

bbk 000000

UDC 628.16:66.028

Mitskevich A. A.

Device of Proportional Dozing of Reagents for Water Supply Systems


Devices of the dozing of reagents (complexions) making it possible to reduce expenses for water treatment, reduce the rate of pipelines corrosion, remove salt sediments from inner surfaces of pipes and heat exchanging apparatuses are used widely in the last years at boilers, heat supply systems and hot water supply systems. Shortcomings of ejection and injection systems of reagents dozing are described. A device ensuring the permanent pressure control in a pipeline where dozing is carried out and limiting the maximum time between the introductions of regular dozes of reagent is proposed.

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Spisok literatury

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  5. Pat. 89661, RF. MPK F 17/D 3/12/ Ustrojstvo dozirovanija reagenta / V. P. Kargapol'cev, A. A. Mickevich // Izobretenija. Poleznye modeli. 2009. № 34.

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