

bbk 000000

UDC 681.121:628.1

ROMANOVA N. L., Simakhin V. M., Veselov V. F.

Evaluation of the measuring conditions of water meters in the water supply system of St. Petersburg Vodokanal PUE


The basic parameters of the water flow that affect the results of water flow rate and volume measurements, i.e. fluid aeration, fluctuation of the measured flow rate under actual conditions, deposit formation on the inner surface of the water pipelines etc. are considered. Experimental investigations of the said parameters were carried out; the ways of reducing their effect on the results of measuring water flow rate and volume are suggested. The principal condition of the normal operation of measurement instrumentation should be the adjustment of all the parameters listed in the technical documentation (but not limited to those in the instruction manual) to the operational environment.

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  6. TU 421364.001. Raskhodomery-schetchiki zhidkosti ul'trazvukovye US800.
  7. RE 4213-002-46970212-07. REV-P «Foton».

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