Tag:laboratory tests



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UDC 628.353:661.5

Iantsen O. V.

Enhanced wastewater treatment with nitrogen compounds removal  in biofilters


Biofilters mainly built in Russia in 1960–1970-ies in most cases are a part of small-scale treatment facilities. At present most biofilters are in serviceable condition (owing to the specific design), however they provide for incomplete biological treatment. The results of the laboratory studies of the wastewater treatment technology in biofilters are presented. Several process flow schemes are considered, optimal modes of the facilities‘ operation are suggested. The properties of different filter media were studied. The advantages and drawbacks of the technologies and media studied are noted. Health-related and chemical parameters of the water treated are set. The diagrams that reflect running processes of nitrification-denitrification are presented. The use of a two-stage four-zone process flow scheme of biological wastewater treatment is substantiated. The suggested process flow scheme will provide for the wide use of biofilters both in upgrading the existing facilities and in designing new ones.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.02.01
UDC 628.1.033:658.562

NEFEDOVA E. D., Galaktionova Ol’ga

Multilevel water quality control system in the public water supply system of Saint-Petersburg


The issues related to the arrangement of the drinking water quality control, including in-process monitoring, in accordance with the current sanitary and sectorial regulations are touched upon. The experience of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» in developing production control programs, selecting control points in the distribution network with account of the risk assessment in case of water quality deterioration at the consumer’s tap, is presented. Initiatives for including into the statutory regulations on the arrangement of production control, the mandatory use of automated water quality control systems for the main indicator values (temperature, turbidity, color, pH, total organic carbon, residual chlorine) are outlined. The amendments will provide for improving the efficiency of the water supply system management, responding promptly to the changes in water composition, and continuously monitoring the state of the system sustainability with the transition to digital technologies («smart water utility»).

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2019.08.05

UDC 628.212.2

Variushina G. P.

Surface runoff disposal – an important contribution to the protection of water bodies


Information on the research and design solutions developed by the experts of «MosvodokanalNIIproject» JSC in the field of surface runoff treatment from the territory of Moscow, the causes of water sources pollution with raw surface runoff in the 1970s. The basic characteristics of the complexes for the enhanced treatment of surface runoff, the developed projects of wastewater treatment facilities for industrial enterprises with a catchment area of 0.3; 1; 5; 10 and 15 ha. It is shown that the effectiveness of surface runoff treatment meets the requirements to water bodies of commercial fishing importance. At the same time, for dewatering of sludge generated in the retention basin of wastewater treatment facilities, a grit dewatering bay is included into the process flow scheme, and an oil separator is used to collect floating oil products. The novelty of the developed technology for neutralization of surface runoff and sludge treatment has been acknowledged by five patents of the Russian Federation, approved by Gosstroy of the Russian Federation, the Central Department of Fisheries Examination and Review and Protection and Renewal and Acclimatization Standards, the Moscow City and Moscow Region Sanitary Service, Moskompriroda and Mosgosekspertiza services. The contribution of the research workers of the laboratory for the treatment of natural, industrial-storm wastewater and sludge processing to the solution of problems of surface runoff treatment is demonstrated. The information about the history of development and promising areas of research activity of the laboratory, its plans in the organizational, methodological and educational work with young professionals is given.

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UDC 628.349:661.63

KINEBAS A. K., NEFEDOVA E. D., PANKOVA G. A., Rublevskaya O. N., Pirogov A. G., Popova N. I., Klimenko A. I.

The experience of introducing the technology of chemical precipitation of phosphorus: from laboratory tests to industrial-scale operation


Meeting the latest recommendations of the Helsinki Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (HELCOM) calls for the introduction of advanced efficient methods of nutrients removal (mainly phosphorus) from municipal and industrial wastewater. Ferix-3 coagulant was chosen as a chemical. Industrial tests of chemical precipitation of phosphorus at the Kolpino, Kronstadt, Metallstroy settlement wastewater treatment facilities, as well as at the Central wastewater treatment plant, South-West wastewater treatment facilities and North wastewater treatment plant of St.-Petersburg are discussed. Chemical injection points and dosages for additional chemical dephosphorization were chosen depending on the treatment technology, automation level, wastewater composition, stability and irregular incoming flow rate.

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