

UDC 628.212.2
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.01.07

Leonov L. V., Grekov Mikhail, Iakunin L. A., Elagin Sergei, Klokov Aleksandr, Chechevichkin A. V., Triaskin Mikhail

Experience of all-season use of FOPS® filter with natural zeolite for the treatment of surface runoff from technologically disturbed territories


The aspects of pollution of surface runoff from residential areas with heavy metals is considered, and the main sources of their inflow are described. The results of full-scale tests of FOPS®-Z filter (with natural zeolite media) are presented. The efficiency and level of heavy metals removal from surface runoff using the FOPS®- Z filter was estimated. Tests were carried out on a real residential area in St. Petersburg for seven seasons (2021–2022). The results of using FOPS®-K filter basket (installed upstream of FOPS®-Z filter) at the first stage of purification of surface runoff from the residential area are presented, as well as the results of a study of the fractional composition of wastes accumulated in the FOPS®-K filter basket for the entire period of testing.

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For citation: Grekov M. A., Elagin S. V., Klokov A. I., Leonov L. V., Triaskin M. A., Chechevichkin A. V., Iakunin L. A. Experience of all-season use of FOPS® filter with natural zeolite for the treatment of surface runoff from technologically disturbed territories. Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2024, no. 1, pp. 44–51. DOI: 10.35776/VST.2024.01.07. (In Russian).

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