Tag:sanitation-and-epidemiological safety



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UDC 628.11(470.6)

Mikheeva I. V.

Water projects, water supply and wastewater disposal conditions in the communities of the Southern Federal District


Drinking water quality maintenance has been one of the priority tasks of the national sanitary and epidemiologic service activities. The population practically in all the territorial entities of the Southern Federal District suffers from the scarcity of pathogen-free drinking water because of the undercapacity of the waterworks, unsatisfactory sanitary condition of the drinking water transportation systems, inefficient use of drinking water for watering garden plots in summer, lack of the good quality water supply sources. The root cause of water sources pollution is the discharge of poorly treated effluents and raw wastewater, storm water, drainage water from irrigation systems into the water bodies. The source of sea water pollution is raw wastewater and poorly treated effluents discharged by inefficient wastewater treatment facilities. Most wastewater treatment facilities, sewers of different projects and communities on the territory of the Southern Federal District need rehabilitation, capital repair and upgrade. Drinking water quality depends on the condition and quality of the water source, water treatment technology and condition of the distribution networks that predetermines the need of water use optimization. The proposals on improving the condition of water supply and wastewater disposal and ensuring the epidemiological welfare of the population of the communities of the Southern Federal District are presented.

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UDC 628.166

KINEBAS A. K., Kostyuchenko S. V., Portnova T. M., Mikhailov V. V.

Experience of drinking water disinfection in Saint-Petersburg


The experience of the SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» activities in the field of retrofitting the technology of two-stage disinfection of drinking water with sodium hypochlorite and UV-irradiation is presented. The concept of ensuring guaranteed safety of the drinking water supply in and around Saint-Petersburg is described. The upgrade of the water disinfection system was carried out at the operating facilities eliminating any decrease in purification efficiency and waterworks capacity. The water treatment facilities use «A» trademark sodium hypochlorite and low-concentrated sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) manufactured at the factories at the Southern and Northern Waterworks. The process of sodium hypochlorite production includes: salt storage, preparation of saturated salt solution, preparation of softened water, preparation of 3–4% (mass.) concentration work salt solution, production of 0.8% concentration (mass.) sodium hypochlorite, sodium hypochlorite storage in two tanks. The process of NaOCl production is operated in automatic mode. In order to affect efficiently the entire spectrum of microorganisms including bacteria, viruses and protozoan cysts UV-irradiation is used. The outstanding feature of the UV-disinfection plants at the facilities of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» is the fact that the UV-equipment is installed at the point of drinking water supply to the distribution network (the contact time is less than 1 minute). The reliability of water disinfection is ensured by the selected method of UV-irradiation of thin water layer. Beginning from 2017 the equipment operation and irradiation dosage monitoring has been carried out in automatic mode. The analytical equipment installed at the facilities was manufactured in Saint-Petersburg.

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UDC 628.17.001.4

Kostyuchenko S. V., Khrenov K. E., Khramenkov S. V., Filatov N. N., Glinik A. I., Kvalvasser A. I., Koudryavtsev N. N., Zhoukov V. I., Petrova O. N., Parilov P. S.

The experience of UV equipment operation at the Lyubertsy Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Moscow


The experience of the ultraviolet equipment operation for effluent disinfection at the Lyubersty wastewater treatment facilities in Moscow is presented. The modular design of UV equipment provided for establishing large-scale facilities with minimum footprint for UV-disinfection of municipal effluents (1–3 million m3/day capacity and higher). The high performance is ensured by the unique UV-modules with specially designed superpower bactericidal low pressure lamps supplemented by numerous systems of monitoring, control and energy saving. Equipping the entire wastewater treatment facilities with UV disinfection modules will ensure significant improvement of the environmental and sanitation-and-epidemiological conditions of the Moskva and Pekhorka Rivers.

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UDC 628.16.081.3:351.777.6

Lebed’-Sharlevich Ia. I., Beliaeva N. I., Mamonov R. A., Pechnikova I. A., Kharchevnikova N. V., Khokhriakov A. A., Zholdakova Z. I

Sanitary and epidemiological safety and efficiency of silicocarbonic sorbent used for removing oil and oil products from water


The results of research for the sanitary and epidemiological eva­luation and determination of the efficiency of using TSHR silicocarbonic sorbent manufactured by «Khiminzhiniring» LLC for removing oil and oil products from water are presented. Sorption methods based on the physical and chemical interaction of oil with solid oil absorbing material – sorbent efficiently remove oil from the surface of water bodies. The use of sorbent can be combined with mechanical methods of oil spill skimming and biological methods of decomposition of oil collected from the sorbent surface. The investigated TSHR silicocarbonic sorbent is a product of special thermal destruction of rice husk; it appears as «carbon –silicon dioxide» finely dispersed binary solid structure. With the use of chemico-analytical and toxicological methods the sorbent safety related to toxic and allergic action was studied as well as its capability to remove oil components and inorganic substances from water. Sorption methods based on physical and chemical interaction of oil with solid oil absorbing material – sorbent proved to be efficient in removing oil from the surface of water bodies. The use of sorbents can be combined with mechanical methods of oil spill skimming and biological methods of decomposition of oil collected from the sorbent surface. As a result of studies it was stated that TSHR sorbent met the sanitary and epidemiological requirements. The model tests revealed the sorbent efficiency in removing phenol, methylnaphthalene, chloroform, ethanol and inorganic compounds. It proves the possibility of using TSHR sorbent not only for removing oil from water in water bodies but also for water purification for drinking and other purposes. The necessity of carrying out additional field studies to determine wider range of dissolved oil components and the efficiency of sorbent use for removing oil film and dissolved substances is stated.

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UDC 628.31.085

Kostyuchenko S. V., Khrenov K. E., Khramenkov S. V., Streltsov S. A., Filatov N. N., Kvalvasser A. I., Koudryavtsev N. N., Volkov Sergei

The construction of the world biggest effluent disinfection facilities at the Kouryanovo wastewater treatment plant in Moscow


The drivers for choosing UV-radiation as a basic technology of effluent disinfection at the Kouryanovo and Lyubertsy wastewater treatment facilities are presented. The proven experience of UV-disinfection plant operating at the second line of the Novo-Lyubertsy wastewater treatment facilities gave rise to the next stage of introducing the given disinfection method at the Kouryanovo wastewater treatment facilities. In the course of designing it was decided to retrofit UV-disinfection plant into the existing elevation layout of the treatment facilities by using open-channel UV-plants with vertical lamp position. The specific features of the treatment facilities operation and the condition of the discharge canal also took into account.

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Журнал ВСТ включен в новый перечень ВАК

Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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