
Number 12 / 2011

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Index of the Articles (doc, pdf) Published in the Water Supply and Sanitary Technique Magazine in 2011.





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UDC 628.1/.3

Meshengisser Yu. M., Zbrokh S. Yu., Vavilov O. Yu.

The experience of implementing projects financed by international institutions


The aspects of Russian companies participating in water and wastewater projects financed by international institutions are considered. Case study of Ecopolymer Group experience in implementing the projects of wastewater facilities reconstruction in Kishinev, Rostov, Taganrog, Zaporozhye and Vologda financed by European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and other institutions is presented. A brief description of the reconstruction objects is given; the results of work done are presented. Specific features and conditions of the successful contract execution are defined.

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UDC 628.192:614.777

Mazaev V. T., Shlepnina T. G. , Ibragimova I. T.

On new sanitary regulations on zones of sanitary protection of drinking water supply sources


The information on the enactment of the revised version of the sanitary regulations on zones of sanitary protection of the Moscow drinking water supply sources is presented. Notes to the redraft of the sanitary regulations together with the motivation of the changes from legal and hygienic angles are given. The order of developing the Project of sanitary protection zones, the procedure of reconciliation and approval in accordance with the planning regulation are set out.

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UDC 681.121:628.1

ROMANOVA N. L., Simakhin V. M., Veselov V. F.

Evaluation of the measuring conditions of water meters in the water supply system of St. Petersburg Vodokanal PUE


The basic parameters of the water flow that affect the results of water flow rate and volume measurements, i.e. fluid aeration, fluctuation of the measured flow rate under actual conditions, deposit formation on the inner surface of the water pipelines etc. are considered. Experimental investigations of the said parameters were carried out; the ways of reducing their effect on the results of measuring water flow rate and volume are suggested. The principal condition of the normal operation of measurement instrumentation should be the adjustment of all the parameters listed in the technical documentation (but not limited to those in the instruction manual) to the operational environment.

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Koshkarev A. V., Palamar O. S., Petrenko A. V., Khvorostov О. V.

60 years of Petropavlovsky vodokanal MUE




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UDC 624.97:621.175.3

Lezhnev M. L., Ryzhakov G. G., Arefyev Yu. I., Bezzateyeva L. P.

Improving the design of mesh plastic tubular sprinklers


The results of improving the design of fill media made of mesh plastic tubes alongside with the analysis of the fill media design and process characteristics are presented. It is shown that the dominant factors affecting water cooling in fill media are the surface shape and dimensions that ensure the interaction of water and air flows. The design developed jointly by NII VODGEO OJSC and Techvodpolymer Ltd., that is the new version of Fleron long tubular mesh elements is presented. Depending on the operating conditions of the cooling tower the fill media can be installed either in horizontal, or vertical or inclined position. With specific reference it is shown that at similar water temperature at the input of the cooling tower FleronN fill media ensures 1.6 water concentrations higher compared to BO-65 basic fill media or allows to reduce cooled water temperature by 2.5°C.

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UDC 697.3:621.577

Porompka S., Makhov L. M.

Specific features of well boring and wellhead completion for heat pump probe installation (German experience)


The experience of German experts in well boring and completion for the installation of geothermal probes used in combination with heat pumps is presented. Geothermal or low-grade ground heat is becoming more and more popular. The advantage is in ecological properties and low operational expenditures for heating and hot water supply.

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UDC 628.35:62-278

Gubanov L. N., Katraeva I. V., Rosenvinkel K.-Kh., Borkhman A., Kolpakov M. V., Kouzina Yu. S.

The use of ceramic membranes as submersible modules in membrane bioreactors


The results of laboratory testing the use of flat and tubular ceramic membranes as submersible modules in membrane bioreactors are presented. The studies were carried out with the use of flat ceramic membranes manufactured by ItN Nanovation German company and tubular membranes from Russian University of Chemical Engineering named after D. I. Mendeleyev. It was established that for the use in activated sludge media membranes with 200 nm pore size can be recommended; however, the transmembrane pressure shall be higher than –0.3 bar.

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UDC 628.17.001.4

Grigoryan M. P.

Air contamination monitoring in deep water and sewer manholes


The results of improving the design of fill media made of mesh plastic tubes alongside with the analysis of the fill media design and process characteristics are presented. It is shown that the dominant factors affecting water cooling in fill media are the surface shape and dimensions that ensure the interaction of water and air flows. The design developed jointly by NII VODGEO OJSC and Techvodpolymer Ltd., that is the new version of Fleron long tubular mesh elements is presented. Depending on the operating conditions of the cooling tower the fill media can be installed either in horizontal, or vertical or inclined position. With specific reference it is shown that at similar water temperature at the input of the cooling tower FleronN fill media ensures 1.6 water concentrations higher compared to BO-65 basic fill media or allows to reduce cooled water temperature by 2.5°C.

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KINEBAS A. K., Kozlov V. D.

The International Advanced Water Technologies Centre

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