Водоснабжение и санитарная техника, №02 2011

Number 2 / 2011

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the Municipal Unitary Enterprise Gorvodokanal of Novosibirsk

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Pokhil Yu. N.

Availability, Quality, Reliability as the Basic Directions of Development of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise Gorvodokanal of Novosibirsk




the Municipal Unitary Enterprise Gorvodokanal of Novosibirsk

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the Municipal Unitary Enterprise Gorvodokanal of Novosibirsk




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UDC 628.16.004.69

Valuyskikh I. V., Mamaev V. V., Zhagin S. V., Boldyrev Viacheslav Viktorovich, Smirnov V. P.

Introduction of Up-to-Date Technologies of Potable Water Treatment


The modern conception of water treatment has been realized at the pumping-filtration station of 250 ths m3/day output supplying potable water to the left-bank part of the city of Novosibirsk. The scheme of water treatment includes preliminary water ammonization, the supply of coagulant (aluminum oxychloride) and flocculant, preliminary chlorination, mixing in a mixer of instantaneous action, preliminary flocculation, clarification in horizontal settling tanks, filtration at high-rate filters, secondary chlorination, UV-disinfection. The use of several technologies and technical decisions in the scheme of water treatment aimed at the ensuring of epidemiological safety and high quality of water makes this scheme exclusively reliable and universal.

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UDC 628.142.001.24

Belyaev N. N., Sukacheva I. N., Radetskii Mikhail

Practice of Сarrying out Hydraulic Calculations on the Example of Water Supply System of the Right-Bank Part of Novosibirsk


One of the most important problems confronting the heads of water supply-sewerage services enterprises, – the reduction of energy and operating expenses for operation of water supply and water distribution systems, – is considered. Economic reasonability of a multiple-choice hydraulic calculation of the water supply network of the right-bank part of Novosibirsk is shown. As a result of the technological studies and a series of hydraulic calculations, the most rational (in the event of an increase in the volume of water consumption in the future) scheme of development of the water supply network of the city has been developed. In a complex with hydraulic calculations of the water supply and distribution system of the right-bank part of Novosibirsk a check calculation of the sufficiency of pure water tanks capacity has been carried out and the quality of water supplied to the consumer for revealing the corrosive-aggressive properties has been analyzed.

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UDC 628.1.033:504.064.3

Turbinsky V. V.

Global and Regional Control of Water Quality


There is a review of provisions of international agreements in the field of control of water objects: potable water supply sources, the existing system of the state control of water quality on the interstate (global) and state (regional) levels. The necessity of establishment of a legal order of regulation of water relations at the inter-regional level is noted. Performance of global and regional monitoring of conditions of the sources of potable water supply should bear an inter-agency character and should be realized within the bounds of basin agreements. These agreements should be mutually beneficial for all participating parties and based on the international principles of cooperation.

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UDC 628.162.15

Nikitin A. M. , Skolubovich Iurii, Voytov E. L.

Enhancement of Efficiency of Water Supply Stations Operation


Issues of intensification of processes of coagulation treatment of low-temperature, low-turbidity and high-chromaticity water from surface sources of water supply using the reactor-clarifiers of a new design are considered. The reactor-clarifier combines advantages of sludge blanket clarifiers and granular-bed filters, has a low operational cost and reliability. The efficient complex technology of treatment of potable water from surface sources developed on the basis of experimental studies is presented. This technology increases the efficiency of operation of reconstructed water supply stations at minimal working costs. The quality of potable water treated meets the specified requirements.

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UDC 628.3.034.2:628.169.2

Artemenok N. D., Urvantseva M. I.

Complex Assessment of Processes of Wash Water Treatment at Water Supply Stations of the Western Siberia


Methods of treatment of wash water of water supply stations located at surface water sources of the Western Siberia are considered. The technology of the multiple use of wash water in the technological process at main facilities of pumping-filtration stations is offered. The basic properties of natural and wash waters are defined, sizes of the facilities required for qualitative treatment of wash water are calculated. Results of the experimental study and calculations made prove the possibility of application of the main technological scheme of natural water treatment (horizontal settling tanks and rapid filters) at operating treatment facilities for wash water treatment.

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UDC 628.3.504.05.69(083.75)

Pupyrev E. I., Bagaev Iurii, Bivalkevich A. I.

Accelerated Movement to Technological Standardization


A list of the basic methods included in the Register of the best available technologies used in the systems of communal water disposal for wastewater treatment as well as the results achieved by using them are presented. It is proposed to speed up the edition of the integrated information-technical reference book and the development of the Regulations of introduction of the best available technologies endorsed by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation. Technologies should be selected depending on concrete conditions of water use on the basis of analysis of the ecological state of a water object in the area of wastewater discharge. Principles of the selection of the best available technologies of urban wastewater depending on the ecological situation are summarized.

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UDC 628.292.004.69

Nikitin A. M. , Karabanov Yu. Z., Girikov A. O.

Modernization of Sewerage Pumping Stations


The experience in reconstruction and complex modernization of the sewerage pumping stations with replacement of outdated equipment and pump units, introduction of the automated systems of control of technological processes and application of energy saving technologies is summarized. The successful realization of a great number of innovative technological decisions made it possible to improve the level of organization and control of operation of the whole complex of pumping stations, to ensure the optimal conditions of their operation excluding emergency situations thereby, to reduce operating costs, to increase the service life of pump units and auxiliary equipment, to improve the reliability of their work and ecological safety.

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