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UDC 628.31:502.1

Bagaev Iurii, Gundyreva Tat’iana, Shipulin Roman

Specific features of the transition to the process regulation of public wastewater disposal systems


The results of the analysis of proposed laws and regulations in furtherance of the legislation on process regulation of public wastewater disposal systems are presented. Pros and cons of the new regulation system are considered. The necessity of revising the maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants in effluent discharged into a water body is substantiated. The problem of excessive environmental requirements to effluent discharges that had been in power for many years in the country did not lose relevance in 2019. Permissible concentrations of substances discharged into water bodies remained on average two times tighter than in European countries. The purpose of the work was to substantiate proposals for amending approved and developing regulatory legal acts. To achieve this goal domestic and European legislation related to the process regulation was analyzed and compared. The existing system of dividing water bodies into categories is unnecessarily complicated and has an obvious imbalance (up to 95%) towards fisheries and standards; therefore it is proposed to approve three categories of water bodies to establish standards for the discharge of effluents from public wastewater disposal systems: premium fisheries category, primary fisheries category, public household category with evaluation criteria according to the existing methodology.

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  2. Nikitina O. G. Bioestimatsiia: kontrol’ i regulirovanie protsessov biologicheskoi ochistki i samoochishcheniya vody [Bioestimation: control and regulation of the processes of biological treatment and self-purification of water. Thesis for the Doctor’s degree in Engineering. Moscow, MSU named after M. V. Lomonosov Publ., 2012, 200 p.].

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