Tag:sludge index



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UDC 628.355.2

Nikolaev Yu. A., KAZAKOVA E. A., GRACHEV V. A., Kevbrina M. V., Dorofeev A. G., Aseyeva V. G., Akmentina A. V.

Biological treatment of municipal wastewater and return flows with the use of granulated sludge


The experience of aerobic granulated activated sludge formation in the laboratory batch reactor by sedimentation selection with the use of flocculant is described. The sludge is used in the process of low concentrated municipal wastewater and sludge dewatering filtrate (centrate) treatment. The developed technologies of granulated sludge formation provide for the intensification of the wastewater treatment processes; and hence the reduction of the treatment facilities footprint is ensured alongside with the improvement of their operation, reliability and efficient performance.

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UDC 628.356.5

Kevbrina M. V., KOZLOV M. N., Dorofeev A. G.

Secondary settlers: comparison of the calculation methods in designing and analysis of the parameters of efficient operation of the facilities


The results of the comparison of methods of calculating secondary settlers through the example of a model wastewater treatment plant (domestic method according to SNiP 2.04.03-85, German method according to Germany Standard ATV-DVWK-A131E, American method based on mass flow theory) are presented. It is shown that the surface area of settlers calculated according to Standard ATV has higher values compared to the calculations according to SNiP 2.04.03-85 and American method. The values of the surface area of settling tanks calculated according to SNiP 2.04.03-85 and American method are very close. At the same time the SNiP method is much simpler and requires much less initial parameters than the American method. For the domestic practice of operating secondary settlers it is proposed to introduce a new parameter – «dry matter loading on the settler surface» taken from the mass flow theory. This indicator indicates how much dry matter of the mixed liquor from aeration tanks enters per unit surface of secondary settlers per hour and corresponds to the incoming mass flow. By varying the dry matter loading on the surface of secondary settlers it is possible to provide for the standard suspended solids concentration in effluent. Through the example of the operating 54 m diameter settlers the dependence of the clarification efficiency on this parameter is shown.

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UDC 628.35:661.63

Rouzhitskaya O. A., Gogina Elena, Salomeyev V. P.

Using reinforced medium for the enhancement of phosphate and organics removal from wastewater


The results of investigating advanced phosphate removal from domestic wastewater are presented. The method of advanced wastewater treatment with the use of reinforced medium is suggested. The highest phosphate removal efficiency is achieved with the help of the technology without activated sludge recycling. The enhancing effect of reinforced medium on biological removal of organics is shown. The activity coefficients of the biological process with the use of reinforced medium are determined.

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UDC 628.356

Kharkina O. V., Shotina K. V.

Research in Operation of Nitri-Denitrification Aerotanks with Heightened Doses of Activated Sludge


Specialists of the MSUE Mosvodokanal have developed the technological method making it possible to develop purposefully activated sludge having a sludge index reduced stably for technology of biogenic elements removal and heightened speed of sedimentation. It makes it possible to increase the oxidation capacity of aerotanks as regard the chemical oxygen consumption and ammonium nitrogen. In the issue of pilot studies carried out the rise of oxidation capacity by 1,6–1,7 times owing to the change of technological conditions of the unit operation has been achieved. The method developed makes it possible to reconstruct aerotanks for biological treatment of wastewater for nitrogen and phosphorus without reduction of hydraulic loading.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.07.07
UDC 628.356.5

Kevbrina M. V., Novikov S. N.

Method of analyzing the operation of secondary settlers with the purpose of the optimization (for the discussion)


According to the results of laboratory tests on determining the sedimentation rate of sludge mixture particles in aeration tanks of wastewater treatment facilities, the curves of the gravitational mass flow, calculated in two ways, were plotted. Through the example of sludge mixture in the experimental aeration tank at the Lyuberetskie wastewater treatment facilities in Moscow, a method for analyzing the operation of secondary settlers State Point Analysis, based on the theory of mass flows, is presented. This method provides for estimating the operation of secondary settlers with the purpose of making an operational decision to optimize their operation. «Dry matter load on the surface of secondary settlers» indicator is proposed to be introduced into the practice of operating secondary settlers as another tool for the control of their operation. This parameter shows the amount of dry matter of the sludge mixture in the aeration tanks that is supplied per unit surface of the secondary settlers per hour, and corresponds to the incoming mass flow. The dependence of the concentration of suspended solids in the effluent on the dry matter load and sludge index is given. By changing the dry matter load on the surface of the secondary settlers the standard quality of effluent in terms of suspended solids can be ensured.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.02.05
UDC 628.32:22.765

Semin M. M., Tokarev Nikolai, Iavtushenko Marina, Lobanov Fedor, Chukalina Tat’iana, Plekhanov A. V.

Use of a chemical regulator at the wastewater treatment facilities operated by MUE Vodokanal of Podolsk


Possible use of natural minerals based on calcium carbonate (monocalcite) to correct pH (carbonate-bicarbonate equilibrium) in order to improve the treatment effect of activated sludge bacteria in the aeration tank and the sedimentation properties of activated sludge in the secondary settling tank is considered. The sedimentation properties of activated sludge are corrected because of the interaction between functional oxygen-bearing substrata of activated sludge flocculation bacteria and calcium ions. As a result, firm, rapidly settling flocs are formed and, consequently, the value of the sludge index decreases compared to the technological line and settling line operating in the regular mode. It is recommended to use a chemical regulator to normalize the operation of the aeration tank in winter (possible bioflotation), spring and autumn periods at high hydraulic loads.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.10.03
UDC 628.35:615.076

Dubovik Ol’ga, Markevich R. M., Gavrilovich Ekaterina, Grebenchikova Irina, Ivanovich Vadim

Improving the hydrobiological analysis of activated sludge
at the Minsk wastewater treatment facilities


Based on the accumulated experience in operating the Minsk Wastewater Treatment Facilities and a review of information sources, a scheme for the hydrobiological analysis of activated sludge was determined, and a form for recording the results of the analysis was provided. For the quantitative account of filamentous microorganisms, an original five-point system was developed. Based on the literature data analysis, favorable conditions for the mass growth of filamentous microorganisms found in activated sludge were determined. Over a long period of time, including different seasons of the year, the improved methodology was tested for monitoring the state of the sludge suspension at two sites of the treatment facilities: traditional four-line continuous-flow aeration tanks at the first site and bioreactors with cascade denitrification at the second site. The species of filamentous microorganisms, permanently living in wastewater treatment structures, have been identified, and the dominant species have been determined. The results of the analysis of filamentous forms and sedimentation characteristics of activated sludge are compared. Conclusions were made about the features of the biocenosis in the aeration tanks at the first site and in the bioreactors at the second site; about the identity of the species composition of the filamentous bacteria communities, the effect of the wastewater composition and treatment conditions (sludge load, occurrence of zones with different levels of aeration) on the properties of the sludge suspension.

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УДК 628.315.1: 628.355: 676.2

Shchetinin A. I., Kostin Yu. V., Andreev E. L., Esin M. A., Malbiev B. Yu., Demyanenko E. V., Yurchenko V. A.

Syktyvkar Timber Processing Complex: Solving of Wastewater Treatment Problems


Peculiarities of the wastewater treatment process of the Syktyvkar timber processing complex typical for pulp and paper industry are described. Data on studies of the problem of activated sludge swelling are presented. It is proposed to solve this problem using the aerobic selector. On the basis of simulation results the scheme of reconstruction of preaerators of inlet flows into an aeration tank is proposed; according to this scheme the wastewater mix and return activated sludge are supplied to the first tunnels of preaerators operating as a selector of bacteria. The article presents a flow chart of wastewater and sludge treatment for retechnologization of existing facilities consisting of the following stages: treatment of wastewater at fine treatment mechanical grates and aerated sand catchers; degassing of wastewater before primary sedimentation tanks; installation of belt filter presses for treatment of excess activated sludge; installation of equipment for additional dewatering of primary sludge and excess activated sludge up to 50% of moisture content; disinfection of wastewater.

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