

bbk 000000

UDC 628.17.001.4

Baltser D. V.

Investigating amounts and physical and chemical properties of by-product coke plant effluents


The results of investigating generation and composition of by-product coke plant phenolic effluents are presented. Balance flow scheme of phenolic effluents entering a biochemical treatment unit has been designed. It was established that the specific flow rate of phenolic effluents per 1 tonne bulk coke was 0.65 m3/h compared to 0.4–0.5 m3/h standard rate, i. e. exceeding the standard value was obvious. The need of designing and establishing the system of by-product coke plant effluent management from the moment of their generation was specified.

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  3. Metodicheskoe rukovodstvo po analizu tekhnologicheskikh i stochnykh vod predpriiatii chernoi metallurgii. – M.: Metallurgiia, 1988.

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