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UDC 628.336.42

Rublevskaya O. N., Krasnopeev A. L.

Experience in Introduction of Up-to-Date Technologies and Methods of Wastewater Sludge Treatment


New up-to-date technologies are needed for the solution of problems of utilization of sludge generated in the course of wastewater treatment. In St. Petersburg before the introduction of a burning technology the whole sludge preliminary dewatered at centrifuges was stored at special landfills. During the last fourteen years the whole quantity of sludge from the city’s sewerage treatment facilities is burnt. However the sludge accumulated at landfills during preceding years continues to influence negatively on environment. To eliminate this influence it was decided to process the sludge stored at landfills. With that end in view the advanced technology of sludge geotube dewatering has been chosen. Since the summer of 2009 the industrial application of this technology began at the Northern landfill.

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