

UDC 628.24:69.059

Klementyev M. N., Zhitenev A. I., Perminov N. A., Perminov A. N.

Specific features of inspecting and innovative methods of protecting sewer tunnels in operation for a long time in unstable soils under increasing technogenic impact


An important factor in ensuring the technospheric safety associated with the increasing technogenic impact with the intensive development of megalopolises is the stability of the operation of urban underground engineering infrastructure utilities. Sewer tunnels that have been in operation for a long time in unstable soils, need special protection from man-made impacts. On the basis of the study of pilot and experimental materials, the features of the operation of deep sewer tunnels under conditions of soft soils and intense technogenic impacts are analyzed. New methods of diagnostics, defect symptoms and the results of modeling the combined action of systems «sewer tunnel – enclosing geoarray», as well as the experimental data at pilot facilities are presented. Geotechnological methods have been developed to protect long-term operating sewer tunnels. A unique experience of applying the developed methods at the facilities of St. Petersburg with monitoring support is presented. The proposed special methods for assessing the integrity health, the geomonitoring system and geotechnical methods for protecting sewer tunnel structures including the technologies for structural reinforcement and rehabilitation in conditions of wastewater transportation, provide for improving the bearing capacity of structures and their operational reliability in difficult soil conditions under increasing technogenic impact.


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