

bbk 000000

UDC 628.35:661.5

Smirnov Aleksandr Vladimirovich, Bogatyrev M. M., Ivanova Iu. A.

Wastewater treatment facilities of Adler city


The wastewater treatment facilities in Adler (Greater Sochi Area), some of the most modern facilities in Russia were built as a part of the Olympic infrastructure. The Adler wastewater treatment facilities were designed on the basis of innovative solutions: for the first time 3-D engineering was applied; the best available techniques were taken into account; zero emission system was implemented – all the facilities are covered by airproof covers; the air from the facilities is supplied to the gas cleaning system; sludge handling includes dewatering and drying; consequently the amount of sludge is reduced and sludge is disinfected. The process scheme stipulated by the project includes primary mechanical treatment of wastewater, full biological treatment, tertiary treatment and effluent disinfection. The system of generated sludge utilization includes mechanical dewatering in centrifuges with subsequent additional drying. The design concept behind the project formulated more than 10 years ago (2008 project) determined the development path of the advanced treatment technologies and served as an example of the wastewater treatment facilities built according to the principle of the best avai­lable techniques.

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