Tag:side protection



DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.11.01
UDC 502/504


Criterial approach to substantiation of the best available techniques for engineering protection against hazardous techno-natural processes


Prediction of measures and construction of facilities for engineering protection from hazardous processes has a number of specific features that should be borne in mind while developing a method for substantiating the best available techniques. The mathematical tools that provide for substantiating the choice of a technology for engineering protection from hazardous techno-natural processes, that can be assigned to the best available techniques, are under development. One of the approaches is presented that allows, on the basis of quantitative assessments, to substantiate the choice of an option of engineering protection against hazardous techno-natural processes. This approach is based on the expert-analytical method for assessing the risk from hazardous natural-technogenic processes that has been widely used in recent years. Mathematical tools have been proposed that provide for reasonably approaching the choice of the best available technique for engineering protection against hazardous techno-natural processes, taking into account the capabilities of the owner, his position in the current situation and development prospects.

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