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UDC 628.32.004.69

Gogina Elena, Salomeyev V. P., Rouzhitskaya O. A., Pobegailo Yu. P., Makisha N. A.

Methodological approach to planning the upgrade of wastewater treatment facilities


The results of analyzing the operation of wastewater treatment facilities are presented. The basic provisions that shall be taken into consideration during the upgrade of wastewater treatment facilities are specified. A comprehensive solution of the environmental issues is suggested: upgrade of the entire facilities and not of separate units; introduction of advanced technologies with an account for local conditions and specific features of the facilities operation; designing the facilities according to the regulatory requirements to the effluent discharge.

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  7. Gogina E. S., Salomeev V. P. Primenenie odnoilovoi sistemy denitri-nitrifikatsii dlia rekonstruktsii biologicheskikh ochistnykh sooruzhenii // Vestnik MGSU. 2009. № 4. S. 32–36.

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