

DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.06.03
UDC 628.35:665.666.6

Kevbrina M. V., Gavrilov Dmitrii, Belov N. A., Agarev Anton

Analysis of the operation of acidifiers after the reconstruction of the block of the Liuberetskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities


Municipal wastewater in Moscow after primary settling contains insufficient organic matter for the sustainable removal of nitrogen and phosphorus to the standard quality during treatment. Therefore, while designing the reconstruction of the old block of the Liuberetskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Moscow, the acidification (prefermentation) method was chosen as the most efficient process solution for enriching wastewater with easily decomposable organic matter (obtaining organic acids during acidic fermentation of raw sludge from primary settling tanks). Upon the completion of the reconstruction of the old LWWTF block at the end of 2021, primary sludge acidifiers were put into operation. Launching acidifiers provided for enriching primary water with easily decomposable organic matter (volatile fatty acids, including acetate) resulting in the improved efficiency of denitrification and biological dephosphorization processes in the aeration tanks. Two or three weeks after the acidifiers had been put into the operation mode, the quality of effluent for nitrogen as nitrates and phosphorus as phosphates was meeting the MPC for fisheries. The process parameters of the acidifiers (hydraulic retention time, residence time for dry matter, the rate of volatile fatty acids formation, the degree of recirculation, the dry matter concentration in the incoming flow) corresponded to those recommended in the literature. Possible situations of abnormal operation of acidifiers have been analyzed and recommendations have been developed to eliminate the causes.

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