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UDC 628.16.027:628.543

Egorova Yu. A., Kichigin V. I., Nesterenko O. I.

Study of the chemical and physical composition of raw water  at the pumping-filtration stations of Samara


The results of the study of physical, chemical and bacteriological composition of the raw water at the pumping-filtration stations in Samara for the period of 2011–2015 are presented. The limits of water quality variation by 53 indicators were determined. It was proved that the actual BOD/COD ratios were significantly lower compared to the critical value 0.5, i. e. the incoming raw water at the pumping-filtration stations in Samara contained mainly resistant to oxidation inorganic matter requiring physical and chemical treatment. It was shown that the microbiological quality of the incoming raw water at PFS-1 was worse compared to the raw water quality at PFS-2. The statistically reliable values of the physical and chemical indicators of the raw water at the water intakes in Samara were determined that provided for establishing an automated data base in «Samarskie Kommunal’nye Sistemy» LLC for predicting the required modes of drinking water purification.

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