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UDC 628.112.23:628.147.22

Karmalov A. I., Filimonova S. V.

Analysis of Сauses of Colmatage and Corrosion of Water-Intake Well Equipment under Conditions of Increased Anthropogenic Load


In the course of operation of water intakes from underground sources the problems associated with the processes of fouling and corrosion of the metal equipment of artesian wells inevitably increase. The intensity of deposit formation and corrosion development on the well equipment depends on the well output, the chemical composition of ground water, the presence of methane-producing and other bacteria generating an extremely active corrosion medium. Monitoring of the chemical composition and microbiological analysis of ground water make it possible to identify the causes of colmatage and corrosion of metal-containing elements of the wells under the conditions of the increased anthropogenic load, which further facilitates the selection of methods of struggle against these phenomena.

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UDC 628.144/.218.001

Puzakov V. S.

Analysis of water supply and wastewater disposal schemes development and approval in the Russian Federation


The analysis of the current state of the development and approval of the water supply and wastewater disposal schemes in the federal districts and across Russia (except for the Crimea Federal District) is reported. The tendencies towards improving the quality of deve­lopment and approval of the water supply and wastewater disposal schemes at the regional level are presented. In compliance with the requirements of Order of the RF Ministry of Civil Engineering of March 21, 2014 No. 110 «On approving the procedure of monitoring the development and approval of water supply and wastewater disposal schemes» monitoring the development and approval of the given schemes shall be executed by the executive authorities of the constituents of the Russian Federation in water and wastewater management. Thus, a specific «filter» for evaluating the quality of the developed water supply and wastewater disposal schemes was established at the regional level. The outlined approaches of the Moscow Area Government to the development of such monitoring system can be useful for other regions of the country.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2019.11.01

UDC 628.11:504.4.054

Pomeliaiko Irina

Water supply of the resorts of Caucasian Mineralnye Vody


The results of long-term environmental monitoring of water used for household and drinking purposes of the resort towns of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody are presented. The characteristics of river and spring waters are given. The degree and form of their pollution and physiological usefulness are estimated. The causes of pollution of water bodies with heavy metals, oil products, nitrogen-containing compounds are analyzed. The data on the non-compliance of the chemical and microbiological composition of the water being studied with the requirements of regulatory documents is presented. The main factors affecting the pollution of water resources in the region are identified. Direct and indirect problems associated with the water supply of resorts are considered. Recommendations on improving the quality indicators of a number of water sources are given. The monitoring results obtained indicate that the quality of the water used in the resort cities of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody for water supply only partially meets the requirements to the safety, physiological usefulness and organoleptic properties. Consumption of spring water can lead to serious health problems since almost everywhere this water contains: Hg, As, Ba, Pb, Se, Sr, Al, NO2, phosphates, oil products, in concentrations that exceed the MPCs. Microbiological and parasitological standards are significantly exceeded. Analysis of the data of the long-term environmental monitoring allows stating that the situation with water resources in the resort cities of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is close to critical.

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UDC 628.21/.25

Perminov N. A., Vasilyev V. M., Stolbikhin Iu. V., Perminov A. N., Klementyev M. N.

Geotechnical and technological aspects of ensuring the safety of tunnel sewers under the conditions of loose ground of Saint-Petersburg


Intensive development of metropolitan cities calls for the sustainable operation of the municipal underground infrastructure facilities. Special protection is needed for tunnel sewers of long-term serviceability. Both external and internal factors can influence accidents on sewers. Among the causes of sewer deterioration the following can be identified: sewer trough wear, physical and mechanical structural damages caused by external factors and impact of chemically aggressive wastewater. However, corrosion processes in sewers pose the key problem. The main specific feature of the big sewer operation is the process of microbiological (gas) corrosion of concrete and fittings as well as the technical equipment of the shafts. The defect symptoms are presented together with the new methods of tunnel sewer diagnostics based on the sophisticated materials of their operation under the conditions of loose ground and intensive man-induced impact. The geotechnological methods of protecting tunnel sewers of long-term serviceability have been developed. The unrivalled experience of using these methods at the St. Petersburg facilities with monitoring support is presented. The system of sewer testing has been developed; the basic methods of protection against deterioration have been presented. The most widely used methods of tunnel sewer protection in Saint-Petersburg are so called passive. They are based on the advanced choice of corrosion-proof materials in direct contact with corrosive media. The importance of combined geotechnical and internal monitoring of tunnel sewers is shown.

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UDC 628.24:69.059

LOMBAS S. V., Zhitenev A. I., Perminov N. A.

Geotechnical support of the zero-defect life cycle of unique sewage pumping stations in complex engineering and geological environments


For the sustainable development of megalopolises, the sustainable operation of the urban underground engineering infrastructure has been one of the prime factors where the main sewage pumping stations are unique elements. On the basis of the study of extensive pilot and experimental materials, the specific features of the operation of long-term operating head sewage pumping stations built by the method of large-sized coffers in a complex soil environment are analyzed. The results of the long-term monitoring of the technical state of structures are given, the classification of defects and the dynamics of their development are given. Based on the results of modeling the joint operation of the systems «lowerable shell of the pumping station – the inclosing geomass» and results of the experiments, the actual bearing capacity of the structure is predicted, as also preventive geotechnical measures are proposed to ensure the trouble-free life cycle of the underground structure at the pilot wastewater facilities. Geotechnological methods for protecting pumping stations with monitoring support have been developed. A unique experience of practical application of the developed methods at the stages of the life cycle of the head sewage pumping stations at the facilities of the SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg», including design, construction and operation, is presented.

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UDC 628.312.2:556.164

Palagin Evgenii, Gridneva M. A., Bykova P. G., Nabok T. Yu.

Regularity of surface runoff composition changes


The summarized data on the surface runoff composition of the Samara territory are presented alongside with the results of investigating basic factors that determine the composition. The regularity of the surface runoff quality changes is analyzed. The representative set of parameters that provide for detecting the condition of the entire system and monitoring the composition of the runoff was specified. On the basis of time series decomposition the impact of separate components on the general variability of the surface runoff quality parameters was evaluated.

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UDC 628.237

Fedorov Sviatoslav Viktorovich, Vasilyev V. M., Klementyev M. N.

Study of gas evolution in a sewer section


Transportation of wastewater through sewer networks is accompanied by the generation and evolution of gases from the flow. For a quantitative assessment of the gas evolution process a sewer section model has been developed in the ANSYS CFX finite element analysis package. The model takes into account the combined flow of wastewater, entrained air and sewage gas (e.g. carbon dioxide) coming from the collector tray. Monitoring was carried out in a section of the domestic sewage system (DN = 500 mm) in the industrial zone of Obukhovo in St. Petersburg. The measured values of the vacuum pressure are in the range of model calculations. The process of designing a computational area of the sewer section and establishing initial and boundary conditions is presented. As a result of modeling the dependences of the carbon dioxide concentration and the pressure of the gas-air environment in the underroof space of the pipeline with different slopes and filling levels were obtained. The results obtained can serve as a basis for the approach to predicting the process of gas evolution in sewer sections.

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UDC 628.1:614.777

Lapshin A. P., Ignat'eva L. P.

Qualitative composition of drinking water at the purification and transportation stages


Poor sanitary and technical state of water distribution networks is the main reason of water quality deterioration in public water supply systems. During transportation drinking water often takes the properties that exclude the possibility of using it. At that not only corrosion processes inside the pipelines but also microorganism life activities produce negative impact. Slowdown of water flow results in the dissolved oxygen deficiency and startup of reduction processes by iron and manganese-reducing bacteria in consequences of which
metal ions deposited on the pipe walls are released into the drinking water and cause water quality deterioration. Disrepair state of the distribution pipelines and formation of biological film on the inner surface of the pipes not only produce impact on the organoleptic water properties, iron and manganese concentrations but also enhance heavy metal releasing into the drinking water during transportation. The evaluation of the technical state of the distribution network and results of the laboratory studies of the drinking water in the process of transportation revealed the low level of sanitary reliability of the public water supply in Tumen. The results of hygienic evaluation of the water distribution network showed that the municipal water distribution system is not sufficiently reliable from sanitary point of view and cannot ensure good quality of drinking water during transportation. The main cause of this problem is the influence of the dynamic factors and, as a result, pipe biofouling.

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UDC 504.064(282.247.21)

NEFEDOVA E. D., Roumyantsev V. A., Yakovlev V. A., Zhourenkov A. G., Zaichouk А. А.

Complex of equipment for detecting accidental oil spills in the Neva water area


The operating principle, purpose, makeup and example of using the Complex of equipment for detecting accidental oil spills in the Neva water area (in PUE St. Petersburg Vodokanal) are presented. The complex of remote optical recorders and fluorimetrical instruments of flowing type is a reliable system of continuous monitoring and early detection of accidental oil spills with the purpose of warning and prompt management decision making for their localization and elimination.

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UDC 628.161
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.11.02

Egorova Yu. A., Strelkov A. K., Nesterenko O. I., Strelkova T. A., Talovyria Larisa

Measures to supply Samara Urban District with drinking water from surface and underground water sources in accordance with 2.1.3684-21 and 1.2.3685-21 Sanitary Rules and Regulations


In accordance with the Resolution of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated January 28, 2021 No. 3, new sanitary rules and regulations have been approved and in force in the Russian Federation from March 1, 2021, requiring a more stringent approach to the quality of purified water: SanPiN 2.1.3684-21 «Sanitary and epidemiological requirements to the maintenance of the territories of urban and rural communities, to water bodies, drinking water and drinking water supply, atmospheric air, soil, residential premises, operation of industrial and public premises, arrangement and implementation of sanitary and antiepidemic (preventive) measures» and SanPiN 1.2.3685-21 «Hygienic standards and requirements to ensure the safety and (or) harmlessness of environmental factors to humans». In this regard, the specialists of Samara Utility Systems LLC are carrying out a comprehensive upgrade and reconstruction of the water supply and wastewater disposal systems in Samara with the purpose of improving integrally the qualitative and quantitative performance of the systems. Measures have been developed for the reconstruction and modernization of water treatment facilities to provide for the concentration of residual aluminum and chloroform meeting the sanitary standards. The implementation of the activities is planned for the period from 2024 to 2041.

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UDC 628.

KINEBAS A. K., PANKOVA G. A., LOMBAS S. V., JUDIN M. Iu., Il'in Iu. A., IGNATCHIK V. S., Ignatchik S. Iu.

Methods of Monitoring of Sewerage Pumping Stations (on the example of SPS № 10 of the St. Petersburg’s water disposal system)


Methods of the monitoring of sewerage pumping stations tested at the SPS № 10 of St. Petersburg are presented. These methods allow to determine (taking into account the changes in the receiving tank – pumps – network system during the operation) technological characteristics of reliability of the pumping station operation necessary for selection of pumps and substantiation of power saving decision at reconstruction.

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UDC 628.24

PANKOVA G. A., Klementyev M. N.

Mobile diagnostic package for the inspection of tunnel sewers


To maintain the wastewater disposal systems in proper working order and prevent from emergency situations regular inspections of tunnel sewers shall be carried out. For safety considerations technical inspections are usually carried out at night when the tunnel fill is minimal. However, there are sections that are difficult to inspect because of almost complete fill and impossibility of their temporary cutoff. It is impossible to guarantee detecting all the defects in the tunnel submersed section inspected. This predetermined the necessity of the systematic approach to efficient and comprehensive monitoring of the technical state of tunnel sewers; to the development and introduction of an automated system with the use of advanced hardware environment, numerical procedures and information systems. The mobile diagnostic package for the inspection of tunnel sewers developed by the experts of St. Petersburg Vodokanal is described. The presented equipment provides for obtaining reliable information on the state of both the above-water and submersed parts of the sewers. Inspection is carried out without cutting off sewers; at that the presence of workers in the tunnel is not necessary. The equipment is installed on the truck chassis. The mobile diagnostic package provides for building up the data base of the tunnel sewer state; determining maintenance and repair priorities.

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UDC 504.454:519.257

Melnitsky I. A., Trukhanova N. V., Beloliptsev I. I., Kantor E. A., Kholova Al’fiia, Vozhdaeva Juliya

Simulating the concentration of oil products in the natural water of Ufa


The results of statistical processing of data on the concentration of oil products in river water are presented. According to the monitoring results for the period 2002–2016, the concentration of oil products in the Ufa River water and tap water in Ufa was less than 0.05 mg/dm3; in the Belaya River water it was in the range of 0.05–0.4 mg/dm3. To identify the influence of deterministic (cyclical and seasonal trending) and random factors on the concentration of oil products in the Belaya River water the method of decomposition of a time series using an additive model was used. The hypothesis of an increase in the trend in the concentration of oil products in the Belaya River water was confirmed. The probability of exceeding the concentration of oil products in river water above the established value of the maximum permissible concentration is estimated. It has been stated that the concentration of oil products in the Belaya River water sampled upstream and downstream the city is dominated by random factors: 62.6 and 80.5%, respectively.

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UDC 628.241

Lobanov A. A., Gromov A. A., Zhuravlev A. E.

The experience of constructing the extension of the main sewer  in the northern part of St. Petersburg


The experience of constructing the extension of the main sewer in the northern part of Saint-Petersburg is presented. The works were carried out in a complex hydrological environment with the use of advanced tunneling machinery. Pressure-gravity drain siphon was chosen from the options considered. During the shaft construction both traditional methods (drilling freezing columns, shaft free­zing with formation of glacial soil massive, boring in glacial soil shield with installation of immediate support of reinforced concrete tubing, construction of reinforced concrete jacket and technological shaft equipping), and new ones (shaft shielding with piled walls followed by drilling and constructing reinforced concrete jacket, shaft boring with shaft sinking machine and installing immediate support of segment blocks and sinking the whole support structure with shaft sinking) were used. In the process of constructing the main siphon tunnels boring with mechanized complexes with simultaneous assembling the immediate support of the tunnel with reinforced concrete tubing was used. At wash-out site in the process of boring the second line of the siphon an advanced tunnel-boring complex with hydroweight and hydrohaulage with constructing immediate support of the tunnel of segment blocks was used. To provide for the nonsilting flow rate in the sewer under the conditions of wastewater flow decrease a flow regulation facility was built in the lowest sewer point. The use of the advanced tunneling complex provided for shortening the timeline to completion of the sewer construction, ensu­ring leaktightness of the constructions and operations safety eliminating workers access to the tunnel face. Commissioning the extension of the sewer in the northern part of Saint-Petersburg provided for increasing wastewater treatment to 98.4%.

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UDC 628.112.23

Kamenetsky A. B., Kurianov V. A., Tushina V. F., Semenova I. V., Mal’tseva E. I.

The evaluation of exploitable potential and quality of the underground
water used by «Zelenogradvodokanal» Operations Department


The results of studying the regimes of underground water levels and water abstraction from the service carbonaceous aquifers are presented. Beginning from 2003 the Kasimovskii and Podol’sko-Miachkovskii complexes have been exploited under pressure-gravity conditions; whereas the Aleksinsko-Protvinskii complex – under pressure conditions. Reappraisal of the exploitable underground water potential on the territory under consideration was carried out with mathematical model approach using software package. The analysis of the long-term studies showed that at present the water table is not changing along with the marked decline of the underground water level in the service aquifers. In the wells completed in different aquifer systems the change of the underground water level of the next to the surface aquifer system in the sections with jurassic aquitard clays in their geologic profile does not depend on carbonaceous system level behavior (therefore, on water abstraction). In case the next to the surface aquifer lies directly on a carbon aquifer system the exploitation of the latter can affect the underground water level. However, under the circumstances the natural depth of occurrence of the next to the surface aquifer system is usually more than 3–5 meters; therefore, any further level decrease does not have any negative consequences for vegetation. The analysis of artesian water quality for the period from 1981 to 2012 for 18 organoleptic and composite indices, and three microbiological parameters is presented. The comparative analysis of artesian water quality of three aquifers is given alongside with the composition consistency of aquifer systems. The concentration of the elements typical for aquifers is presented.

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UDC 542.08

Rakcheev P. Iu., Volosnikova E. A.

Instrumental methodological solutions by «Lumex» Group  for environmental control and monitoring


For more than 25 years «Lumex» Group has been a leading diversified enterprise in Russia manufacturing a wide spectrum of analytical instruments and providing for methodological supporting solutions for environmental control and monitoring. «Fluorat®-02-4M/5M» fluid analyzers are presented that ensure complete consistency of operations of the previous models in the field of the methodological support. «Fluorat®-02-4M/5M» can be used as a fluorimetric instrument, whereas «Fluorat®-02-Panorama» can be used as a spectrofluorimetric detector as a component of «Lumachrom» liquid chromatograph. The modifications of «Kapel’®» capillary electrophoresis system with liquid cooling of the capillary with a preset carrier temperature, autosamplers for mounting test tubes with samples and work solutions, replaceable cassettes with capillaries of various diameters are described. «MGA» Series atomic absorption spectrome­ters with electrothermal atomization are presented that provide for determining the level of heavy metal pollution of natural, drinking, waste water, soil and other objects; also presented is «RA-915M» mercury analyzer that in combination with different add-on units provides for measuring mercury in water, soil, solid and liquid samples with complex matrix (foodstuff, oil, biomaterials).

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UDC 628.144

Bol'shev K. N., Ivanov Vasilii Alekseevich, Stepanov A. A., Varfolomeev G. R.

Temperature and pressure monitoring system of the water distribution networks of Yakutsk


The information on the design of the system of monitoring temperature and pressure in the water distribution networks of Yakutsk is presented. In operating the municipal water supply under low temperature conditions continuous water temperature and pressure monitoring in the network is needed to prevent from pipeline freezing and overheating of the pumped water. To this end automated systems of temperature and pressure monitoring in the networks have been deve­loped. To provide for the data remote transfer for the system control Circuit Switched Data (CSD) technology for GSM mobile networks is used. With the help of this technology two GSM modems can establish a communication channel for import of data. For the operation of this system at a remote measuring point a cellular communication signal of the selected operator at the facilities together with continuous power supply shall be available. AIR-10N pressure sensors and TSPU-205-N temperature sensors were used as transmitters with 4–20 mA standardized signal; CPU – computer-process interface modules manufactured by Elemer SPE OJSC were used for subsequent transformation of signal and interface. Exchange of data between the computer and analogue input modules is ensured by MODBUS protocol version. To provide for the system control an information computerized system including a data base with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express, a service of terminal polling with the help of Windows service application, and an operator interface was developed. At present the system is operating steadily in the mode of systematic polling. The designed system can provide for collecting data from 200–300 measuring points.

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UDC 628.16:504.064

Vasilenko S. L., Kobylianskii V. I.

The system of early warning of water quality deterioration
on the basis of toxicological testing


To improve raw water quality monitoring at water intakes and determine water toxicity the methods of biotesting are used to provide for making timely protecting management decisions. The system of raw water quality monitoring in municipal water supply is based on setting maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants. In Ukraine the normative standards of surface water protection from pollution (SanPiN 4630-88), where critical chemicals of the first and second classes of hazard alone amount to hundreds. The techniques developed earlier are inconsistent because of the discrepancies between the enlarging list of pollutants and out-of-date technical and methodological capacities of the supervisory agencies. The use of the biotesting method based on recording the photosynthetic capacity and respiration of Chlorella vulgaris Beijer or Scenedesmus quadricauda green algae for strategic pollution monitoring has been suggested. The flowchart of an automatic continuous monitoring station and an algorythm of natural water quality assessment were designed. The correlation between water toxicity index and traditional integral, physical and chemical water quality indices is shown. The flowchart of an automatic continuous monitoring station and its technical capacbilities that provide for tapping into the regional environmental monitoring system are described. A pilot model of the automatic continuous monitoring station was successfully tested at the Petchenezhskoye water reservoir. It was found that the toxicity index increased when BOD increased and the oxygen concentration decreased. The oxidation characetristic at that time did not change practically. On the basis of investigating natural water composition and experimental measuring water toxicity setting 40% threshold toxicity value for drinking water supply is recommended.

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UDC 628.24:69.059

Klementyev M. N., Zhitenev A. I., Perminov N. A., Perminov A. N.

Specific features of inspecting and innovative methods of protecting sewer tunnels in operation for a long time in unstable soils under increasing technogenic impact


An important factor in ensuring the technospheric safety associated with the increasing technogenic impact with the intensive development of megalopolises is the stability of the operation of urban underground engineering infrastructure utilities. Sewer tunnels that have been in operation for a long time in unstable soils, need special protection from man-made impacts. On the basis of the study of pilot and experimental materials, the features of the operation of deep sewer tunnels under conditions of soft soils and intense technogenic impacts are analyzed. New methods of diagnostics, defect symptoms and the results of modeling the combined action of systems «sewer tunnel – enclosing geoarray», as well as the experimental data at pilot facilities are presented. Geotechnological methods have been developed to protect long-term operating sewer tunnels. A unique experience of applying the developed methods at the facilities of St. Petersburg with monitoring support is presented. The proposed special methods for assessing the integrity health, the geomonitoring system and geotechnical methods for protecting sewer tunnel structures including the technologies for structural reinforcement and rehabilitation in conditions of wastewater transportation, provide for improving the bearing capacity of structures and their operational reliability in difficult soil conditions under increasing technogenic impact.


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UDC 628.31:577.472

KOZLOV M. N., Rubin A. B., Shchegolkova N. M., Matorin D. N., Shashkina P. S., Osipov V. A.

Fluorescence Methods of Monitoring the Process of Obtaining the Biomass from Microalgae


The development of domestic wastewater treatment technologies with the use of photoautotrophs up to the present moment was restrained by the lack of methods of processing the biomass obtained. In recent years there has been an active development of such technologies. The advantages of microalgae over the other sources of biomass are enormous: the highest productivity and the capability to treat water for biogenic elements up to the quality of the cleanest water bodies. Specialists of the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodokanal and M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University have studied the process of obtaining the microalgae biomass on wastewater using the up-to-date fluorescence methods. The dependence of chlorophyll a and algae biomass on the fluorescence index F0 and the biomass increment on the Fv/Fm. parameter has been detected in the laboratory photobioreactor.

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