03 2020

Number 3 / 2020

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.03.01
UDC 624.131.67:666.973.2

Strelkov A. K., Bykova P. G., Gridneva M. A., Dvorianinova Elena

Comparative analysis of the physicomechanical properties
of natural materials used as filter media


The results of the study of physicomechanical properties of filtering materials – crushed expanded clay with a bulk density of 525 and 555 kg/m3 and Diamix AQUA with a bulk density of 670 kg/m3 are presented. Easy upheaving clays of a certain chemical and mineral composition serve as raw materials for expanded clay production, for Diamix AQUA production raw material based on natural diatomite that includes exoskeletons of diatoms is used. Oxide concentration in Diamix AQUA is: SiO2 more than 83%, Al2O3 less than 6% and Fe2O3 less than 3.5%. Diamix AQUA filtering material has a National Registration Certificate. The research results showed that the new filtering material based on Diamix AQUA can be used as media for newly constructed filtration facilities. To regenerate the filter media, an increased backwashing rate is needed, which requires checking the throughput of the filter drainage and distribution system to pass through the increased water flow rate.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.03.02
UDC 628.16

Shuvalov M. V., Strelkov A. K., Shuvalov S. V.

Choice of design parameters – the flow rate and water quality of a surface water source while designing a water treatment plant


Statistical data over a period of 12 years on the quality of water in the Bolshoi Kinel River at the water intake of the Kinel city of the Samara Region and the procedure for allocating design parameters to the structures while designing a new water treatment plant are provided. The process flow scheme adopted by the project provides for the following processes: screening in microfilters, ozonation, lime-soda softening, coagulation, sedimentation in clarifiers with sludge blanket, filtration and disinfection. The following facilities were designed as part of the chemical treatment facilities: a unit for introducing powdered activated carbon into the treated water before rapid filters; hydrochloric acid injection unit for adjusting pH value of purified water; water reuse facilities, sludge thickening and mechanical dewatering facilities. The construction of the start-up package of the water treatment plant has been completed. To carry out the calculation of the structures of water treatment plants, allocating three combinations of the values of the calculated parameters – water flow rate and quality (concentration of determining ingredients) of the source water depending on the type of structure or process equipment is proposed.

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UDC 628.17.001.4

Strelkov A. K., Egorova Yu. A., Bykova P. G., Nesterenko O. I., Strelkova T. A., Talovyria Larisa

The influence of the ecological state of the water source
on the mode of operation of water


While studying the water quality of the water source of the city of Samara – the Saratov water reservoir, special attention was paid to the main indicators that influence the choice of chemical treatment: turbidity, permanganate index and color. Seasonal changes in the water quality of the water reservoir require constant adjustment of the chemical dose in order to meet the regulatory requirements to the quality of treated water. The results of the studies of changes in the water quality of the Saratov reservoir at the water abstraction points of the city of Samara for 2017–2019 by turbidity, permanganate index and color are presented. Due to the abnormal temperature differences and onset of autumn flood (end of December 2019 and January 2020), the water quality in the water reservoir dramatically changed in color and permanganate index. It was noted that an increase in these indicators required an increase in the dose of chemicals during the source water purification. The optimal dose of chemicals is selected with Lovibond ET-750 flocculator depending on the composition of the source water. Regular test coagulation allowed maintaining the quality of purified water in accordance with the regulatory requirements of SanPiN «Drinking water. Quality control», except for color and total iron since the values of these indicators were increased within the measurement accuracy.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.03.04
UDC 628.16.081:535.537

Kichigin V. I., Egorova Yu. A., Atanov N. A.

Investigation of the effect of changes in the ion composition
of water on the zeta-potential and redox potential


The results of studies of drinking water in the public water supply system of the city of Samara are presented. While determining the organoleptic indicators of the water quality, an increase in color of the initial samples by 1–3 degrees within the procedural error was revealed. This may be due to the high concentration of iron and its compounds or humic substances in the samples on the days of the experiment, as well as to the high physical deterioration of the water distribution networks (both street networks and plumbing in the buildings), and the general increase in water color in the Saratov water reservoir in the city of Samara in recent years. The dependence of the ζ-potential on the redox potential value and ion composition of water is established. The physicochemical composition of the studied water is determined, an analysis of the results is carried out. In the course of the research, such indicators as pH, temperature, turbidity and alkalinity were additionally determined to obtain an aggregate picture of the water quality. The compliance of all studied water indicators with the requirements of SanPiN «Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control» was confirmed. Mathematical dependences between the ζ-potential, hardness, and the concentration of anions and cations in the water under study are given with an approximation authenticity R2 higher than 0.83. This allows calculating the ion composition and turbidity of drinking water in Samara only by the value of the ζ-potential or redox potential without expensive labor-intensive chemical analyzes. The proposed method is recommended to be used as an express analysis of drinking water.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.03.05
UDC 696.11

Strelkov A. K., Zotov Yu. N., Mikhailova I. I.

On improving Code of Rules (CR) 30.13330.2016 «Water supply and drains of buildings. Revised edition of SNiP 2.04.01-85*» (for the discussion)


The article is explaining the amendments to Code of Rules (CR) 30.13330.2016 «Water supply and drains of buildings. Revised edition of SNiP 2.04.01-85*». The results of the analysis of the interconnections of the system of technical regulation in construction business and the system of regulating the provision of public services are presented. In order to create a legitimate methodological toolkit, the experts of the Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Samara State Technical University developed amendments to CR 30.13330.2016 that will clarify the content of the regulatory document and specify certain elements of the design and calculation of the internal water supply systems of an apartment building. The methodology of designing drinking water supply systems for apartment buildings is considered. Methodological procedures and their practical implementation in the design of internal drinking water supply systems of an apartment building are given.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.03.06
UDC 628.358

Strelkov A. K., Egorova Yu. A., Stepanov S. V., Levin D. I., Doubman I. S., Nikolaev Aleksei

Project for the reconstruction of the tertiary treatment plant
at the wastewater treatment facilities of the city of Samara


Design solutions implemented by «Samarskie Kommunal’nye Sistemy» LLC on the reconstruction of the tertiary treatment plant of the Samara wastewater treatment facilities were considered and analyzed. The project provides for the chemical removal of phosphorus in addition to biological dephosphotation and filtration of effluents after biological treatment. The chemical phosphorus removal unit has been constructed as a building with a packaged plant inside for the preparation and dosing of aluminum sulfate solution; this layout provides for reducing the heating and ventilation costs of the chemical treatment facilities. The chemical agent is added at twelve points in the sludge mixture flow at the outlet of each aeration tank. The calculated concentration of phosphorus as phosphate in the effluent is 0.2 mg/l; the annual consumption of marketable coagulant is 1545 tons; the purchase unit cost is 0.15 rubles/m3. Tertiary treatment by filtration has been ensured by the reconstruction of eight circular settling tanks with a diameter of 54 m into settler-filters with floating media. Herewith, no construction of new buildings and utilities is required. The calculated concentration of suspended solids in the effluent is 4 mg/l, BODfull – 3 mg l. The specific energy consumption for the operation of filters with floating media is
0.57 Wh/m3, the cost of electricity – 0.0022 rubles/m3.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.03.07
UDC 628.221

Palagin Evgenii, Strelkov A. K., Pavlukhin A. A., Bykova P. G.

Determining the calculated depth of rainfall while designing surface runoff treatment facilities


Summarized data on the maximum depth of rainfall disposed to the facilities for the purification of surface runoff from residential and industrial areas of the first and second groups are presented. The basic regularities of the rainfall distribution over the territory and their analysis are given. The possibility of using the three-parameter Kritsky-Menkel distribution to determine the depth of precipitation with a given period of a single excess is proved. The obtained dependences of the depth of rainfall on the location of the weather station can be used for a preliminary pre-project evaluation of the depth of rainfall subject to the disposal to the surface runoff treatment facilities. For enterprises of the first and second groups using the three-parameter Kritsky-Menkel distribution is possible while determining the depth of rainfall with a given period of a single excess of at least 0.14 years.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.03.08
UDC 628.212.2:625.042

Teplykh Svetlana, Strelkov A. K., Bukhman N. S.

Environmental and economic assessment of surface runoff
discharge from railway stations


Non-point and controlled discharges of raw and insufficiently treated surface runoff from railway stations, bridges and bridge crossings produce a negative impact on the natural state of intersecting or nearby water bodies. The environmental damage of the surface runoff from the railway stations and bridge crossings of the Kuibyshev Railway was assessed for non-point discharge (without treatment); for controlled discharge through the tank; for 70% treatment efficiency; for the treatment to the quality standards for fishery waters. The calculations show that for bridge crossings and small stations surface runoff treatment with 70% efficiency is rational; for medium and big railway stations surface runoff treatment to the quality standards for fishery waters is recommended; for railway terminals only individual design should be applied, possibly with zoning of the territory, due to the large length of up to 5km and the complex layout of railways and availability of enterprises that provide services to the terminal. Preservation and restoration of natural water bodies is possible with certain investments in the protection of the environment provided the water bodies return or approach their original state. For environmental protection measures the economic result is expressed in: prevented damage and an increase in the income of the owner of the facility that affects the water resources region.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.03.09
UDC 628.24

Shuvalov M. V., Tarakanov D. I.

The use of pipes made of various materials for the construction of sewer networks


The results of the analysis of data on sewer networks in settlements of Russia as of 2014–2019 are presented. All settlements are divided into six groups depending on the number of inhabitants. For each group, the distribution of sewer networks is established depending on the material of the pipes. Сeramic and cast iron pipes have been most widely used over the past 100 years. Schedules for commissioning sewer networks made of various materials over the years have been developed. Over the past 20 years plastic pipes have gained widespread use accounting for about 50% of newly constructed sewer networks. Information was collected on the commissioning dates of individual sections of sewer networks. The largest number of the operating sewer networks was built between 1970 and 1979. In general, the standard service life for 55% of networks was exceeded in all settlements. In the coming years, a significant increase is expected in the share of plastic pipes in the total length of sewer networks.

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