11 2020

Number 11 / 2020

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UDC 006.3:628.3:504.069

Danilovich Dmitrii, Budnitskii D., Novikov A.

Switch over to the technologic regulation of effluent discharges from municipal wastewater treatment facilities: ten years track record and recommendations after the adoption of the complete package of regulatory legal acts


On behalf of the participants in the process, a description of the concept of technological regulation of wastewater discharges from settlements, the development and adoption of legislative acts for the switch over to the new system is given. The paper dwells upon the adoption of the final regulatory legal act (Government Decree of September 2020 No. 1430), completing the development of a legislative framework designed to put an end on the use of fishery maximum permissible concentrations as wastewater discharge standards. Explanations are given on the relationship between the status of the provisions of the updated information and technical reference book ITS 10-2015 and the specified resolution in different applications. Recommendations are given for municipal wastewater treatment facilities and engineering companies on priority actions in the preparation and drawing up of applications for integrated environmental permits and design specifications and estimates according to the new regulations. Attention is drawn to the fact that switching over to a new regulation system requires assigning a category to a water body (performed by Rosvodresursy); otherwise the application of the process parameters established by the Government of the Russian Federation is impossible. The specific features of designing treatment facilities in the new regulation system are noted.


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UDC 628.316.12

Tcherkesov A. Yu.

Iron-catalytic technology for the purification of strong hydrogen
sulfide-containing wastewater from petroleum organic synthesis plants


Recommendations for the selection of a process flow scheme for the removal of sulfides by the method of iron-catalytic oxidation were developed and theoretically substantiated. The optimal conditions for running the process and utilization of sulfur extracted from wastes in the form of a commercial product were established. The proposed solutions are a new practical direction for improving the methods for removing hydrogen sulfide from concentrated solutions (total H2S is more than 50 mg/dm3). Recommendations for the selection of the optimal parameters of the process and technological schemes of desulfidation by the method of iron-catalytic oxidation were composed. A new no-waste technology for the removal of sulfides from industrial wastewater and solutions by the method of iron catalytic oxidation with the regeneration of the recycling iron hydroxide in the technology of purification with air oxygen and the utilization of sulfur extracted from the wastewater in the form of a commercial product is proposed. Advanced and environmentally friendly process flow schemes for the removal of sulfides field-tested and introduced into the investment project are proposed. Their practical implementation in industrial wastewater treatment will provide for eliminating environmental pollution with H2S and SO2 emissions and obtaining the effluent that meets both the conditions of reuse in oil-and-gas synthesis technology and regulatory requirements for the industrial effluent discharge into the municipal sewer at minimal expense.


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UDC 628.35

Ksenofontov Boris, Kolesnikov V., Chernikova L., Pochuev N.

Combined facilities for wastewater treatment in Russian cities and communities


The operation of biological treatment facilities in certain regions of the Russian Federation is complicated by the low air temperature in the cold season when its value drops down to –50°С, and the raw sewage temperature drops to about 6°С. There is much tension around this issue in case of low-flow wastewater treatment. When this occurs, it is suggested to locate the treatment facilities indoors with an optimal operating temperature providing for the efficient removal of pollutants including nutrients. At the same time, in contrast to aeration facilities with alternate zones of nitri-denitrification, the main bump for the sustainable development of amino autotrophs, aminoheterotrophs and denitrifiers is provided on the biofilter bed at combined facilities, which is confirmed by the studies carried out at a number of operating treatment facilities. In addition, the use of composite materials in biofilter bed allows reducing the specific power consumption to 0.3 kW/m3. Possible processing of the bulk of wastewater from septic tanks and cesspools has also been confirmed.


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UDC 628.336.3

Bashirov R., Rainer Zobel, Carsten Wenner

RotaCut macerators manufactured by Vogelsang for the optimization of wastewater sludge treatment processes


Advanced grinding machinery for wastewater sludge handling that provides for improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment facilities is considered. It is noted that maintaining a constant application pressure of the contacting cutting parts in the automatic mode reduces the wear of their working surfaces, and also helps to reduce equipment downtime and improve the quality of grinding in order to optimize the technological process. The given application examples prove the feasibility and potential of using Vogelsang RotaCut macerators both for wastewater sludge handling prior to mechanical dewatering, and for sludge pretreatment before it is supplied to the digester. Based on the information presented in the paper it can be concluded that the optimization of wastewater sludge handling is possible through the use of RotaCut macerators.


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UDC 628.292:65.011.4

Bitiev A. V., Rybakov R., Temnyi D.

Comparative assessment of the estimated and actual energy consumption of sewage pumping stations


The introduction of energy-efficient solutions, systems for the technological process automation and seasonal fluctuations in the wastewater flow directly affect the operation of power supply systems for sewage pumping stations, of them pumping units being the main consumers. Changing the operating mode of pumping units has the greatest impact on the amount of energy consumption of pumping stations. Most of the existing methods for calculating the power consumption of industrial facilities were developed in the 1990s, hence the most important reference values of the use and demand factors have remained unchanged since their development. Comparison of actual and design data of energy consumption of operating pumping stations is given. The difference between the actual and design values of electrical energy consumption indicates the need to improve the existing calculation methods. Estimated methods for calculating energy consumption based on the process characteristics of pumping stations were formulated and tested, the results of which showed the closest value to the actual energy consumption of sewage pumping stations.


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UDC 628.24:69.059

Klementyev M. N., Zhitenev A. I., Perminov N. A., Perminov A. N.

Specific features of inspecting and innovative methods of protecting sewer tunnels in operation for a long time in unstable soils under increasing technogenic impact


An important factor in ensuring the technospheric safety associated with the increasing technogenic impact with the intensive development of megalopolises is the stability of the operation of urban underground engineering infrastructure utilities. Sewer tunnels that have been in operation for a long time in unstable soils, need special protection from man-made impacts. On the basis of the study of pilot and experimental materials, the features of the operation of deep sewer tunnels under conditions of soft soils and intense technogenic impacts are analyzed. New methods of diagnostics, defect symptoms and the results of modeling the combined action of systems «sewer tunnel – enclosing geoarray», as well as the experimental data at pilot facilities are presented. Geotechnological methods have been developed to protect long-term operating sewer tunnels. A unique experience of applying the developed methods at the facilities of St. Petersburg with monitoring support is presented. The proposed special methods for assessing the integrity health, the geomonitoring system and geotechnical methods for protecting sewer tunnel structures including the technologies for structural reinforcement and rehabilitation in conditions of wastewater transportation, provide for improving the bearing capacity of structures and their operational reliability in difficult soil conditions under increasing technogenic impact.


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UDC 628.144:532.542

Prodous O. A., Iakubchik P.

Hydraulic calculation of pipelines made of polymeric materials
with account of the roughness parameters of the pipe inner surface (for discussion)


A method of hydraulic calculation and a calculation dependence for determining the coefficient of hydraulic resistance λ with account of the characteristics of pipe wall roughness Ra and Sm that affect the accuracy of calculating the head loss along the length according to the Darcy–Weisbach formula are presented. It is recommended to take into account the values of these parameters in the hydraulic calculation. It is proposed to develop a method of in-process control of the Ra and Sm parameter values for using in standards for pipes made of different polymeric materials. A mathematical dependence is proposed for calculating the equivalent roughness coefficient Kэ that depends on the value of the integral roughness parameter Ra. The formula provides for recalculating the Ra value into the Kэ value eliminating hydraulic experiments.


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UDC 000.000.000

Results of the fifth anniversary conference
«On the experience of upgrading water supply and wastewater
disposal systems in housing and public utilities and industry»


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Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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