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UDC 628.218

Chupin R. V.

Designing looped wastewater systems with bypass sewers


The aspects of simulating fluid movement in wastewater disposal systems of looped structure are considered. It is shown that separate bypass sewers can operate both with gravity and pressure flows. Meanwhile preliminary studying the flow hyd­raulic parameters is required. In the process of hydraulic network designing potential threat of wastewater underfloo­ding and surface spilling have to be analyzed first. It is suggested to determine wastewater flow rates that are distributed among separate bypass sewers on the basis of energy and mass-conservation equations (similar to Kirchhoff’s laws). General design procedure is proposed and examples of designing wastewater disposal systems with bypass network sections for the entire range of possible fluid movement modes including emergency situations are presented. The aspects of improving wastewater system integrity by introducing looped structures are considered. For the operators the design procedure can be helpful in centralized control systems in case of isolating accident failures or optimizing flow modes. In case of automatic flow distribution the design procedure provides for advance estimating control action on gate valves and simulating the aftereffect of their opening or closing. Looped structures can be used in the process of wastewater disposal system reconstruction and development; whereas the developed procedure of hydraulic designing will allow the design engineers to substantiate their parameters.

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