Tag:horizontal settling tank



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UDC 628.3.034.2:628.169.2

Artemenok N. D., Urvantseva M. I.

Complex Assessment of Processes of Wash Water Treatment at Water Supply Stations of the Western Siberia


Methods of treatment of wash water of water supply stations located at surface water sources of the Western Siberia are considered. The technology of the multiple use of wash water in the technological process at main facilities of pumping-filtration stations is offered. The basic properties of natural and wash waters are defined, sizes of the facilities required for qualitative treatment of wash water are calculated. Results of the experimental study and calculations made prove the possibility of application of the main technological scheme of natural water treatment (horizontal settling tanks and rapid filters) at operating treatment facilities for wash water treatment.

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UDC 628.336.57:628.161.3

Butko D. A., Lysov V. A., Nechayeva L. I., Popovian G. V., Ryltseva Yu. A.

Indirect determination of water sludge properties


In the course of investigating sludge properties and determining sludge shear strength a conversion factor was specified that allowed adapting laboratory data to the measurements obtained directly at the facilities (horizontal settling tanks). The curves of changes in sludge consistency depending on sludge shear strength values are presented.

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UDC 628.16

Fomina V. F., Fomin A. V.

Upgrade of horizontal sedimentation tanks with the use  of dissolved-air flotation


The analysis of the efficiency of low turbidity colored water of the Vychegda River purification at the water treatment facilities of Syktyvkar in horizontal sedimentation tanks operating in the mode of coagulation at 2–3 times lowered hydraulic loading is presented. The necessity of upgrading the sedimentation tanks by redesigning their exit sections into flotation chambers is substantiated. The enhancement of the sedimentation tank operation by equipping with a flotation chamber provides for meeting the regulatory requirements to the drinking water quality under the conditions of significant seasonal fluctuations of the raw water quality indicators and temperature. Enhanced clarification of the water being coagulated is ensured before the filtration stage; at that the flow rate of backwash water decreases 3 times, the number of filter washes per day decreases to 0.5 times and less (filter run increases to 2 days and more). Backwash water purification together with raw water provides for streamlining the process flow scheme and chemical facilities (the number of chemical injection and dosing points decreases); facilitating the operation of the facilities, 8% operational expenses saving and plant demand decreasing to 3%. The upgrade of horizontal sedimentation tanks with the use of dissolved air flotation is more economically and environmentally feasible than the reconstruction of the two-stage filtration facilities. It provides for doubling the sedimentation facilities output, decreasing the amount of wash water and combined with raw water handling.

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UDC 628.161.2/.3

Pokhil Yu. N., Oskolkov N. V., Bogdanov B. A., Mamaev V. V., Artemenok N. D., Borovkov M. L.

Purification of high-color low turbid water in the city of Kuibyshev, Novosibirsk Region


Drinking water has been an essential factor in shaping public health and living standards. Water quality is one of the priorities in the activities of the state sanitary and epidemiological service and municipal authorities. The reasons for the unsatisfactory purification of surface high-color low-turbid water at the water treatment facilities are considered. A new process flow scheme of two-stage water purification at the pumping station site of the city of Kuibyshev, Novosibirsk Region, providing the required quality of water with a design capacity has been developed. A full range of commissioning works was carried out with the determination of the process parameters of the facilities and development of the required documentation (standard operating procedures, flow charts, monitoring instructions, operating instructions). The clear organizational management, involvement of qualified specialists, introduction of effective methods, technologies and chemicals provided for solving the problem of bringing the quality of water purification of the Om River to the requirements of SanPiN «Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality in public drinking water supply systems. Quality control. Hygienic requirements for ensuring the safety of hot water supply systems» in all parameters. The experience of solving the problems of purification of high-color low-turbid water of the Om River in the city of Kuibyshev, Novosibirsk Region is presented.

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UDC 628.16

Bykova P. G., Strelkov A. K., Zanina Zh. V., Zanin M. A., Poniaeva A. P.

Filter wash water reuse


The technology of filter wash water reuse in the technological process at the main facilities of a filtration pumping station in Otradnyi town, Samara Area, is suggested. The basic characteristics of natural and wash water have been determined; the required parameters of the wash water clarification facilities have been calculated. The experimental results and calculations showed the possibility of using horizontal sedimentation tanks taken out of operation for wash water clarification with the purpose of its reuse. Basing on the experimental results the relationship between wash water and river flow rates prior to supplying to the mixing tank was stated. The basic operational characteristics of the facilities for wash water treatment have been determined. At present detailed engineering of reusing wash water at the filtration pumping station of Otradnyi town is underway. The suggested process solution will provide for solving the important environmental protection task – to eliminate the discharge of wash water and sludge generated at the filtration pumping station into the Liman Lake and to protect the lake from silting.

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UDC 628.336.57:628.162.52

Artemenok N. D., Pokhil Yu. N., Mamaev V. V.

Improving the processes of wash water and water sludge treatment
at the water treatment plants of Novosibirsk


For two years studies of wash water and water sludge treatment processes were carried out at the two biggest water treatment plants of the city of Novosibirsk. The research results allowed framing the main directions of further utilization of wash water and water sludge. Taking into account the existing practice of operating the plants located on the opposite banks of the river Ob separate treatment of the wash water from the rapid filters and wastewater (blowing water) from horizontal settling tanks, mixing and flocculation chambers was suggested. Wash water from rapid filters purified to the quality of drinking water passes through the surge tank and is fed into the clean water tank of the water treatment plant; whereas wastewater from the sludge thickener settlers after mechanical treatment or without any treatment is discharged into the municipal sewer. Part of wastewater from the sludge thickener after treatment is processed together with filter wash water in specially designed or horizontal settlers and rapid filters isolated from the main process scheme. The suggested process solution will provide for eliminating wash water and water sludge disposal into the water bodies. The results of the experimental studies provided for determining the main technical characteristics of the operation of the wash water and water sludge treatment facilities; engineering institutions were given the recommendations on detailed designing. Putting into operation the wash water and water sludge treatment system will provide for the solution of the important environmental task for the third largest city in Russia.

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