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UDC 628.169.7:628.381

KOZLOV M. N., GRACHEV V. A., Khramenkov S. V., Shchegolkova N. M., Vanyushina A. Ya., Agarev Anton

The use of soils with addition of water and wastewater sludge for industrial crop cultivation


Industrial crop cultivation for biofuel production with the use of municipal solid wastes as fertilizers is a promising technique of improving energy efficiency. Comprehensive large-scale studies of technical crop sowing (false saffron, spring rape, false flax, brittle willow) were carried out on an experimental field with soil application of water and wastewater sludge. It was shown that soil application of sludges under oil-plants provided for the significant additional yield of rape, false flax and false saffron. The yield of tree crops was higher with the application of wastewater sludge; whereas technical herbage crops (false saffron, false flax, rape) showed higher yield with water sludge application. Under unfavorable weather conditions the application of sludge enhances the drought resistance of crops. When cultivating oil-plants on soils with high pollution concentration the seeds do not absorb hazardous substances; therefore no special safety measures are required when processing the plants for biofuel production.

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  2. Merzlaia G. E., Afanas'ev R. A. Primenenie osadkov vodoprovodnykh stantsii na udobrenie. – M., Vserossiiskii NII udobrenii i agropochvovedeniia im. D. N. Prianishnikova. Elektronnyi resurs: http://www.agroxxi.ru/journals/199905/199905008.pdf.

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