow scheme of upgrading the water treatment plant providing for the water quality meeting the Sanitary Rules and Regulations was substantiated and developed. The use of this technology eliminates ge­neration of liquid wastes subject to the discharge into the public sewer, natural water bodies or land disposal.

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UDC 628.16:66.028

Mitskevich A. A.

Device of Proportional Dozing of Reagents for Water Supply Systems


Devices of the dozing of reagents (complexions) making it possible to reduce expenses for water treatment, reduce the rate of pipelines corrosion, remove salt sediments from inner surfaces of pipes and heat exchanging apparatuses are used widely in the last years at boilers, heat supply systems and hot water supply systems. Shortcomings of ejection and injection systems of reagents dozing are described. A device ensuring the permanent pressure control in a pipeline where dozing is carried out and limiting the maximum time between the introductions of regular dozes of reagent is proposed.

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