Tag:biogenic elements


155th anniversary of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»

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UDC 628.55(261.24)

Probirsky M. D., Rublevskaya O. N., Lysova Tat’iana

The contribution ofSUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»to Russia fulfilling the international commitments on theBaltic Marine Environment Protection


To meet the recommendations of the Helsinki Commission on the Baltic Marine Environment Protection the experts of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» developed a 5–7 years rehabilitation program for the Ladoga and Onega Lakes basins. The program envisages construction of new or upgrade of the existing municipal and community wastewater treatment facilities; enhanced removal of toxic substances from wastewater at the industrial facilities; efficient processing of livestock and poultry farm wastes with the utilization of their useful properties and energy potential. The progress in implementing measures on abatement of discharging raw wastewater into the Gulf of Finland, upgrade and reconstruction of the wastewater treatment facilities, wastewater treatment efficiency improvement, particularly in relation to the technologies developed by the Universities of Cape Town (UCT) and Johannesburg (JHB) with the use of membrane aerators, mixers, nitrate recycling, and also to the European technology of chemical phosphorus precipitation is described. The dynamics of reducing nutrient loading on the St. Petersburg water bodies is presented. The positive effect of putting into operation the Main tunnel sewer has been achieved. The program of the municipal sewer rehabilitation has been developed and is now underway. The results of activities related to waste and toxic substances removal are presented. The works carried out will contribute to the prevention of the Gulf of Finland eutrophication.

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UDC 628.35:661.5.63

KAZAKOVA E. A., Streltsov S. A., Kevbrina M. V., Kozlov I. M., Moizhes S. I.

Introducing advanced nutrient removal technologies at the Moscow wastewater treatment facilities


The results of introducing energy efficient process designs of biological nutrient removal from low concentrated municipal wastewater are presented. At 22–25 mg/l ammonia nitrogen and 2.3–2.5 mg/l phosphate-phosphorus concentrations in the incoming wastewater the stable phosphorus removal was obtained when using the process design of the Cape Town University (UCT). At higher concentrations of wastewater (30–40 mg/l ammonia nitrogen and 3.3–4 mg/l phosphate-phosphorus) the process design of the Hanover University (MISAH) and the modified UCT process design developed by Mosvodokanal MPUE research workers were most efficient.

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UDC 504.06

PANKOVA G. A., Rublevskaya O. N., Leonov L. V.

SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»’s activities in the field  of mitigating the negative environmental impact


The results of the SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»’s activities on eliminating raw sewage discharges into the city water bodies are presented. The use of advanced technologies that provided for reducing nutrients discharge with effluents of the wastewater treatment facilities is described, as well as the solution of the problem of wastewater sludge handling and utilization by introducing incineration technology that provided for abandoning sludge storing at special municipal landfills. The new and upcoming trends of the SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»’s activities on mitigating the negative environmental impact: storm water volume metering and treatment; snow utilization; tackling the problem of hazardous pollutants, micro plastics and pharmaceuticals in particular, are laid. With the purpose of further reduction of pollutant discharges into the receiving water bodies (with raw sewage) the developed «St. Petersburg water supply and wastewater disposal development Scheme till 2025 inclusive of the 2030 prospects» envisages complete elimination of raw combined and domestic wastewater discharges into receiving water bodies before 2022; elimination after 2030 of discharge of 50% of surface runoff without treatment into the separate municipal storm sewer (at present only 2% of surface runoff passes treatment). The Scheme includes a comprehensive information database on the water supply and wastewater disposal systems as well as the urban planning documents and schemes prepared for other directions of engineering and energy complex of St. Petersburg.

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UDC 628.35:661.63

Rouzhitskaya O. A., Gogina Elena, Salomeyev V. P.

Using reinforced medium for the enhancement of phosphate and organics removal from wastewater


The results of investigating advanced phosphate removal from domestic wastewater are presented. The method of advanced wastewater treatment with the use of reinforced medium is suggested. The highest phosphate removal efficiency is achieved with the help of the technology without activated sludge recycling. The enhancing effect of reinforced medium on biological removal of organics is shown. The activity coefficients of the biological process with the use of reinforced medium are determined.

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UDC 628.35:661.5.63

KOZLOV M. N., Moyzhes O. V., Nikolaev Yu. A., GRACHEV V. A., Kevbrina M. V., Dorofeev A. G., Aseyeva V. G.

M-Defanox – multisludge system of nutrient removal


M-Defanox new technology was developed for the treatment of municipal wastewater low in organics. The method is based on the use of three sludge types and dephosphorization under anoxic conditions. The technology provides for the efficient utilization of organics in biological treatment process and ensures 99% nitrogen removal, 80% phosphorus elimination, 80% COD removal and 95% BOD removal.

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UDC 504.064
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.01.02

Rublevskaya O. N., Lysova Tat’iana, Il’meneva Veronika

Experience of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» in eliminating HELCOM hot spots in the light of the development of the Russian environmental legislation


The activities implemented by SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» to fulfill the recommendations of the Helsinki Convention on the protection of the Baltic Sea against pollution are outlined. The work completion stages on eliminating the discharge of raw wastewater into the Gulf of Finland, upgrading and reconstructing the treatment facilities, and improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment are described. The measures taken provided for almost eliminating all the hot spots identified by the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) for St. Petersburg. A comparison of the HELCOM strategy and the progress in developing the Russian environmental legislation is given. The experience of the enterprise in wastewater sludge handling in the light of the implementation of the HELCOM recommendations and Russian legislation is presented. Information is provided on the development of the European legislation in relation to the utilization of useful properties of municipal wastewater sludge. Development patterns are proposed to improve the Russian legislation regarding municipal wastewater sludge handling in order to avoid the emergence of new hot spots.

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МГСУ - 90 лет

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UDC 628.35:661.5.001.42

Zalyotova N. A.

Experience of operating wastewater treatment facilities with two-stage nitrification-denitrification flow scheme


The results of field testing pilot treatment facilities with a capacity of 12,000 m3/day with two-stage nitrification-denitrification flow scheme are presented. The results of evaluating different methods of mixed liquor mixing within denitrification zones alongside with treatment facilities design procedure are given. It is shown that the use of mechanical mixers will provide for the required oxygenic mode in denitrification zones and improve the efficiency of total nitrogen and nitrite elimination.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.02.03
UDC 574.632/.633

Chesnokova S. M., Savel'ev O. V.

Assessment of the oxygen regime, nitrification processes, trophicity and toxicity levels of minor stream water


The assessment of the level of pollution and the level of trophicity with nutrients depending on their concentration in a minor stream – the Sodyshka River was carried out. It is shown that in terms of the concentration of ammonium nitrogen and mineral forms of nitrogen, the watercourse throughout its entire length falls in the category «eutrophic»; whereas, in terms of the level of pollution with mineral phosphorus, only some the sections of the river downstream the Yur’evetskaia poultry farm and the mouth can be attributed to the eutrophic category. Permanganate oxidizability and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were used to define the degree of pollution of the watercourse with organic substances of various origin. It is shown that the river is classified as «very dirty» in terms of the total oxidizability (COD). It was found that in 62.5% of water sampling points the oxygen saturation rate (OSR) was below 60% indicating the low quality of water in the stream and low rate of oxidation of organic and inorganic substances in the hydroecosystem. The results of the correlation analysis showed that resistant to oxidation (non-oxidative by microbiota) allochthonous substances have the greatest effect on the degree of water saturation with oxygen (correlation coefficient 0.98). Based on the results of field studies of the concentration of various forms of mineral nitrogen, the intensity of nitrification processes in the river water was calculated. To identify the toxicity of water to zooplankton, zoobenthos, and fish, the aggregation index was used that defined the exceedance of the maximum permissible concentration of the main forms of nitrogen for fishery waters. Judging by the value of the aggregation index, the river water turned out to be toxic.

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UDC 628.35

Matуushenko Evgeny, Gundyreva Tat’iana

Improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment facilities with chemical phosphorus removal from reject water


The problems associated with the eutrophication of water bodies receiving effluents containing phosphorus in residual concentrations are described. The reasons for the most intensive phosphorus release into the intrasite sewage system during sludge processing are given. It has been established that the discharge of this wastewater into the head structures of wastewater treatment facilities leads to an increase in the nutrients loading (nitrogen and phosphorus), suspended solids, COD. The results of experimental studies on the selection of the optimal type and dosage of the chemical for the removal of phosphates from reject water generated during municipal wastewater sludge treatment are given. The purpose of the research is to find ways to remove phosphorus to eliminate the increase in phosphorus concentration in the receiving chamber observed as a result of reject water discharge from the sludge treatment facilities, and to ensure the wastewater treatment of the intrasite sewage system of the treatment facilities with minimal construction and operating costs as well as to produce reusable sludge. A process flow scheme of the nutrients removal from the wastewater of intrasite sewage system of the treatment facilities of Novosibirsk is proposed. The process provides for the sludge that after stabilization and decontamination can be used as organic fertilizer for industrial crops.

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UDC 628.32.004.69

Sapozhnikova V. A., Steblevsky V. I., Domnin K. V., Men’kov L. L., Ioakimis G. E., Doushko A. O., Bezverhnaya O. S., Kireyev G. A., Dodousov A. A.

Developing a project of the Khabarovsk city wastewater system reconstruction


The main aspects of the Khabarovsk wastewater system reconstruction project are highlighted. The project includes the following tasks: reconstruction of the Main pumping station on the supply and pressure sewers; improvement of the wastewater treatment capacity; construction of sludge composting facilities; upgrade of the digesters and biogas utilization at a power mini-plant; sludge landfill engineering; development of tertiary treatment, disinfection and oxygenation facilities; off-site utilities engineering – gas, fiber optic line, cold water supply, power lines; gas facilities engineering in the treatment facilities area.

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UDC 628.31:577.472

KOZLOV M. N., Rubin A. B., Shchegolkova N. M., Matorin D. N., Shashkina P. S., Osipov V. A.

Fluorescence Methods of Monitoring the Process of Obtaining the Biomass from Microalgae


The development of domestic wastewater treatment technologies with the use of photoautotrophs up to the present moment was restrained by the lack of methods of processing the biomass obtained. In recent years there has been an active development of such technologies. The advantages of microalgae over the other sources of biomass are enormous: the highest productivity and the capability to treat water for biogenic elements up to the quality of the cleanest water bodies. Specialists of the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodokanal and M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University have studied the process of obtaining the microalgae biomass on wastewater using the up-to-date fluorescence methods. The dependence of chlorophyll a and algae biomass on the fluorescence index F0 and the biomass increment on the Fv/Fm. parameter has been detected in the laboratory photobioreactor.

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veist-tek-2013UDC 504.064:628.35

Shashkina P. S., Shchegolkova N. M.

Ecological state of the small river in the Moscow Area after nutrients removal unit commissioning


The results of monitoring the ecological state of the Pekhorka River (the Moscow Area) on the hydrochemical and hydrobiological water quality parameters are presented. The river water contains more than 90% of the Lyubertsy (Moscow) wastewater treatment facilities effluents. The nutrient removal unit retrofitted into the treatment process was commissioned in August 2006. The regular ecological monitoring carried out by Mosvodokanal OJSC staff showed that from that moment the nitrogen concentration in the river water downstream of the treatment facilities discharge decreased by more than 30%, and that of phosphorus – by 50%. Beginning from 2006–2007 till the present moment the increase of phyto-and zooplankton species diversity has been observed.

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UDC 504.75.06:628.31

Pupyrev E. I., Shelomkov A. S.

Economic assessment of environmentally safe wastewater treatment technologies


In the competitive environment in Russia customers and investors shall take into account economic factors when designing municipal wastewater treatment facilities. Cost-effective and environmentally efficient wastewater treatment technologies are determined with account of regional specific features when siting the treatment facilities. Three representative groups of settlements are specified: rural (less than 20 thousand residents), towns (50-100 thousand residents), cities and megacities. The characteristics of municipal wastewater typical for every group are presented. Wastewater of rural settlements contains high concentrations of suspended solids and nutrients. Effluents of towns and cities contain heavy metals resulting as a rule from raw industrial wastewater discharges. The requirements to the effluent quality of typical settlements are presented. For every group of settlements the environmentally acceptable treatment technologies are suggested and economically substantiated. The following wastewater treatment technologies have been analyzed: full aerobic biological treatment; advanced biological treatment with nutrients removal (nitrogen, phosphorus); advanced biological treatment with nutrients removal (nitrogen, phosphorus) with tertiary treatment at filtration facilities and sorption filters. The suggested approach to the selection of a wastewater treatment technology with account of the economic and environmental conditions can be used in designing other systems of ecological purpose.

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